Before leaving, Bo Qingya also caressed Gu Deyin's head. In a blink of an eye, she was no longer the little girl chasing after him, but had grown into a big girl.

But no matter how tall this girl is, she is still the little girl who needs protection.

He returned to the room with the firm belief that he must survive. From this night on, he would cooperate with the doctor's treatment and strive to live longer.

Gu Deyin was stunned in place. She didn't expect that a story would turn both of them abnormal.

Finally, she shook her head, turned around and went back to her room. There was no need to think too much about things she didn't understand. Anyway, the boat would reach the bridge.

On the other side, Xiao Mingzhang's expression became colder and colder after listening to the secret guard's parrot-like report.

He reached out and waved away the secret guard. He lay on the bed with his eyes empty, as if thinking.

Within two days, Xiu'er reported back to Gu Deyin that Bo Qingya was suddenly actively accepting treatment. This was a good start, and it was much better than talking about death all day long.

Gu Deyin's face was suddenly filled with surprise. He did not expect that the feedback brought by a story would be positive.

Because Bo Qingya was born with a bad heart, his will to live is not strong. Now he actively wants to live, which is a good sign.

Therefore, she told Xiu'er to take good care of Bo Qingya with all her heart. She did not expect him to live a long life, but at least he would live longer than his previous life. This was enough for Yuan.

Xiu'er nodded. Although she didn't have much kindness as a doctor, she loved to quarrel with Bo Qingya in order to inspire more of his will to survive. Sometimes a person's firm will was more effective than any medicine.

After talking to her father and brother, Gu Deyin went to visit and accompany Xiao Mingzhang again. His father and brother said nothing more, and they no longer tried to obstruct her. This made her relieved, and she was finally not caught in a dilemma.

Seeing her good mood, Xiao Mingzhang suddenly put down the pen in his hand and looked at her with interest.

"You're in a good mood, but what's the happy event?"

"No, I feel very happy to see you all slowly recovering to health."

Gu Deyin replied with a smile.

Xiao Mingzhang lowered his eyes slightly, "Is your father and brother's injuries healed?"

"It's almost done, but my brother's body is weak and he needs to be recuperated for a long time."

Xiao Mingzhang glanced at her smiling eyes and said nothing more.

Gu Deyin came close to him and said, "The imperial doctor and Xiu'er told me today that the blood stasis in your brain is almost gone. It seems that you will recover your memory soon. Isn't this good news?"

Xiao Mingzhang looked at her for a while and suddenly asked quietly.

"You really want me to regain my memory?"

Gu Deyin nodded without hesitation.

"Of course, the national destiny of the Great Shang Dynasty is tied to you. Your recovery is more important than anything else. Although I am a young woman, I still have a little vision. The country is peaceful and the people are safe, and only when the people are safe can they earn more money. "

A stable environment is a good thing for businesses. Of course, there are some people with evil intentions who want to take advantage of the chaos and want to make a fortune. These should be taken to Caishikou and beheaded.

Hearing this, Xiao Mingzhang suddenly felt much brighter.

That's how she saw him.

This time when he looked at the medicine bowl she handed over, he drank it in one gulp without any further hesitation.

As if thinking of something, he took out one from a pile of letters and handed it to Gu Deyin, "Jiajia gave it to you."

Gu Deyin was surprised. Princess Yuanjia also wrote to her?

She came to the ground happily, and was about to open the letter when she suddenly noticed that he spoke of Princess Yuanjia in a very familiar tone. "You remember the princess?"

Seeing her excited expression, Xiao Mingzhang nodded slightly and replied in a calm tone.

"I only remembered it recently, so I had this letter pressed for several days before I thought of giving it to you."

Gu Deyin clapped his hands and said happily, "This is a good thing. It seems that you are not far away from fully recovering your memory."

Xiao Mingzhang was noncommittal. Seeing her happily sitting on the Arhat's bed reading a letter, her legs dangling slightly, this comfortable look made the corners of his mouth rise slightly.

Does the fact that she can relax and move freely in front of him mean that she has lowered her guard against him?

He didn't know the answer, he only knew that she was happy at the moment, and he was happy too.

After a while, after reading the letter, Gu Deyin jumped up to Xiao Mingzhang and said with a smile, "The princess said she would bring me some silk and rouge gouache from the south of the Yangtze River. It's so kind and will save me money."

In fact, she doesn't lack these. As the only daughter of the head of the Gu family, she is treated like a princess, but this is a gift brought back to her by a friend, so it is extremely precious.

Xiao Mingzhang really wanted to say, if you like it, he can have someone buy it for her every day.

However, he did not say this. He lowered his eyes slightly and said, "In this aspect, you are quite compatible with her."

"You think so too, don't you? Friends, those who get along are the ones who make love with each other."

Gu Deyin felt that she was blind when it came to making friends in the past. She actually took a villain like Bai Nianhan as her confidant, so it was no wonder that she was tricked by Bai Nianhan.

Fortunately, the lameness of the eyes has been cured in this life. Princess Yuanjia is definitely a friend worth making.

The atmosphere between the two of them was more relaxed than before. The main reason was that Gu Deyin was no longer entangled, his mind was clear, and everything he saw was brighter.

When Xiao Mingzhang went out for inspection, she also went with him. She was very satisfied with the name of the fake princess.

It's just that sometimes, people will inevitably become extremely happy and sad.

On this day, she and Xiao Mingzhang had just inspected the military camp after a meal, got on the carriage and returned to the city, and prepared for dinner at a restaurant in the city.

As soon as she got off the carriage, she and Xiao Mingzhang stood still and said a few words, when she saw a person rushing out of the crowd, and there was a touch of silver in the man's cuffs.

She glanced casually at first, but this silver light made her eyes widen slightly. It looked like the reflection of a murder weapon.

"No, there are assassins..."

Before she finished speaking, Xiao Mingzhang picked her up and avoided the man's blow.

Because of this blow, Xiao Mingzhang's guards, both overt and covert, were instantly dispatched.

More than a dozen people from the crowd of onlookers jumped out, armed with weapons, and started fighting with the guards.

Xiao Mingzhang carried her, who was still in shock, into the carriage, and was about to jump on the carriage, preparing to take her back to the magistrate's office. Suddenly, another assassin jumped down from the roof and headed straight for Xiao Mingzhang.

Her eyes widened, and she pushed Xiao Mingzhang away, causing the man's sword to fly away.

Xiao Mingzhang had actually discovered the assassin on the roof a long time ago. He originally wanted to hold her to avoid him, but she suddenly pushed him away, which exposed her to danger.

When everyone sees that he has been protecting her, they must know that she is his weakness, so they will catch her at any time to threaten him, which will be troublesome.

Sure enough, the assassin who jumped down from the roof and missed the target suddenly pointed the tip of his sword directly at Gu Deyin. Compared with Xiao Mingzhang who was good at martial arts, it was easier for Gu Deyin to be captured alive than Xiao Mingzhang who was good at martial arts.

In Gu Deyin's wide-open pupils, he only saw the tip of the sword turning towards him.

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