Bo Qingya's words played into Gu Deyin's mind. She knew that if she wanted to become the head of the Gu family, she still had to learn a lot. What's more, she was no longer a child, so she couldn't waste any time.

One wanted to teach and the other wanted to learn, so they hit it off right away.

Xiao Mingzhang indeed sent someone to greet Gu Deyin. Looking back, Deyin did not come out to receive him in person, but sent Hua Shu and Hua Chao to deal with the matter.

For Gu Deyin, Xiao Mingzhang was not as important as inheriting the family business. She had finally managed to make her father and brother feel a sense of crisis and give up their old ideas and choose to train her. Then she would go all out.

Otherwise, she would be sorry for the chance of rebirth that God gave her. Revenge should not be the only theme of her rebirth. She must live a different life to be worthy of the opportunity that God gave her.

After hearing his subordinate's reply, Xiao Mingzhang frowned, said nothing, just waved away his subordinate, and then continued to deal with heavy official duties.

It's just that he was always absent-minded. In the end, he threw away the brush in his hand, stood up and stood in front of the window, looking at the hot sun outside, but his heart felt cold.

I thought that after last night, we would be closer to each other, but I never thought that she seemed to be farther away, as if last night was a beautiful dream for him, and now that he woke up from the dream, everything was back to the original track.

He pinched the bridge of his nose and saw the bright sun. He never wanted to go back to the gloomy past. It seemed that such days were unbearable every day.

Putting aside his official duties, he walked out of this world and followed his heart to the yard where Gu Deyin temporarily lived.

When the servants saw him, they were about to drop what they were doing and go in to report, but he waved his hand and refused to let them report. He walked in alone.

The small courtyard was very quiet. Gu Jianghuai was not seen, but Bo Qingya's voice teaching Gu Deyin was heard, indirectly mixed with Gu Deyin's opinions.

He stopped and listened. It was actually some business matters. Bo Qingya seemed to be teaching Gu Deyin how to manage a shop.

This surprised him. Even among merchants, few people cultivate their daughters' knowledge in this area. After all, the daughter's family just waits for her to get married, and learning to manage the house is her greatest skill.

He didn't open the door and went in, but listened outside for a while. He lowered his eyes slightly and hid his thoughts.

As soon as Gu Jianghuai came back, he saw Xiao Mingzhang standing outside the house. He didn't know what he was doing there. He listened to the noise in the house. It was his adopted son educating his daughter about business knowledge, and he was immediately relieved.

Afraid of disturbing the teaching inside, he stepped forward, saluted and whispered, "The prince is here, why don't you go in and sit down?"

While talking to him, he pretended to go in and let his children come out to see him as a gift.

Seeing this, Xiao Mingzhang waved his hand and said, "Don't disturb them. I have nothing important to do. Mr. Gu, please leave first."

Obviously he had no intention of staying any longer, so he turned and left.

Gu Jianghuai hurriedly sent him off.

Xiao Mingzhang asked seemingly unintentionally after walking out of the hospital to make sure that he would not disturb the two people teaching.

"Mr. Gu, what is this?"

Gu Jianghuai said with a comforting look, "Your Majesty, I am just a daughter. Since she has returned home with Li, I hope that she can inherit her father's business. At my age, that's all." I hope it will make the prince laugh."

The words were polite, but the proud look could not be deceived. Xiao Mingzhang could feel Gu Jianghuai's joy.

"I didn't expect Mr. Gu to be so open-minded."

When Gu Jianghuai heard this, he still smiled and said, "I heard from my daughter that the prince gave Princess Yuanjia the opportunity to participate in political affairs. Although I am not talented, I also want to give my daughter a chance to get ahead."

After a pause, he continued, "I will eventually grow old. In the future, if my daughter inherits the family business and has the ability to settle down and make a living, then I can still rest in peace even if I die now."

These are his true words, so he seems quite sincere at this time.

Xiao Mingzhang naturally heard the implication of his words, which was to keep his daughter at home to inherit the family business, which meant that he did not plan to marry Gu Deyin anymore. This was a subtle tell to him not to have any ideas about his daughter.

After giving Gu Jianghuai a steady look, he turned around and left without saying anything else. Gu Jianghuai was in a good mood. When he turned back to the yard, he softly hummed his favorite tune.

When her father lifted the bamboo curtain and came in, Gu Deyin noticed that he was back. Seeing the undisguised smile on his face, she put down her homework and asked, "Dad, what's the happy event?"

"News just came from the capital. King Yu's perverse behavior is getting more and more serious. It seems that it is not far from the time for us to return to the capital."

"This is a happy event."

Gu Deyin nodded and agreed. It was a good thing to go back early. Otherwise, every time she saw the letter about Xu Ningyu occupying the Gu family's property, she would want to go back and tear this scumbag apart.

But Bo Qingya tapped her desk, "Okay, come back to your senses and continue studying. Don't be lazy."

In this matter, if he doesn't do it, he will do it. If he does, he must do his best.

"Yes, Master Bo."

Gu Deyin responded with a smile and continued to devote himself to the new knowledge.


Bo Qingya laughed and cursed, and then pretended to be his master with a straight face.

Gu Jianghuai looked at the two people's serious expressions for a while, then stroked his beard and walked out. He would not disturb the young people's study here.

In the following days, Xiao Mingzhang did not send anyone to look for Gu Deyin, and Gu Deyin did not bother to talk to him. There were more important things waiting for her than men.

It was just a hardship for Xiao Mingzhang's subordinates, who were so busy during this period that they didn't even have time to go to the toilet. The regent was like a skinned landlord, driving them around.

"When we return to Beijing and catch King Yu, we must make this old boy look good."

Some people couldn't help but vent, blaming King Yu for their master's abnormal behavior, thinking that it was King Yu's perverse behavior that angered their master.

This view was agreed by some people, and the voices scolding King Yu became even louder.

But there is a different voice in it.

"Prince Yu is about to close the net. Is it possible for the prince to get angry?"

"What else? Who can make the prince feel bad every day?"

Recently, no one wants to rush to serve the master, for fear of seeing that cold face without warmth.

I used to think that I should hang out in front of my master more so that my master would remember me and not sit on the bench without a chance to stand out.

Now they would rather not take this opportunity. They are really stressed out and too busy to move their feet.

It's so tiring.

"You are stupid, tell me, how long has it been since Miss Gu has been here?"

After saying this, everyone realized that Gu Deyin, who had been seen every two days in the past, had indeed not shown up for a long time.

It seems that there has been no news since that night at the lake.

Everyone looked at each other and suddenly realized.

I see. (End of chapter)

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