It is difficult to distinguish between true and false what he says, but the data in his hand is authentic and credible. After all, it comes from the hands of the great shopkeeper in the capital, and everyone is convinced of his character.

At this time, everyone was circulating the information in their hands. They were all businessmen, and the profit-seeking instinct of businessmen was fully exerted. No matter what you say, if you fail to make money for the business, then you are incompetent.

When they work for their boss, they are responsible for the profit and loss of the firm.

Seeing the losses incurred by the Gu Family Trading Company in the capital during King Yu's turmoil, many people were heartbroken. They couldn't help but feel glad that they could not compete with the senior shopkeeper Li when they competed for the position of the top shopkeeper in the capital. Otherwise, they would have suffered this crime.

Uncle Gu's heart grew colder the more he watched. He only focused on using these people to make trouble for Gu Deyin. He never thought that these people's abilities were so poor. Even if there was no betrayal, these people would still have to be eliminated based on their abilities.

The Gu family does not support idle people.

Gu Deyin has seen this information a long time ago. In fact, the loss on this is justified. She took the opportunity to buy the Xu family's utensils at a low price from the Xu family. Later, the Xu family moved them back with the help of King Yu. This reflected Doesn’t it become a bad debt when it is recorded in the account?

That's why the numbers in this account are so ugly, but not many people know the details. It is estimated that the stewards who took refuge with Uncle Gu are not directly responsible, so they don't know much about the twists and turns. around.

Seeing this account, I was furious. Some of the shopkeepers with a bad temper had already jumped up and said, "Boss, you are right to fire these people. These people have no moral character and no ability. What's the use of keeping them?" ?”

"That's right, boss, it's a good idea to fire them. We can't let them sit there and make the company suffer losses..."

There were more and more voices praising Gu Deyin for what he did right, which made Uncle Gu's face even more ugly. He wanted to open his mouth to say something, but when he saw that those people had their heads covered and did not dare to argue, he was furious again.

If he had known what kind of people these people were, he should not have recruited them in the first place.

Now that things have come to a point, he can no longer be dragged down by these idiots. The sooner he cuts off his position, the better for him.

He was so angry that he stepped forward and kicked him, "You have made me suffer so much. What you say about protecting the family business for the Gu family is bullshit in my opinion. It is your sophistry..."

After venting his anger, he straightened his clothes, turned to Gu Jianghuai and cupped his hands and said, "Brother, I was really deceived by them. Before, I only thought of them as slaves for the Gu family. We have to be merciful... Alas, my brother, I made a mistake this time..."

This time he kept his posture extremely low, obviously to restore his image in the minds of everyone.

Everyone in his group also spoke up for Uncle Gu, shirking all responsibilities.

Gu Jianghuai just said calmly, "It is my daughter who should be forgiven, not me. She has full authority to handle this matter."

When Uncle Gu heard this, he became more and more dissatisfied. How could he, the second uncle, apologize to his niece?
He didn't move for a long time, and Gu Jianghuai, who was sitting in the main seat, stopped talking and just stared at him with a heavy gaze.

And Gu Deyin didn't take the initiative to speak. She knew that her father was trying to build momentum for her. As long as Uncle Gu lowered his head in public this time, he would never be able to raise it again in the future.

This move was crucial to her.

The atmosphere became tense. This was an internal fight within the Gu family. Others did not interfere and could only watch from the sidelines. After what happened just now, their eyes on Gu Deyin finally changed, at least they no longer looked at the delicate girl. His eyes were filled with evaluation and consideration. Finally, under Gu Jianghuai's oppressive gaze, Second Uncle Gu turned to look at Gu Deyin, "Niece, it was Second Uncle's fault that he doubted you so much because he didn't find out that you were deceived..."

When Gu Deyin heard the second uncle's voice admitting his mistake, she became more and more wary. She also stood up and responded.

"Second uncle, if you listen to both, you will be enlightened, if you listen to one side, you will be dark. I hope you will remember it in the future."

Uncle Gu clenched his fists tightly under his sleeves, but still maintained a smile on his face, "That's what my niece said."

At this point, I thought it was over, but I heard Uncle Gu change the topic again, "In this case, I, the second uncle, still have something unclear that I want to ask my niece."

Gu Deyin was not surprised. For someone like Uncle Gu, he would never give up until the Yellow River. He would not give up the Gu family's business easily.

"Second uncle, please speak."

"Okay, my niece is happy. Now, my second uncle has to say. In addition to this, the reason why I speak for the old man of the trading company this time is because there is another thing. Even if my niece wants to cultivate her own power, she cannot completely ignore her lifelong struggle for the trading company. Old man, they have made great contributions to the company. If you do this, everyone will feel cold..."

As he spoke, he pointed at the people present and said bewitchingly.

"Some of you are old people in a trading company, and some of you will become old people in a trading company in the future. If you act as my niece does, you will all be kicked out in the future. Who will speak for you then?"

Gu Deyin watched with cold eyes as he tied everyone into his carriage. These words would make everyone present feel a sense of crisis, so those who did not support Uncle Gu also shut their mouths at this moment. They were afraid that their lips would die. .

At this moment, everyone looked at Gu Deyin not only with scrutiny, but also with a bit of unknown hostility, as if they were seeing the tragic ending of the Japanese.

Bo Qingya's face became extremely ugly. He used to look down on Uncle Gu, but now it seems that this rat in the gutter can bite people sometimes.

He wanted to say something, but when he met his adoptive father's eyes, he told him to stand still. He could only calm down and watch this unfavorable scene for Gu Deyin. No matter how anxious he was, he could only watch it.

Gu Deyin's expression did not change. Her fearlessness in the face of danger made everyone present look at her. They no longer discriminated against her because she was a woman. But if she wanted to kill everyone, don't blame them for being rude. Fighting back would cut off her path to becoming the heir.

The atmosphere was tense and dull. Only Uncle Gu secretly smiled triumphantly. Don't think that his apology was easy to bear. This time it was enough for the niece to drink. Let's see if she still dares to think about a position and family property that does not belong to her. .

It's fine for a woman to stay in the backyard and take care of her husband and raise children, but she still wants to come out to fight with men. She deserves to be ostracized and suppressed.

When Uncle Gu was lost in thought, he heard Gu Deyin's voice.

"Second Uncle, in order to tie everyone to your ship, you compared them, who are upright, with a group of treacherous people. It shows that you, Second Uncle, have no good intentions."

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