After making up his mind, Gu Deyin ignored everyone's expectant gazes and said coldly, "Dad, once you are unfaithful, you will be disloyal a hundred times."

This made many people think that Gu Deyin would be easy to talk to as a girl, but they didn't expect that the daughter of the boss was even more ruthless than the boss.

After all, the boss still misses some of the old friendship, will not generalize, and will definitely give them a chance to change their ways as appropriate.

One of them, who was obviously a middle-level manager, said to Gu Deyin, "Girl, although we have made mistakes, we have worked hard for the Gu family for so many years. You can't treat us like this? No matter what, you have to give us a chance to change..."

Gu Jianghuai didn't say anything, but looked at his daughter silently. How should you resolve this situation?

The middle-level manager was not wrong. Although he was not conscientious in his work in the Gu family, he had only made this mistake once in all these years. In principle, he should be given a chance to make amends.

If it were him, he would definitely go with the flow.

But my daughter has her own concerns. As far as the Gu family business is concerned, she is new to him, so naturally she cannot follow his methods.

Bo Qingya picked up the tea bowl and drank tea, seemingly turning a blind eye to the scene.

But some people still came to him and asked, "Sir, please say something. I only made this mistake once. You are the most kind-hearted person, so please beg for mercy for me. I kowtow to you." "

The next few kowtows made "dong dong" sounds, which looked quite pitiful.

Bo Qingya still had the same look on his face, and he waved his hand, "Mei Yin will handle this matter. I will listen to her."

In one sentence, these people had no chance to plead for mercy.

Gu Jianghuai remained silent, Bo Qingya waved his hands to push him away, and everyone had no choice but to look at Gu Deyin again.

"Girl, are you really so heartless? There are seniors and juniors among us. It is precisely because of this that we were fooled by the Xu family's mother and son..."

It’s not easy to cry about yourself.

What's more, someone said, "Girl, we will only trust Mr. Xu in your name. Otherwise, how could he take over the Gu family business..."

This was a bit disgusting, so I secretly blamed Gu Deyin and accused her of luring the wolf into the house.

"Yes, girl, we are essentially loyal to the Gu Family Trading Company. How can this be considered a betrayal?"

This is quibbling.

In short, there are different opinions, and they all unanimously ask Gu Deyin to be more open-minded.

Gu Deyin knew in his heart that if she gave in today, she would be forced to give in again in the future. There would be thousands of reasons, so she couldn't say this.

The attitude must be firm, but the words can be spoken more pleasantly, as long as the goal can be achieved.

She first looked at the man who was crying about her difficulties, sighed, and asked someone to help him up, she said warmly.

"I know your difficulties. It's not that I'm cruel, but that there are no rules and regulations. Who can do things? If I forgive you, then I will be sorry for those who stick to my principles. Isn't this right? Are they extremely unfair?"

Because Gu Jianghuai was back, shopkeeper Li, who was still covered in injuries, hurried over with his people. When he heard Gu Deyin's words, he burst into tears. It was so difficult for them during this time.

The Xu family is not a good person. No matter whether they are physically or mentally, they have been tortured endlessly. The reason why they refuse to bow their heads is for the sake of loyalty.

"Boss, uncle, girl, you are finally back. We have finally waited for this day..."

They cried and came forward to greet several people. Their hurt look made the man who cried out about his difficulties immediately blush with embarrassment. Knowing that he had no face to see others, he hid his face and moved aside, not daring to accuse Gu Deyin of being cruel.

Gu Jianghuai and Bo Qingya stepped forward to help them up and comforted them one by one with expressions of gratitude. After everyone's excitement subsided, Gu Deyin looked at the person who secretly blamed her, and saw her giving a wry smile.

"I admit that I am an unkind person, but I have long since reconciled with him. Do you believe him when he uses my name? I would rather believe his lies than what I said before. Ask yourselves, are you? Do you believe his words, or do you think you can gain more benefits by relying on the status of the Xu family?"

She pointed out the core of the problem to the point, leaving the other party speechless and could only retreat aside.

Gu Deyin looked at the person who secretly changed the concept and said, "What is loyalty and what is traitor? I think they have told you with practical actions."

She pointed at Shopkeeper Li's group of people who stood firm in their beliefs. In front of these people, those sophistry seemed powerless and would only further highlight the despicability of these people.

Sure enough, the man blushed and didn't dare to say anything else.

Gu Deyin refuted the fallacies one by one without any hesitation, so that the person who spoke was so embarrassed that he could not raise his head.

Shopkeeper Li saw that Gu Deyin was handling this matter, and Gu Jianghuai and Bo Qingya did not interfere. This scene was very abnormal. After all, Gu Deyin never paid attention to the affairs of the trading company, so there seemed to be a signal from this incident.

He frowned slightly. Such an approach was too bold. He had to persuade his employer to think again.

It's not that he underestimates Gu Deyin, but as a woman, staying in the back house is the right way. What does it mean to go to the front of the stage?

While he was thinking, he heard Gu Deyin say again.

"Of course, rules are rules, and a favor is a favor. Our Gu family has always been a place of benevolence and justice."

Hearing her words, those who were waiting to be fired looked at Gu Deyin with hope.

Gu Deyin looked around at everyone. This time she did not look at her father and adopted brother, but said directly.

"It is true that you have worked hard without any merit. I miss your efforts over the years..."

After pausing and thinking for a moment, she looked like she had made up her mind.

"Let's do this. I will use some money from my dowry to give each of you an extra month's monthly payment, so that you can make a living and reduce the pressure of supporting your family. This is my personal preference."

Hearing this, those who were waiting for dismissal were stunned at first. They didn't expect that Gu Deyin would talk about friendship like this in the end, which made them feel ashamed and regretful so much that they cried.

In the end, they knelt down and kowtowed to Gu Deyin to thank him. With this, they would not be poked in the back when they went out in the future, and it would not be difficult to find work again.

Gu Deyin gave him a hand, "No need to say thank you, go ahead and try to change your ways and be a good person in the future."

Convince people with virtue, money opens the way, but the principles are not broken.

After achieving the goal of establishing prestige, their anger, resentment, and hostility were also resolved. This group of people would not talk nonsense and slander Gu Deyin's reputation when they went out, but would instead praise her benevolence and righteousness.

A good reputation is of great benefit to a businessman.

Gu Jianghuai and Bo Qingya looked at each other and saw the satisfaction in each other's eyes. It seemed that this apprentice did not have a white education.

Shopkeeper Li opened her mouth wide. She hadn't seen Gu Deyin for a while. She seemed to have improved. Her smooth way of doing things was a bit like her boss's.

Looking at it this way, although Gu Deyin is a woman, she is much stronger than the group of blood-sucking leeches in the Gu family.

Touching his beard, he had a new perspective.

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