Gu Jianghuai did not miss the tenderness on his daughter's face. As a father, he could see that his daughter was emotionally attracted to Xiao Mingzhang, which made him feel happy and worried at the same time.

Fortunately, the child can love again, and he is not as heartbroken as she said. He is really afraid that she will grow old alone.

What worries him is that the child loves an inhumane person, Qi Dafei, and he is afraid that she will follow in the footsteps of his previous marriage.

The imperial doctor who had been blocking him saw him standing outside and seemed to have no intention of going in to disturb him, so he quickly took the opportunity to pull him away so as not to disturb the regent's good deeds.

When he reached the corridor outside and made sure that no one in the room could hear the conversation between the two, he whispered advice.

"Mr. Gu, you have seen how the prince treats your young lady. Why are you so troubled? If your young lady can get the prince's favor, her future will be immeasurable. This is something you can only ask for if the smoke from the Gu family's ancestral grave is revealed. A good thing that cannot be expected..."

So, why are you trying to stop it?

If it were anyone else, I don't know how happy they would be. They would probably have cleaned and packed their daughter and sent her to the prince's backyard. How could they take Qiao like Gu Jianghuai did.

Gu Jianghuai didn't like to hear this. He only had a daughter, how could he sell his daughter for glory?

I saw him looking at the imperial doctor with a straight face, "Do you have a daughter?"

The imperial doctor stroked his beard, thinking of his daughter, and the smile on his face was a little more sincere, "There is one."

"How old are you?"

"I just got haircut this year."

When he talked about his daughter, the smile on his face became even stronger, and he wished he could fly back home to reunite with his wife and daughter.

Gu Jianghuai was doing business all over the country and had met so many people that he could tell at a glance that the imperial doctor was a loving father.

At this moment, he sneered, "If the regent likes your daughter, how about offering your daughter as a gift? That has a great future, and the order to support you as a hospital has not yet been decided... Hey, you Why are you so angry? Don’t you like hearing this?"

Gu Jianghuai deliberately exposed the fact that he was angry. He loved his daughter even more than he did. He was reluctant to use his daughter to cling to powerful people. How could he let his daughter suffer?

When the imperial doctor heard Gu Jianghuai snort, he couldn't help but feel a little ashamed. It was easy to persuade others, but when the matter came to his own head, it would be a different story.

He sighed and bowed to Gu Jianghuai as an apology for his mistake.

Gu Jianghuai was a businessman, and he always believed in making money by being friendly. When he saw that the imperial doctor admitted his mistake, he stepped down and stopped deliberately making things difficult for others.

The imperial doctor saw that Gu Jianghuai was no longer angry, and then spoke again.

"What I said is not pleasant to hear, but if the prince really likes your daughter, there is no point in stopping her. In this world, the surname is Xiao, and we are all fish on other people's chopping boards."

Once your order comes out, no one dares to disobey it.

Gu Jianghuai's expression darkened. He understood this, and it was precisely because he understood it that he found a way to stop it.

The imperial doctor patted Gu Jianghuai's shoulder. Everyone was a loving father, and he understood his feelings. Qi Dafei, no one would be at ease if his daughter married into such a family.

Gu Jianghuai did not go back to prevent his daughter from contacting Xiao Mingzhang. After all, this was Xiao Mingzhang's territory. There were so many pairs of eyes staring at him. No matter what he did, it would be in vain.

The key was still his daughter. After he figured it out, he turned around and left.

As soon as he left the yard, he felt that the feeling of light on his back disappeared. Sure enough, his every move was under the eyes of others.

Bo Qingya paced back and forth anxiously in the room. Seeing this, Xiu'er said coldly, "Uncle, you've been pacing back and forth for a long time. It's time to rest, otherwise your body will be overwhelmed."

Hearing this, he looked at the maid displeased and said, "I know my body, so you don't need to worry about it." This maid didn't look like a maid, and she always seemed to like to go against him. This made him quite unhappy, and he didn't know. Where did the righteous sister find the maid?

Xiu'er rolled her eyes. She couldn't stand this old man who always looked like he was about to die. Men should be more cheerful, instead of being hesitant like him. How can he be any manly man?

"If it hadn't been for the girl's orders, I wouldn't have bothered to care about you. Besides, you're not feeling well. It's the girl who's in trouble."

These words made Bo Qingya fall silent and stopped pacing in circles.

Xiu'er stepped forward to check his pulse, then took out a silver needle and pricked a few acupuncture points on him, then stood aside and ignored him.

The two people dislike each other and ignore each other.

Bo Qingya saw his adoptive father Gu Jianghuai turn around and hurriedly stood up to greet him. However, he looked behind his adoptive father several times and did not see his adopted sister Gu Deyin. He couldn't help but feel disappointed.

"Didn't Yinmei come back with you?"

Gu Deyin couldn't feel at ease no matter how much he thought about letting Gu Deyin get along with a wolf.

"How about I go and find Yinmei? Even if he is the regent, he can't hold on to a good woman..."

He said as he wanted to walk out.

Gu Jianghuai stopped him, "I didn't go in to look for Ayin, so don't go either. Ayin has her own sense of discretion. We have to trust her judgment."

"Father, how can this be possible? A man's mouth is a liar. Yinmei is still young and will be fooled."

Bo Qingya himself is a man, and he is very aware of the bad nature of men. He, Xiao Mingzhang, is also a man, and he does not have so much integrity.

Gu Jianghuai signaled to Bo Qingya to calm down, "It's useless to say anything right now. He is also a patient, and we can't stop him from finding A Yin, lest excessive intervention would be counterproductive."

When Bo Qingya heard this, he jumped up and said, "What kind of patient is he? I have never seen anyone with amnesia in my life. Speaking of which, Yinmei is still his savior. He received Yinmei's kindness and helped him." We are just repaying the favor and seeking peace of mind..."

Hearing his adopted son's words getting more and more outrageous, Gu Jianghuai's expression changed, and he stepped forward and covered his adopted son's mouth to stop him from talking any more.

"Be careful, this is other people's territory."

Bo Qingya just made a blunder in a moment of anger, but now his rationality came back, and he nodded to his adoptive father to express his understanding.

Only then did Gu Jianghuai let go of his hand covering his adopted son's mouth, as long as he kept some things in mind.

Let's talk about amnesia. Even if he has doubts, his daughter firmly believes it, so what can he say?

Talking too much will not only fail to achieve the desired effect, but will also push his daughter away. He is stupid, so he will help Xiao Mingzhang and give him a chance to comfort his daughter and win her favor.

The father and son on the other side planned to change their strategy, but Xiao Mingzhang on the other side had an extremely happy day.

Gu Deyin even had dinner with him before going back to her own yard.

Unexpectedly, her father and brother had not yet fallen asleep and were waiting for her.

Seeing them, she couldn't help but feel a little guilty and stepped forward.

"Dad, Brother Ya, are you still awake?"

Gu Jianghuai looked as authentic as ever, "How can we sleep if you don't come back? Come, let's talk." (End of Chapter)

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