Being trusted by others is a heart-warming thing after all.

Gu Deyin's expression softened a little, and at least in the eyes of the woman and her daughter, they both felt that their breathing was easier.

Wang Tongzhi's wife whispered quietly, "Princess, you can't let these people off easily. They are used to using this trick. They have used it a lot in the past to gain benefits. Anyway, they can't give away all their daughters."

These words reveal a lot of information. Firstly, these people are not clean. They were all participants in the evil things done by Magistrate Lin in the past. Secondly, most of the daughters presented by these people have bad origins. It's not his biological son, and it doesn't matter which fireworks place he bought the skinny horse from.

Looking at the way Mrs. Wang Tongzhi gritted her teeth, it was obvious that she also had beauties presented by these people in her family. She suffered a secret loss, so she wanted to take the opportunity to teach these people a lesson.

It can be seen that the creature of man is as black as a crow in the world.

She didn't have much favorable impression of Mrs. Wang Tongzhi, who treated her as a spear user, and responded coldly, "Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Mrs. Wang Tongzhi was very confident, but when she heard this, her face suddenly turned pale. She didn't know what she said wrongly and offended the princess.

"Princess, that's not what I meant, I..."

Gu Deyin leaned back on the chair and looked at her calmly, "Have you never heard of a saying that explanation is equal to concealment?"

Mrs. Wang Tongzhi froze on the spot, not knowing whether she should explain or not.

Wang Tongzhi, one of the male guests on the other side, couldn't help cursing in his heart that his wife was a fool. As the head of the house, why should she argue with those things?

I've told her a long time ago that no one can get past her, but she doesn't listen. Does she think everyone is as stupid as her?

Why does the princess need her to teach her how to do things?

If you marry a stupid wife, your husband will suffer.

He lowered his head to apologize to Xiao Mingzhang on behalf of his wife.

Xiao Mingzhang still said the same thing, "I have said that I will not interfere in this matter. It is the wife's business to manage the back house. If you want to apologize, just go to the princess. It is useless to go to me."

This sounds like a hands-off shopkeeper who doesn't care about everything, but if you look closely at every word in it, it is actually support for his wife. This is his attitude.

Wang Tongzhi's face turned green and red. He thought that Xiao Mingzhang left the affairs of the city to him as a sign of trust in him, so he naturally became his confidant, but he didn't know that Xiao Mingzhang didn't give him any face.

For a moment, he felt like a buffoon standing here.

Gu Deyin insulted Mrs. Wang Tongzhi's face on the spot, which made other official women present dare not speak easily to avoid causing trouble for their men.

Seeing that the scene was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop on the ground, Gu Deyin couldn't help but sigh, power is such a good thing, with this, everyone has to crawl at his feet.

After feeling refreshed, she quickly woke up and reminded herself secretly that power is poison, and if she makes a mistake, she will be doomed and unable to recover.

Keeping her inner sobriety, she looked at the trembling woman kneeling in front of her. Her authority was already established, so there was no need for her to kill them all.

So, she said coldly, "You are a first-time offender, so I won't care about you anymore. However, you can be exempted from death penalty, but you cannot escape from living crime. Let's give you twenty slaps as a warning to others."

When the woman heard that she was only being spanked twenty times and did not have to lose her life, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief. However, when she thought about being spanked, she couldn't help but feel pain in her buttocks and her legs were shaking subconsciously.

No matter what the woman thought, Gu Deyin turned to look at her daughter. Judging from her appearance, she should be the woman's biological daughter. It was even more shameful for her to use her own daughter to gain wealth.

In order to prevent her from being criticized by her parents later, she added, "Fortunately, your daughter is a good girl and is very filial, so I will spare you the trouble."

When the woman heard that she would receive ten strokes less, she immediately kowtowed with great joy to thank him.

His daughter glanced at Gu Deyin gratefully. Others might see her ruthless side, but what she saw was her kind and kind side. She bowed deeply to Gu Deyin and said, "Thank you, Princess."

"What you should thank is yourself. You still have a heart that does not bow to the world. Your courage is commendable."

The young woman understood that after receiving these words from the princess, her parents would not dare to make things difficult for her again after she returned, and her life would be easier in the future.

After another deep kowtow and seeing Gu Deyin waving her hand, she wisely stood up, helped her weak-footed mother and exited to get the board.

Mrs. Wang Tongzhi was left hanging there. People saw Gu Deyin ignoring her, so naturally no one came to socialize with her.

She felt so embarrassed that she sneaked away in disgrace while no one was paying attention, so as not to embarrass herself here.

Gu Deyin caught a glimpse of her little movement from the corner of his eye, but she ignored it. From today on, her life would not be easy. This was enough for her to drink a pot.

The ensuing social gathering was uneventful, and the women no longer wanted to show off their beauty. Some of the young women were happy, but some were disappointed. However, due to Gu Deyin, no one dared to express their thoughts, let alone get close to Xiao Mingzhang, for fear of getting hurt. Gu Deyin’s punishment.

After this battle, Gu Deyin's reputation spread in this small place. Everyone knew that the prefect had a fierce wife, which saved Xiao Mingzhang a lot of trouble.

As the banquet came to an end, Gu Deyin received a message from Xiao Mingzhang's boy, saying that Xiao Mingzhang was drunk.

When Gu Deyin heard this, he couldn't even keep the smile on his face.

What does he mean?

Are you really too drunk to walk?

But it's useless to look for her. She's not a powerful servant. How can she support him?

She wanted to ignore it, but it was inappropriate in this situation. After thinking twice, she stood up immediately.

"Since you are drunk, let's break up the banquet."

The others had long since lost their smiles until their faces froze with laughter. As soon as they heard that the banquet was about to end, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief and quickly stood up to salute.

Gu Deyin took Xiu'er's hand and slowly walked out of the female guest area. When she arrived at the male guest area next door, her eyes immediately caught sight of Xiao Mingzhang. After all, his handsome appearance was unique among the unpretentious looking squires.

She walked directly towards Xiao Mingzhang.

Seeing her approaching, everyone gave way and no one dared to block her way.

Xiao Mingzhang sat in the chair as if he was drunk. He raised his eyes and saw her coming. He smiled and said, "Madam."

This deep lady's voice was like a pebble thrown into a lake, causing waves in Gu Deyin's heart.

She sighed in her heart, if Xiao Mingzhang thought about it, he could really confuse thousands of women in the world.

Even she almost fell drunk from his statement.

She stepped forward and looked directly into his eyes condescendingly, with a smile on her face but her tone was commanding.

"Get up and go back with me." (End of Chapter)

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