When Gu Deyin heard this, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Hua Chao. No, didn't you hear what Xiao Mingzhang said just now?

Everyone was eager to cut off their relationship with her, so in her eyes, why did he become interested in her?

"Hua Chao, are you lame?"

Hua Chaoxin was shocked when she heard her master's gnashing teeth question, but she still defended without fear of death.

"Second Grandma, if the prince doesn't care about you, then why should he care about your symptoms of poisoning and pretend to be fake?"

Why do we have to make this trip?

To say it was for Princess Yuanjia was just saying it.

Anyway, she just felt that this regent seemed a little special to her master.

Gu Deyin stroked his forehead, looking speechless.

After a while, she said, "They are afraid that I will cause trouble for the princess, and they are not caring about me. There is a huge difference between the two."

Hua Chao still stubbornly felt that her master's understanding was wrong. Who was the regent? He could shake the capital by stamping his feet. Would he be afraid of affecting the reputation of the princess?

What a joke, who in this capital dares to laugh at Princess Yuanjia?

It's like many people are eyeing the position of the regent princess, hoping that their daughter can come into the regent's eyes.

There are many people who don't mean what they say, especially those in the upper class.

Gu Deyin couldn't explain to Hua Chao, so he turned to Hua Shu and said, "Tell her more often and don't talk nonsense, otherwise you will make a joke."

Hua Shu responded with a smile. She was not as quick to talk as Hua Chao. In fact, she also felt that the regent's attitude towards her master was unusual, but the master had solemnly ordered her, so she would not talk nonsense.

Hua Chao said hurriedly, "Second Grandma, don't worry. I'm not a big talker. How can I spread this matter everywhere?"

Unless her master can really marry the regent one day, then that's another matter.

Gu Deyin deliberately said with a straight face, "That's good, keep your mouths shut."

Otherwise, it would really be a shame.

After taking a few steps forward, she seemed to remember something and gave another order.

"Also, starting from today, don't call me Second Grandma anymore. Just call me by the title I used before I left the cabinet."

When she first married into the Marquis Xuanning's mansion, the servants in her dowry still called her a girl. Later, Mrs. Xu reprimanded her for this title, saying that there is no reason to call a girl a married woman.

Only then did she ask her servants to change their name to Second Grandma.

Looking back now, she has been bullied by Mrs. Xu from that time on. No wonder Mrs. Xu thinks she is easy to control.

Hua Shu and Hua Chao said hurriedly, "Yes, miss, I have remembered it."

Gu Deyin smiled, and the word "girl" still sounded right to her ears.

She didn't go back to the main hall, but went straight back to Lan Xinyuan, not bothering to care about Xu Ningyu's injury. As long as he didn't die, he could make peace with her.

As soon as she returned to Lan Xinyuan, she looked weak and went back to the inner room to lie down and do the whole show.

After a good sleep, Hua Shu came in to report after waking up.

"After you fell asleep, the imperial doctor came over again, checked your pulse and prescribed a prescription. He said that if you drink it for a few days, the poison will be cleared."

Gu Deyin took the prescription and looked at it. They were all good detoxification medicines, so he said, "Take the medicine according to this prescription, and don't let others take advantage of it."

Huashu said "yes" and quickly went to grab the medicine.

Hua Chao moved closer to Gu Deyin.

"Girl, the news just came from Mr. Xu's yard. The imperial doctor said that Mr. Xu's original injury has not fully recovered, but now he has suffered this injury again, which has damaged the foundation of his body. I am afraid it will be windy or rainy in the future. Weather, Mr. Xu’s old injuries will relapse and the pain will be endless.”

This was really good news after waking up, Gu Deyin smiled widely.

When I think about how Xu Ningyu will not only be looked down upon by others when he goes out, but also his body will collapse, it is estimated that not a single day will be easy for the rest of his life.

Sure enough, living is the punishment, and death is the advantage.

The master and servant were exchanging gossips when Grandma Su's voice came from outside. "Has Second Mistress woke up? I want to go in and see her, what are you bastards doing to stop me? It's your inability to serve me that made Second Mistress suffer this terrible crime. I haven't asked you about it yet, so you'd better do it , you blindly stopped me, what are you thinking about?"

What he said was extremely arrogant, and he obviously wanted to take the opportunity to return to Gu Deyin's side to show his dominance.

"When Mr. Gu comes back, I will definitely go to him and complain to you. If you don't persuade the girl to learn well, you will let her go astray. This is purely to harm the second mistress..."

Because Gu Deyin had sucked her breasts when she was young, her words became more and more outrageous.

Gu Deyin's expression turned cold. After such an old lady like Su, it was no wonder that she couldn't help but come out and play around. After all, how could a person who eats big meals every day eat porridge and side dishes?

When she heard that the girls outside were crying after being scolded by Granny Su, she winked at Hua Chao.

Hua Chao understood, immediately stood up, lifted the curtain, and shouted outside.

"Mother Su, the girl calls you."

Seeing Nanny Su walking to the inner room proudly, she said to the girls again.

"Why are you crying? How can a disorderly old man make you cry? Wipe your tears quickly and don't make the girl unhappy."

Aunt Su was so overtly and covertly squeezed by Hua Chao that she immediately quit her job. She put her hands on her hips and said.

"Hua Chao, are you too courageous? Second Mistress doesn't call you, but calls back the girl again. Be careful if the master skins you, you will bring trouble to the master..."

This is putting on airs to curse.

Hua Chaocai is not afraid of her. How can he still be qualified to accuse Sang and Huai after losing his master's heart?

"You always have the energy to yell and scold here, why not save your breath and answer the master's question later."

As soon as these words came out, Grandma Su couldn't help but feel afraid.

Gu Deyin always valued this bitch, so she couldn't argue with her at this time.

After thinking about it, she pretended to be generous and said, "My old woman is not as knowledgeable as you young people."

Hua Chao snorted coldly, ignored her, turned around and went to the inner room.

Gu Deyin was still half-lying on the bed with a weak look. She was wearing a jewel on her head and wiping her forehead. Her face was pale and bloodless. When she saw someone coming in, she just raised her eyelids lightly.

When Grandma Su saw this, she really believed the theory of poisoning. She didn't expect Mrs. Xu to be so heartbroken.

"Is Second Grandma feeling better?"

Gu Deyin nodded slightly and said softly.

"Mommy, you came just in time, I just have something to ask you..."

When Grandma Su heard this, she immediately became excited and said, "Second Mistress, if you can find something useful for me, just tell me that you are the one with the biggest breasts. I feel heartbroken when I see you like this."

Gu Deyin didn't know whether she felt distressed or not. She only knew that Nanny Su's words could not be trusted.

This old woman just took advantage of the fact that her father was a man and didn't take care of his children, so she took advantage of it and said things that misled her all her life.

At this moment, she remembered that the reason why she fell in love with Xu Ningyu in the first place was partly due to this old woman, who said a lot of good things about Xu Ningyu in her ears.

Maybe at that time, she would not be sure whether she would accept Xu's money.

The more she thought about it, the more she hated this old woman.

Gu Deyin didn't speak anymore, but raised his chin towards Huachao.

Hua Chao understood and spoke directly.

"Mother Su, when I took stock of the girl's dowry, there were a few wrong amounts. You were in charge of the warehouse at that time, so you should come and explain."

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