Gu Deyin lowered her head slightly, deliberately avoiding Xiao Mingzhang's eyes, but when she heard this, she still looked up at him sharply.

Thinking that he had lost his memory and could not recognize anyone in this world except herself, she felt a little ashamed in her heart for abandoning him just now.

If one day she loses her memory and no one in the world recognizes her, she feels that this situation is very scary just thinking about it.

But she couldn't accompany him back to Beijing at this time. This was destined to be an unsolvable problem.

Seeing this situation, Eunuch Zhou had no choice but to take a step back and no longer insisted on taking Xiao Mingzhang back to Beijing.

In this way, Gu Deyin no longer had to be embarrassed, but taking Xiao Mingzhang with her would have to bear his safety. This responsibility was too heavy, and she couldn't help but feel a little hesitant.

Eunuch Zhou is such a fine person, he can tell what Gu Deyin is worried about at a glance.

So, he said quickly.

"Miss Gu, you don't have to worry, our family will arrange personnel to secretly protect the prince's safety."

As soon as she heard this, Gu Deyin breathed a sigh of relief, and she didn't ask much about the manpower arranged by Eunuch Zhou.

On this issue, the three of them reached a consensus, and Eunuch Zhou asked the imperial physician he brought with him to come in to diagnose and treat Xiao Mingzhang.

Xiu'er followed Gu Deyin without speaking casually.

This time Xiao Mingzhang did not resist the stranger's approach, perhaps because Gu Deyin was by his side.

The imperial doctor carefully diagnosed and treated Xiao Mingzhang, looking at the wound, feeling the pulse, and observing the color. After a long time, he finally said.

"The prince's injury was handled very well. He is a doctor with excellent medical skills..."

Xiu'er on the side said proudly in a low voice, "That's right, it doesn't matter whose craftsmanship it is."

Gu Deyin squeezed Xiu'er's hand in a funny way and started to take credit for her, "This is all thanks to my maid Xiu'er. Without her, the prince would probably be in trouble."

Xiu'er suddenly felt embarrassed, but she had grown up in Jianghu after all, and she allowed Eunuch Zhou and the imperial doctor to look at her openly.

"Thank you, Miss Xiu'er. I will definitely give you a reward in the future."

Eunuch Zhou's words made Xiu'er's eyes light up, but she still remembered that she was a slave after all, so she said quickly.

"I don't dare to take it. Without the girl's instructions, I don't dare to make my own decisions."

In other words, the greatest credit goes to the master.

Eunuch Zhou is well versed in the ways of the world, "That's natural, but Miss Xiu'er doesn't need to be too humble. Our prince has always made clear rewards and punishments."

The imperial doctor was quite interested in Xiu'er's treatment methods.

Xiuer is not a person who hides private things, and she is not stingy about sharing them.

She stepped forward to communicate with the imperial doctor. Both of them had serious faces. One explained the treatment process in detail, while the other nodded while having questions.

In short, both of them gained a lot from this exchange, and they became more confident about curing Xiao Mingzhang's amnesia.

Eunuch Zhou looked at him with a smile. If he had a beard, he would definitely be stroking it now.

Gu Deyin secretly looked at Eunuch Zhou's expression. It seemed that there was something behind the assassination of Xiao Mingzhang. She did not dare to ask what specifically happened, but she would watch his face.

Eunuch Zhou's expression is relatively relaxed, which means that everything is under control. If he is not in a hurry to ask Xiao Mingzhang to return to Beijing to take charge of the overall situation, it means that the overall situation will not change.

Perhaps Xiao Mingzhang's injury was also part of the plan, but the injury was a bit serious and deviated from the original plan.

Thinking about the rebel King Yu, he should have received the news that Xiao Mingzhang was injured and missing. What would he do?

She suddenly thought of a word, which is to invite you to enter the urn, and then catch the turtle in the urn.

She lowered her eyebrows slightly, feeling as if she had discovered the truth. Of course, there was no way to verify this.

Not long after, Xiao Mingzhang, who had been awake for a long time, finally couldn't hold on anymore and fell asleep again.

At this moment, the imperial physician and Xiu'er had a unified idea about the treatment plan. The imperial doctor said, "The reason why the prince's cognition is confused is probably related to the congestion that has not been dispersed in the brain. Only by removing this congestion can the prince return to normal."

"How to clear it?"

Eunuch Zhou and Gu Deyin both spoke eagerly at the same time.

As soon as he finished speaking, Eunuch Zhou smiled slightly at Gu Deyin, and his smile was full of goodwill.

Gu Deyin looked slightly pale and quickly defended himself, "I also hope that the prince can recover as soon as possible." He didn't mean anything else.

"That's natural." Eunuch Zhou agreed with dignity.

This time it was Xiu'er's turn to say, "The best way is to continue acupuncture and supplement it with decoction. It can take as short as one and a half months or as long as three months. The prince will definitely recover."

The imperial doctor gently stroked his goat's beard and nodded at Xiu'er's words. This time was generous enough for them to treat her.

In this regard, he is not pedantic. There are many people in this world, and women cannot be underestimated either.

Eunuch Zhou was full of joy after hearing this. This time will not waste time.

He immediately decided to keep the imperial doctor and work with Xiu'er to treat Xiao Mingzhang, while he himself returned to Beijing first, otherwise the play would not be able to continue.

Gu Deyin saw off the guests in person, and she didn't ask a single word about things she couldn't ask.

Eunuch Zhou was very satisfied with this aspect of her. People who are self-aware are always more likable than those who are arrogant.

"Miss Gu, the prince depends on you to take care of him. If there is any emergency, you can blow this flute and the person protecting you from the dark will appear. He can handle small things, and he will send news to our family when it comes to big things. Let’s figure it out later.”

Gu Deyin did not refuse this extremely finely made flute and hung it around his neck after taking it.

"Don't worry, Eunuch Zhou, I will take good care of the prince. Please give the princess a message so that she doesn't have to worry."

"That's natural."

Eunuch Zhou responded with a smile.

"But the princess has already gone south to investigate the case first. She is not in the capital at the moment, which saves her worries..."

When Gu Deyin heard this, his expression immediately changed.

If she had known that she would use the trick of inviting you into the urn and then catching the turtle in the urn, she would definitely not have suggested that the princess handle this case.

"The princess has gone south?"

Eunuch Zhou's originally smiling face immediately stopped after seeing Gu Deyin's ugly look. Although he knew that this girl from the Gu family was extremely smart, he didn't expect that she could guess what she was going to do next.

At this time, he looked serious, "Miss Gu, since you have guessed it, our family will not hide it from you. This plan was proposed by the princess. She wants to go south to make bait herself. The prince strongly objects, but the princess insists."

In the end, the brother and sister naturally reached a consensus.

"What about the princess's safety?"

Gu Deyin only cared about this. The little princess treated her with sincerity and she didn't want anything to happen to her.

"If the prince agrees to the princess's plan, he is naturally fully prepared. Nothing will happen to the princess."

Unexpectedly, it was the prince's side that got into trouble in the end. It was God's will.

Gu Deyin's expression softened slightly. In fact, the two brothers and sisters, one in the open and the other in the dark, were all trying to paralyze King Yu and lure him northward into the urn.

After saying goodbye to Gu Deyin, Eunuch Zhou quickly left with his people, leaving only an imperial doctor to follow Xiao Mingzhang.

As soon as he left, Eunuch Zhou gave orders to the left and right.

"Prepare a substitute and proceed as planned."

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