Chapter 148 They are guarding against him

As soon as Gu Deyin heard this, she knew that her father did not agree with her inheriting the family business.

He is raising himself according to the current way of raising daughters. This is not because he does not love himself, but because he loves himself too much to deviate from the rules. If people want to live comfortably, they must act according to the rules.

There is nothing wrong with this, but she has lived one more life and knows that in this world, even if you follow the rules, you may not end well. The previous life is a lesson.

That's why she had to change her way of living in this life.

Of course, she was not disappointed, and she was determined to slowly convince her father that it was time to do so, and not to rush at this moment.

At this time, she smiled and said, "Dad, I understand."

Gu Jianghuai knew at the first glance that she was going to have a hard time with him, but this was not the place to talk about what was on his mind. He would find a chance to explain the truth to her in detail after he went back.

She grew up in a boudoir and has never seen what the real world is like. Or he can take her out to see the world and let her see what women who come out to compete with men look like. Maybe she will change her mind.

They didn't live as freely and freely as she imagined. Everyone had their own hardships, and they were all forced to come out to make a living on their own.

The father and daughter smiled tacitly, and both of them made up their minds to persuade the other to give up their idea.

Bo Qingya fell into deep thought. He didn't know how determined Gu Deyin was when she said she wanted to become the head of the Gu family. If she really wanted this, he would spare no effort to help her.

The Bo family has a hand in the Gu family's business, and his support will force the Gu family to face up to this problem instead of just dealing with it perfunctorily.

But we have to communicate with Gu Deyin later, don't rush it.

The three of them all had their own thoughts, but they all knew not to ruin the atmosphere, so the carriage was as harmonious as usual.

On the contrary, it was Xiao Mingzhang who was outside the carriage. He glanced at the carriage with an inexplicable expression. Although he did not see Gu Deyin, he could imagine her stubborn appearance.

He didn't think it was too deviant for Gu Deyin to say that he wanted to become the head of the Gu family. After all, he had seen too many ambitious women, and the power they could unleash was no weaker than that of men.

The reason why women are restrained is because it is more conducive to men's rule. He understands this power technique very well.

He didn't say anything, but the people around him sneered at Gu Deyin's words. A woman is a woman, and she will act as she pleases. Fortunately, Mr. Gu was clear-headed and did not agree with his daughter's nonsense.

It should be noted that if the hen and rooster start the morning, the world will be in chaos.

Returning to the city very quickly, the carriage drove into the magistrate's office, where Wang Tongzhi and his people were waiting.

As soon as he saw Xiao Mingzhang arriving, he hurriedly stepped forward to greet him.

Xiao Mingzhang glanced at Wang Tongzhi. This man was an average official. In principle, he was not a good official. He was just letting him make a transition now, so he turned a blind eye to his attentiveness.

Wang Tongzhi went to curry favor with Gu Deyin again. He still didn't know the true identities of the two people. He only thought that these two people must be familiar with the regent. He didn't realize that the regent's orders always came in such a timely manner.

Therefore, he also wanted to accumulate some connections for himself so that he could be promoted in the future.

Gu Deyin had no choice but to pretend to be the princess and found an excuse to send Wang Tongzhi and others away.

With no outsiders around, she relaxed her body and helped her father get out of the carriage herself.

"Dad, I have asked the doctor to wait. He will treat your injuries well later."

Gu Jianghuai nodded, knowing that this preferential treatment must have been brought by Xiao Mingzhang, so he solemnly thanked Xiao Mingzhang, saying that if he wanted to owe him a favor, he could not let his daughter rush ahead. Xiao Mingzhang saw through Gu Jianghuai's thoughts at a glance. He just said calmly, "Mr. Gu, there is no need to do this. This is the agreement between me and Miss Gu."

The implication is that you have nothing to do with it. You are getting preferential treatment because of your daughter.

Gu Jianghuai's face suddenly became a little heavy. He really didn't want to owe these noble people any favors. They were all very difficult to get along with.

Bo Qingya didn't say a word, but looked back and forth between his adoptive father and Xiao Mingzhang. It seemed that he had to ask his adoptive father in private what kind of identity this man was. Why is Gu Deyin so familiar with him?

With these questions in mind, he went to heal the body first.

For Gu Deyin's sake, the imperial doctor tried his best to treat Gu Jianghuai and Bo Qingya, while Xiu'er helped.

While Gu Deyin and the imperial doctor were going to get medicine, Bo Qingya asked Gu Jianghuai his doubts.

Gu Jianghuai lowered his eyes slightly and said calmly, "That man is the regent who holds all the power in the government."

When Bo Qingya heard this, he was so surprised that he almost fell off the bed.

Fortunately, Gu Jianghuai helped him quickly, so he didn't get more injured and make his dilapidated body even more dilapidated.

"Don't be too surprised. Ayin and he just met by chance. They will not interact again after returning to Beijing. He can't affect Ayin."

He would not let such a person appear around his daughter from time to time. In his opinion, this was not a good match for his daughter.

His status was too high and he couldn't control the other person, just like his former son-in-law Xu Ningyu. Because the Gu family had favored the Xu family, it was an unequal marriage, so he didn't care about him as his father-in-law at all.

In the past, for the sake of his daughter's happiness, he had endured a lot of contempt and disrespect from Xu Ningyu, just because he didn't want his daughter to be caught in the middle. He could see how much his daughter liked this husband at that time.

It was enough to make this kind of mistake once. When he thought about his former mother-in-law, Mrs. Xu, actually poisoning his daughter, he was afraid for a while. If he didn't have his daughter, he wouldn't be able to survive.

If his daughter really married Xiao Mingzhang and was wronged, he wouldn't even be able to stand up for her. This was not okay.

He figured out that it was better to choose a husband for his daughter who was well matched. In this way, if the son-in-law dared to have different intentions, he would be able to beat him to the point of losing his teeth.

As long as he is here, no one can bully his daughter.

Bo Qingya thought for a while and realized that his adoptive father was right.

"Starting tomorrow, we must find ways to reduce Yinmei's contact with him."

Xiao Mingzhang's handsome face is even better than that of Xu Ningyu in the past, and the feelings of a girl are always poetic. After all, Gu Deyin is only a woman in her twenties now, and it is easy to be fooled by her appearance, just like when she first met Like Xu Ningyu.

Bo Qingya's concerns are also Gu Jianghuai's concerns.

The foster father and son looked at each other and nodded tacitly, both affirming the other's thoughts.

For several days, Xiao Mingzhang couldn't find Gu Deyin, so he sent someone to look for her. The answer he got was that she was either boiling medicine, talking to Gu Jianghuai, or taking care of Bo Qingya, her sworn brother. In short, she was not there for a moment. Leisurely.

If he had sent more people, he would have provoked Gu Jianghuai or Bo Qingya.

These two people always treated him with more than respect but not enough intimacy. They even said that if they had any important questions, just ask them.

He finally understood the attitude of these two people. They were guarding against him.

(End of this chapter)

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