The abandoned wife of the noble family, she is Black Heart Lotus

Chapter 103: Settlement of Accounts after Autumn

Xu Ningyu couldn't help frowning when he saw the hatred and madness in Liu Ruohe's eyes.

Once a man doesn't like that woman, no matter what she does, it will be difficult to make his heart fluctuate again. This is the mentality that Xu Ningyu has towards Liu Ruohe now.

"Grandma is not in good spirits. Please help her back to Lianxiang Garden first..."

"You want to drive me away and stay with her?"

Liu Ruohe pointed at Gu Deyin angrily and asked Xu Ningyu.

Xu Ningyu actually looked upright at this time.

"She is no one else. She is my wife who was brought back by my matchmaker and carried back in eight sedans. And you are the wild woman outside."

Gu Deyin wanted to laugh when he heard these words. Now he actually knew that she was his real wife?

Sure enough, men all love to be mean.

But to Liu Ruohe's ears, he sounded so callous and unjust. She suddenly threw the brothers in her arms to the ground, then pulled out the hairpin on her head and stabbed Xu Ningyu violently.

"We will die together!"

Anyway, she has no way to survive now. Even if she dies, she will drag Xu Ningyu to hell with her.

Xu Ningyu's pupils widened. He thought about it a lot, but never thought that Liu Ruohe would want to kill him one day?

Unprepared, he was stabbed in the heart by Liu Ruohe's hairpin.

Blood spurted out, turning Liu Ruohe's twisted face red.

Zhu Geer was suddenly thrown to the ground by his mother. When he was crying loudly in pain, he saw his mother stabbing his second uncle with a hairpin.

His cries were choked as blood spurted out.

At such a young age, he was struck by such an impact and suddenly fell to the ground in a daze.

Madam Xu said quickly, "Quick, stop her——"

Liu Ruohe pulled out the hairpin and wanted to stab it again, but someone suddenly stopped her from behind. She struggled wildly.

"Want to be a prodigal son? Bah! I want to have a loving wife and young son in my arms. How can there be such a good thing in the world?"

"Xu Ningyu, I will rot and stink in hell, and you have to stay with me. You can't even think of escaping..."

Mrs. Xu couldn't listen anymore and shouted directly to the servant, "stop his mouth and pull him down. There are brothers, hurry up and carry him down."

Avoid disturbing the view.

Xu Ningyu fell to the ground covered in blood again. At this time, his face was still full of disbelief.

How could Liu Ruohe, a weak person like him, kill him?

Or is it that he has been deceived by her and has never seen her true nature?

Gu Deyin was so close that he subconsciously held Princess Yuanjia in his arms to avoid Xu Ningyu's blood from spraying on her body.

Moreover, she reached out to cover the little princess's eyes to prevent her from seeing this ugly scene, fearing that she would be frightened.

Princess Yuanjia's heart suddenly felt warm, and smelling the fragrance of Gu Deyin's body made her feel extremely at ease.

"Sister Gu, I'm not afraid."

She said quietly.

What ugly things have not been seen by children who grew up in the palace?

It's just that she has always been big-hearted.

Besides, if you don’t have a big heart, you won’t grow well.

Only then did Gu Deyin think of her origin, smiled sarcastically at her, and released his hand covering her eyes.

Madam Xu quickly stepped forward and knelt on the ground, took out a handkerchief and covered Xu Ningyu's wounds.

I saw her pleading to Xiao Mingzhang.

"Your Majesty, I am extremely frightened when you see this scene, but please do me a favor and let the imperial doctor come to diagnose and treat my grandson and save his life."

Xiao Mingzhang did not respond immediately, but looked at Gu Deyin.

In his desperation just now, Gu Deyin immediately chose to protect his sister. This move made him extremely satisfied, and he was relieved that Gu Deyin had dragged his silly sister into interfering with the Xu family.

So now it depends on her choice whether to save Xu Ningyu or not. As long as she doesn't agree to save him, Xu Ningyu will die and save himself the trouble.

Gu Deyin felt Xiao Mingzhang's gaze. She raised her eyes and instantly understood the intention of his glance.

Immediately, she looked at Xu Ningyu with complicated eyes.

How smart is Mrs. Xu?

Seeing Xiao Mingzhang looking at Gu Deyin, she immediately understood the intention.

Although he was surprised at Xiao Mingzhang's preferential treatment to Gu Deyin, at this moment he had to fight for Xu Ningyu's chance of survival, after all, the imperial doctor was right in front of him.

"Brother Yu's daughter-in-law, no matter how big the grudge is, it can't be life-threatening. If your prime minister can support a boat, just save him. I'm a grandmother begging you."

Gu Deyin saw Xu Ningyu's eyes starting to become a little distracted, and immediately knelt down towards Xiao Mingzhang and said.

"My lord, please save his life, otherwise it would be too easy for him to die like this."

Xu Ningyu has to live, and living is the real suffering.

Xiao Mingzhang was still looking at Gu Deyin with his old look on the ground, showing no urgency to save people at all.

"you sure?"

Gu Deyin replied firmly, "I'm sure."

Princess Yuanjia saw this and said anxiously, "Sister Gu, do you really want to forgive this heartless man?"

She was really pissed off. After all the hard work, she still had to give the scumbag a chance to change in the end?

She really wanted to crack her sister Gu's head open and see what she was thinking?

Wouldn't it be better to take the opportunity to let this damn scumbag die?

Gu Deyin saw that the little princess was so angry that smoke was coming out of her head. It was both funny and heartwarming. She knew that she felt sorry for her.

She reached out and caressed the little princess's head, and explained patiently.

"I don't want to forgive him, but he has to die, and he can only die after I reconcile with him. I don't want to be his widow."

What she said now was true.

Only then did Xiao Mingzhang's brows relax, and then he relaxed.

"In this case, imperial physician, hurry up and save the man. Be sure to save his life."

The imperial doctor took the order and hurried forward to check Xu Ningyu's wounds. After all, the hairpin just stabbed very hard.

Fortunately, Xu Ningyu's heart was a little crooked, so the hairpin didn't really hit him. He just fainted after bleeding too much.

After hearing the imperial doctor's report, Mrs. Xu breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Gu Deyin with complicated eyes.

At this moment, she really felt Gu Deyin's determination to insist on reconciliation.

That's all, she can't stop it, so stop being a hindrance and annoying people.

After all, Xiao Mingzhang had a lot of things to do, and he came here suddenly just to support his sister. Now that the matter was over, he got up and left.

Gu Deyin's poisoning was faked, but she still had to pretend to be decent in front of others, so when she sent Xiao Mingzhang off, she still looked weak and had to be supported by Hua Shu and Hua Chao before she could leave.

Everyone in the Xu family, headed by Mrs. Xu, wanted to see each other off, but under Xiao Mingzhang's cold eyes, they stopped knowingly to avoid upsetting the regent.

Out of the sight of the Xu family, Xiao Mingzhang suddenly turned around and nodded at Gu Deyin and his sister.

This seems to mean that he wants to settle accounts after the fall.

Princess Yuanjia lowered her head guiltily and acted obediently, so that her brother would not want to curse.

Gu Deyin couldn't pretend to be stupid. The more she acted like this, the more she would be disgusted by Xiao Mingzhang.

This went against her desire to hold his thigh.

After thinking about this, she pushed away the maid who was supporting her, knelt down towards Xiao Mingzhang, and shouldered the burden with all her strength.

"Your Majesty, everything is my fault and has nothing to do with the princess. If you want to punish me, just punish me."

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