Xu Zhilan knew she was finished.

She had been to the medicine shop on the medicine bag some time ago, and of course she was not buying this kind of medicine.

She had been very careful and never came forward to buy the medicine. Instead, she gave money to unrelated people to buy it, thereby removing it herself.

This way no one can catch her

Her approach was very careful, just like the poison she gave Gu Deyin, which was subtle and cautious.

But now that this medicinal material appeared out of thin air in her residence, and even the medicine shop she visited was tricked into it, so would the words of the medicine shop shopkeeper and the clerk still be true?


They had finished the game, and all they were waiting for was for her to get in.

She is now speechless.

Sure enough, the shopkeeper and clerk of the medicine hall were quickly brought in. As soon as they arrived, they testified against Xu Zhilan, saying that she had bought a large amount of this medicinal material not long ago.

Even the two plates of incense had their origins, and people immediately traced them to her because she had indeed been to that incense shop.

Princess Yuanjia sneered, "Look, everyone has confirmed that you are indeed harmful to others, so what else can you say to defend yourself now?"

Xu Zhilan remained silent. She had a mental breakdown and now she just wanted to frantically pull people into the trap to support her.

She would never die alone.

She looked across the crowd at her aunt Xu.

When Mrs. Xu really found something in Xu Zhilan's residence, she didn't dare to act in a high-profile manner.

She knew very well that her niece would not be so stupid, so that meant one thing. Their aunt and nephew fell into the trap dug by others.

From beginning to end, this was a well-arranged game.

Including their sons Xu Ningyu and Liu Ruohe being caught and raped on the spot, to Zhu Geer's life experience being exposed, and finally Gu Deyin's poisoning.

There are many doubts, but they all point to one person, and that is Gu Deyin.

She was using herself as a raft to trick their aunt and nephew.

After understanding this, instead of breathing a sigh of relief, she became even more worried.

Sure enough, as soon as she came into contact with her niece Xu Zhilan's crazy eyes, she knew something was wrong.

This niece is so anxious that she jumps over the wall and is ready to bite her randomly.

No, she couldn't give her a chance.

Jiang is still old and spicy, so she strikes first.

Rushing forward, she pointed at Xu Zhilan with a distressed look.

"Zhilan, how could you do such a thing? I took pity on you and lost your parents. I have always treated you as my own daughter. Is this how you repay me?"

"Your cousin-in-law has always treated you kindly. Every time you come, she treats you warmly. How could you poison her? Where is your conscience?"

She expressed questions and regrets in her voice, showing her behavior as a good aunt.

Then she started beating her chest and crying.

"My poor daughter-in-law, I really didn't know that you would be harmed by this ruthless person. If I had known earlier, I would definitely not let you suffer such a thing..."

"It's all my fault. I showed great kindness and finally led the wolf into the house and harmed you..."

Immediately, she chanted and beat her, trying to show that she was a good mother-in-law, but she just couldn't recognize people well.

Xu's performance was indeed quite confusing. Many spectators present couldn't help but sigh when they heard this. Some even made excuses for Xu. After all, those who don't know are not guilty.

Seeing this scene, Xu Zhilan exploded instantly.

She finally saw clearly her aunt's shamelessness and ruthlessness.

She was a little hesitant before, but now she is talking about benevolence, justice and morality?

It seemed that the medicinal materials and the two incense sticks were framed by her aunt, and her main purpose was to use her as a scapegoat.

As for why she was hired to be second cousin Xu Ningyu's stepmother, it was just to coax her.

From beginning to end, it was really just her.

hateful! She immediately fought back.

"Princess, my aunt ordered me to do all this. She also said just now that I have no enmity with my second cousin, so why should I harm her?"

She looked at Xu with hatred.

"It's all her fault. My aunt has long wanted to steal my second cousin's family fortune, and she even wanted to take the opportunity to get rid of my second cousin. That's why she ordered me to poison..."

"And I was too naive and didn't know how to distinguish between right and wrong. Just because she was my aunt, I mistakenly believed her words for a while, and that's when I made an irreparable mistake."

"Only now do I know that what she said about treating me like her own daughter was a lie. She doesn't even have much love for her own daughter, let alone me."

This rebuttal may sound like sophistry at first, but upon closer inspection, it makes sense.

Only then did all the guests remember that they were here to attend a wedding today, and the eldest daughter of the Xu family was going to marry a fool.

Xu is so harsh on her own daughter, how can she treat her niece any better?

The scales tipped again in an instant.

When Xu saw this situation, she immediately panicked.

"Don't believe her. She is desperately trying to drag me into the water. Her words cannot be trusted..."

"Your words may not be credible either."

Princess Yuanjia commented expressionlessly, looking at the group of wolves, tigers and leopards in the Xu family, what kind of life was her sister Gu living?

Be at peace!

She, Sister Gu, must reconcile, otherwise sooner or later she will be killed by them.

When Mrs. Xu heard this, she fell to the ground. At this moment, she was really at her wits end. She didn't know how to defend herself?

The bag of medicinal materials and two coils of incense proved Xu Zhilan's death. Who knew what kind of evidence would be waiting for her?

Just thinking about it made her break into a cold sweat. It was the first time she knew how to write the word regret.

It's a pity that everything is too late.

When Xu Zhilan saw that her aunt collapsed like her, she immediately laughed out loud, and then two lines of tears fell from the corners of her eyes.

Princess Yuanjia didn't want to see the ugly behavior of these two people, so she directly said to Zhong Shiming.

"Both of these two people are murder suspects. Mr. Zhong, do they need to be taken into custody?"

Zhong Shiming said hurriedly, "Exactly."

"Then we will take him into custody and examine him carefully. We will definitely be able to find out more details."

Zhong Shiming had the same idea in mind. In fact, there were many loopholes in this case, and a lot of things could be revealed through careful examination, and even the case might not be reversed.

But he could see the implication of the little princess's words, so naturally he would not overturn the case and go to trial. This was not what the master above wanted.

This is one of them.

The second is that he is really annoying to the female members of the Xu family. They are all like wolves and tigers, and no one is really clean.

So this case has already set the tone here.

There is absolutely no possibility for Xu's aunt and nephew to overturn the verdict.

After the matter became clear, both Xu's aunt and nephew were detained. The guests who had no good show to watch left one by one with satisfaction. The show they watched today alone was enough for them to discuss it for a long time.

Of course, before leaving, I didn't forget to express my concern for Gu Deyin, even if she wasn't awake yet.

After all, this is for Princess Yuanjia to see.

Princess Yuanjia was impatient to deal with this group of people and hid behind the screen to stay with Gu Deyin.

Xiao Mingzhang did not leave directly, but still sat in his original position.

Mrs. Xu, as the eldest elder of the Xu family, cannot leave.

She didn't say a word about what happened today. She felt that she had lost all her dignity. When this matter was over, she would live in another courtyard and no longer care about the Xu family's mess.

Xu Ningyu didn't leave either. He had to see Gu Deyin wake up before he could feel relieved.

Liu Ruohe hugged the child and followed suit.

Gu Deyin felt like she had slept for a long, long time. When she opened her eyes, she saw Princess Yuanjia's bright smile.

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