Chapter 196: Marriage Decree
However, Qi Jinzhi begged to her sister, "Sister, please help my brother. I really like Gu Deyin. If I can't marry her, I will never marry another woman as my wife in this life..."

"Are you threatening me?"

Qi Meizhi narrowed her eyes and said with a bad expression. She never thought that her seemingly affectionate brother could actually be an infatuated person. It was really ridiculous.

She really didn't understand what her brother liked about Gu Deyin?
In terms of beauty, family background, and ability, there were many women who were better than her, but her stupid brother was eaten to death by a scheming girl.

It really pissed her off.

Qi Jinzhi looked at Qi Meizhi who was half-dead with anger and said hurriedly.

"Sister, I don't mean to threaten you, but before I met Gu Deyin, I never thought about getting married and having children..."

"You have to be her in this life?"

"Yes, I will never marry unless she is in my life."

Qi Meizhi was so angry that she threw the pillow behind her at Qi Jinzhi, stood up and pointed out angrily, "Go away, go back to Qi's house and reflect on yourself. You don't want many noble girls, but you want a daughter who has returned to the clan. I wish you well, you are so kind!"

Of course Qi Jinzhi didn't dare to leave. If he really did, then he really wouldn't be able to marry Gu Deyin.

He knelt there honestly. This was his only way of resistance.

Qi Meizhi was so angry that she was out of breath. But at this moment, Eunuch Zhang was sneaking a peek outside, and she couldn't help but yell angrily, "Get in here."

Eunuch Zhang was shocked. He didn't want to go in and touch the Queen Mother's head, but he had to report the news about the regent, so he looked outside, trying to find a good time to go in.

Little did he know that he would still fall headlong into the Queen Mother's anger. He bowed and walked in cautiously, not daring to look at the kneeling Qi Jinzhi. He was afraid of catching the tail of the typhoon. After saluting, he stepped forward and whispered in the Queen Mother's ear. .

"Mother, the prince did go to the Gu Mansion. When the people we sent to keep an eye on him came back, he was still at the Gu Mansion and had not left..."

Qi Meizhi didn't expect that she would guess that Xiao Mingzhang really fell in love with Gu Deyin, otherwise why would he go to Gu's house at this juncture?
The ultimate reason is that her brother's proposal of marriage to Gu Deyin stimulated Xiao Mingzhang, and he truly expressed his inner thoughts.

For a moment, her face was full of envy, jealousy and hatred.

Although she is a widow, Gu Deyin and Li Guo are no different from her.

Even in terms of looks, she thinks she is not inferior to Gu Deyin, on the contrary, she is slightly better.

She is better than Gu Deyin in everything from family background to ability.

But why, she just couldn't get Xiao Mingzhang's heart. How could she, Gu Deyin, be so virtuous?

Can he be favored by Xiao Mingzhang?
Because of her strong envy and jealousy, she slammed the tea cup on her hand to the ground and clenched her fists with a fierce expression.

Unless she kills Gu Deyin, she swears she won't be a human being.

Qi Jinzhi saw his sister's twisted expression full of murderous intent. He hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Sister, what's wrong? What happened?"

At this moment, he no longer cares about asking to marry Gu Deyin. After all, in his mind, Gu Deyin is still not as important as his biological sister.

Qi Meizhi took a deep breath. She eased the murderous intention in her chest, and her expression gradually returned to her usual cold self.

After a while, she finally said, "You said you wouldn't marry anyone but Gu Deyin?"

Qi Jinzhi was stunned for a moment, and then he figured out what question his sister asked. He quickly responded, "Yes."

Qi Meizhi thought carefully with deep eyes. If Gu Deyin was brought into the Qi family, then Gu Deyin would live or die in just one sentence of hers. After all, she was the absolute authority in the Qi family. With her here, the Qi family can be prosperous. Without her, the Qi family will cease to exist.

"Okay, I promise you."

She seemed to see Gu Deyin's miserable death, and she couldn't help but become excited.

Seeing his sister's terrifying expression, Qi Jinzhi couldn't help but frown. What on earth did Eunuch Zhang say to his sister that made her change her mind and agree to him marrying Gu Deyin?
He looked at Eunuch Zhang. Eunuch Zhang lowered his head and said nothing. Anyway, he would not damage the Queen Mother's face openly.

Qi Jinzhi had no choice but to kowtow to her sister, "Sister, thank you for your help."

As long as his sister nods in agreement, the elders of the Qi family will not say anything more. As for the cold reception Gu Deyin will receive after marrying into the Qi family in the future, it is not within his scope of consideration.

When he thought of how many times Gu Deyin had made him lose face, he wanted to make her suffer in the future so that he could control her as much as possible.

Qi Meizhi waved his hand, immediately had the Four Treasures of the Study prepared, wrote the marriage decree himself, stamped it with the Queen Mother's seal, and then handed it over to Eunuch Zhang to go to the Gu Mansion to announce the decree.

Only then did Qi Jinzhi let go of his heavy heart, and stepped forward to flatter his sister by patting her shoulders and back.

"My sister is the best to me."

Qi Meizhi smiled slightly, "It's best if you know. When we get married in the future, we won't be as careless as before. I won't trust the Qi family if it is left to others. Only if you are in control can I rest easy."

Praying for today’s busy response.

However, sometimes if you are too happy, extreme joy and sorrow will happen in an instant.

Eunuch Zhang left and returned. At this time, he absolutely didn't want to go in and report to Qi Mei, but when he thought of Qi Mei's torture methods, he shuddered and had no choice but to bite the bullet and step in again.

"Your Majesty, the decree cannot be conveyed outside the palace..."


Qi Meizhi thought she was hallucinating, so she asked again, only to get an affirmative answer from Eunuch Zhang again.

At this moment, she slapped the table hard, "Isn't this reasonable? Do these people still have my presence in their eyes?"

Eunuch Zhang's heart skipped a beat, and he knelt down in fear, "Mother, my slaves are telling the truth. They said that the prince has an order, and this marriage decree cannot leave Kunning Palace, and it does not count..."

"Who does Xiao Mingzhang think he is, that he doesn't take me seriously..."

Qi Meizhi was so angry that she was livid because of Xiao Mingzhang's move. She wished she could leave the palace now and ask Xiao Mingzhang to find out.

Qi Jinzhi was confused when he heard this, "What does this have to do with Xiao Mingzhang? Why did he block this marriage decree?"

Eunuch Zhang glanced at the Queen Mother carefully, but did not see the Queen Mother stopping her, so he whispered knowingly.

"Uncle, the Prince Regent and Miss Gu are probably having an affair. That's why he ordered to prevent your marriage with Aunt Gu. There is no other explanation..."

Qi Jinzhi thought that he had misunderstood, so he hurriedly asked another question.

Eunuch Zhang still said the same thing, and he believed Eunuch Zhang's words. His face was suddenly twisted with jealousy, and he turned around and walked out, "I'm going to go find him Xiao Mingzhang to settle the score? What's the point of trying to force someone into a corner?"

Qi Meizhi saw this younger brother walking out with a sinister expression and hurriedly called, "Come back here."

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