The abandoned wife of the noble family, she is Black Heart Lotus

Chapter 142: Strike first to gain the upper hand

Magistrate Lin's face instantly turned red with anger. Even though he had a small background, he had been working here for many years. How could he be comparable to this outsider?

These two people acted like this when they first arrived. They were trampling on his face. It was simply unreasonable!

What about the princess?

Humph, isn't it just that he is better at reincarnation than him, so what is he?

He was so angry that he walked away on the spot, too lazy to pay attention to Princess Laoshizi.

Gu Deyin saw him leaving like this. This was because he underestimated her as a fake princess. How could she let him leave so easily?

How can anything be so cheap?

She shouted directly, "Stop! If you disrespect this princess, you are showing contempt for the royal family. This is a serious crime."

Magistrate Lin wanted to ignore it, but when he heard the loud shout, his feet stopped involuntarily, and his fists under his sleeves were clenched tightly. He had been domineering here for many years, and this was the first time someone had done him like this. face.

Xiao Mingzhang quickly comforted him, "Princess, calm down, I'll go and persuade him."

"Humph, he doesn't take this princess into consideration? This is simply unreasonable!"

Gu Deyin played the unkind and domineering princess very penetratingly. After all, she had never eaten pork and had never seen a pig walk.

Not to mention the distance, the nearest reference is the Queen Mother praying standing there.

Xiao Mingzhang tried hard to control the angle of his mouth and couldn't really laugh, otherwise the scene would be in vain.

He walked to Magistrate Lin, who still had his back turned to them, and whispered advice.

"Mr. Lin, why are you doing this? Imperial princesses are all like this. If you go against her, you are going against the emperor. Do you want to be punished for a serious crime of contempt for the royal family?"

Magistrate Lin's body trembled violently. If it weren't for the pretty boy-like Mr. Xiao's reminder, he would have forgotten about this. After all, he had been a local emperor for many years in a place far away from Emperor Gao, so he was indeed less afraid of imperial power.

After thinking about it, he suppressed his anger, turned around and bowed to Gu Deyin to apologize.

"Princess, please calm down. It's all the fault of the lower official. The lower official acted out of anger and did not mean to despise the royal family. Please forgive me, the princess."

His low profile fell into the eyes of everyone, and many people's minds began to wander. People who had been bullied by Magistrate Lin in the past were also secretly assessing the energy of the two newcomers. If they could borrow their strength Many of them are willing to contribute to bring down Magistrate Lin.

As for the people who follow Magistrate Lin, they all know his temperament quite well. He will definitely make up for the big loss he suffered today, so they looked askance at the newly appointed Shangguan while secretly thinking about how to make Tiao Zi , so as to give these two people a show of strength, so that they can continue to make money by ousting this new white-faced official in the future.

Gu Deyin and Xiao Mingzhang looked at each other and saw clearly the thoughts of all the officials here. There was a lot to do here.

Xiao Mingzhang winked at Gu Deyin, and Gu Deyin immediately nodded in understanding.

Just when Magistrate Lin was about to run out of patience, Gu Deyin spoke.

"Forget it, for the sake of the county horse, I will not hold you accountable for your disrespect."

When Magistrate Lin heard this, instead of becoming more awed, his anger level was filled up. He must make this woman good-looking, otherwise it would be difficult to express his anger.

But now in public, he had to endure it.

"Thank you, Princess."

These three words were spoken through gritted teeth.

Gu Deyin snorted lightly and once again held Xiao Mingzhang's hand to get into the carriage.

"Didn't you say that you want to take care of this princess? Why don't you lead the way?"

Magistrate Lin clenched the fists under his sleeves, endured the humiliation and forced a smile, "Princess, please."

At this moment, no one else needed to tell him, he also consciously led the way. Gu Deyin, who sat back in the carriage, collapsed on the cushions in frustration. She had never been so unruly and willful in her two lifetimes. The play was both enjoyable and stressful for her.

Xiao Mingzhang chuckled and said, "You are very suitable for this role, and you should be like this from now on."

Gu Deyin stroked his heart and said, "No, it's too testing."

She is not a person with a domineering personality, and forcibly changing her personality will only result in more losses than gains, even if Xiao Mingzhang endorses her.

Since she was born in a merchant family, her father taught her the most about protecting one's life wisely and amassing wealth in a kind manner, rather than being like those noble ladies who looked down upon others. This ran counter to her desire to become the head of the Gu family.

Seeing her so awake, Xiao Mingzhang's eyes never stopped smiling.

When they arrived at the restaurant they had booked in advance, Magistrate Lin asked Xiao Mingzhang and Gu Deyin to get off the carriage.

Gu Deyin put on airs again, ignored Magistrate Lin and walked into the restaurant, and then started to criticize him. This completely ruined Magistrate Lin's face, and the fists under his sleeves clenched tighter.

The food at the banquet was the best in the local area, but for Gu Deyin, it was an ironclad proof that Magistrate Lin disrespected the princess. She even only moved a few chopsticks before throwing a plate of food directly on Magistrate Lin.

She said angrily, "What did you feed me, the princess? Pig food?"

Magistrate Lin stood there in a state of embarrassment. His face was not only flushed now, but turned the color of pig liver. If his subordinates hadn't secretly tightened his grip on him, he would have punched him long ago. , look how proud this Princess Laoshizi is?

Xiao Mingzhang stood directly in front of Gu Deyin and exerted pressure on the person in front of him.

Magistrate Lin glanced at Xiao Mingzhang, his eyes darkened, and he did not dare to directly provoke him here, but said no with a smile.

Gu Deyin just finished it, then threw up his sleeves and left.

When Magistrate Lin saw Xiao Mingzhang following him out, he angrily threw away the subordinate who was holding him back, and said fiercely with a gloomy face.

"If I don't cut this woman into pieces, my surname will not be Lin."

"Sir, please calm down. After all, he is the princess, and the person named Xiao is not easy to mess with. We have to take a long-term approach."

How could Governor Lin listen to the advice of his subordinates at this time?

He has been a local emperor here for many years, and he has always been the only one who bullies others. How can it be someone else's turn to bully him?

"The fact that this person surnamed Xiao was sent here as a magistrate by the family shows that his status in the family is not high. When the time comes, even he will be eliminated, so I can still have another career here."

With Princess Laoshizi looking for trouble and humiliating him, he has no interest in going to the capital to serve. There are too many dignitaries in that area, and it is far less comfortable to be a local emperor here.

His lackeys and cronies looked at each other. They were all a little worried about Magistrate Lin's resignation, but now they welcomed it when they heard that Magistrate Lin wanted to stay in another field.

"Sir, you have to strike first."

A subordinate made a killing gesture.

Magistrate Lin touched his carefully trimmed mustache. This idea was exactly what he wanted. His little eyes narrowed, and he immediately thought of a good idea.

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