Chapter 199 Secretly Baiting
As early as when she discovered Liu Chunhe's traces, she sent people to follow him, so she knew wherever Liu Chunhe was hiding.

Little Eunuch Liao blinked. He had received a lot of benefits from Gu Deyin, but he just brought something to Aunt Liu. How could he be unreasonable?

Liu Ruohe has been miserable recently. She was having a smooth life in the Zhang Mansion, but suddenly she was severely punished by Eunuch Zhang. Now even her son cannot please the Zhang siblings. The future is worrying, and she can't help but feel worried.

The thought of being implicated by Gu Deyin made her teeth itch with hatred.

She felt that she and Gu Deyin must have had conflicts in the past life, and she was the one who brought her misfortune every time. When she was cursing Gu Deyin for a bad death, she received a rare guest named Little Eunuch Liao.

Her eyes suddenly lit up, her luck was not bad.

"Why did father-in-law come to my place today?"

She deliberately sat close to Little Eunuch Liao and fell into this situation. She no longer pretended to be the daughter of an uncle's house in the past, but used a woman's most primitive capital, hoping to capture Little Eunuch Liao and become her heir. Minister.

Little Eunuch Liao moved his position without interest and looked coldly at Liu Ruohe, who was willing to be humbled.

"Aunt Liu, please respect yourself."

Liu Ruohe was so angry that she clenched her back teeth, and now she no longer looked so enchanting, but at this juncture, she did not dare to offend Little Eunuch Liao, with a flattering smile on her face.

"If your father-in-law doesn't like it, I won't do it. If you have anything to say, you might as well say it directly."

Little Eunuch Liao took out Liu Chunhe's personal belongings and placed them in front of Liu Ruohe, "Miss Gu asked our family to bring these to Aunt Liu. She said Aunt Liu would understand them once she sees them."

She reached out and picked it up and looked at it. How could Liu Ruohe not recognize her brother's personal belongings?
A flash of anger flashed in her eyes. She deliberately refused to contact Gu Deyin during this period because she didn't want to get too close to her and wanted to unilaterally break the contract.

After all, the river has been crossed, so what’s the use of keeping the bridge?
Unexpectedly, she was threatened by Gu Deyin before she could take action to make him disappear.

This time she didn't touch her brothers because she knew she might not be able to keep her son, so she targeted her brother.

After all, his brother's identity cannot be exposed, and he will die if he is exposed to the light.

This woman was much more sinister than she imagined, and she began to miss the silly Baitian who was at her mercy.

Little Eunuch Liao didn't say anything more, got up and left.

Liu Ruohe did not send him off, but sat there blankly looking at her brother's personal belongings in her hands. After a while, she got up and wrote a letter to Gu Deyin.

Now that things have come to a point, she has no choice but to make ends meet with Gu Deyin, and she can only take one step at a time.

Of course, she still wanted the immediate benefits. To win the trust of Eunuch Zhang, a sinister man, she had to shed some blood. If Gu Deyin wanted her next plan to go smoothly, she must first cooperate with her to win Eunuch Zhang's love again.

That night, she personally made some of Eunuch Zhang's favorite side dishes and served them to him.

Eunuch Xiao made it convenient for her, and she was no longer prevented from seeing Eunuch Zhang.

After entering, she coaxed Eunuch Zhang gently, which actually made Eunuch Zhang gentle to her. When she saw that the time was right, she gritted her teeth and said harshly.

"Father-in-law, I have long disliked Gu Deyin. You misunderstood me before. You just mistakenly thought that her hand would reach my father-in-law's side. How can I still turn to her now?"

Eunuch Zhang looked at her with suspicion and did not interrupt her immediately.

Liu Ruohe seemed to be encouraged, and she leaned forward and whispered her plan in her ear.

After hearing this, Eunuch Zhang grabbed her slender neck and looked at her indifferent face, "Do you really think so? If you dare to lie to our family, our family will make you unable to live or die..." "

"Father... I am yours in life, and your ghost in death... How dare I lie to you?"

After a while, Eunuch Zhang finally released his grip on her neck.

Liu Ruohe gasped for air. At this time, she collapsed on the ground, her eyes blurred.

"I hate her, I hate her for ruining my..." Good life...

At that time, she was the high-ranking eldest daughter-in-law of the Marquis, and no one dared to look down upon her like that.

Eunuch Zhang has met many people, so he naturally knows that Liu Ruohe is telling the truth. She really hates Gu Deyin, and his suspicion of her is now reduced.

"Help Aunt Liu go back."

After hearing his instructions, the attendants on the left and right stepped forward to help Liu Ruohe and walked out.

Liu Ruohe still did not forget to look back at Eunuch Zhang, "Eunuch... my heart for you... can be learned from heaven and earth..."

Zhang Gong certainly didn't believe this. How could a woman really like him for a eunuch like him?

But although Liu Ruohe was a dull woman, she was much more interesting than the other women. If she didn't have the intention to betray him, it wouldn't be a bad idea to stay with him as a plaything.

Gu Deyin had expected that the business would suffer setbacks. Not only did the tributes in the palace go wrong, but there were also problems with the products that were mainly sold to noble ladies. These all came one after another. The business of the Gu family business was affected, and Uncle Gu and his wife jumped up again. They had never been willing to let this huge family business fall into Gu Deyin's hands.

"Brother, look at it, let me tell you, how can a woman be good at business?"

Uncle Gu put all the recent revenue and profits in front of Gu Jianghuai in front of everyone. At this time, he was so proud that he looked back at Deyin to repel him. This time he used her spear to hit him. Her shield, what else can she say?
Gu Jianghuai had known this for a long time, and his daughter had already been angry with him, so he just flipped through the information and quickly closed it again, looking at the restless second brother with a very calm expression.

"What do you want?"

Uncle Gu immediately said, "Brother, Sister Yin is not a business person. Women should stay in the back house to support their husbands and raise children. This is the right way. Let's do this. Brother, if you want to recruit a son-in-law, then you can recruit a son-in-law for Sister Yin." One, I think Kang Shenglian is good, and he doesn’t mind getting married..."

Gu Deyin, who rushed over after receiving the news, heard Uncle Gu's words and sneered immediately.

"Second uncle really has a good plan. If you are so fond of Kang Shenglian, why not marry your cousin to him? Why bother pushing him to me again and again?"

Second Uncle Gu's face turned red when his worries were revealed.

"I'm thinking about you. My sister doesn't have to worry about getting married, but you are different. Sister Yin, you and I are divorced, and you are no longer a young girl. How can you find a good family? Listen to my second uncle's advice, It would be prudent to find someone to marry as soon as possible.”


Gu Deyin cursed in his heart, but there was a sneer on his face.

"Whether I'm worried about getting married or not, it's not your uncle's turn to worry about it. Before me, you should worry about your daughter first."

She meant what she said, but she was afraid that Uncle Gu wouldn't understand, so she leaned closer and said it in a voice that could only be heard by the two of them.

"Second uncle, you have to be careful about cousin Rong's pregnancy."

These words were extremely harsh in Uncle Gu's ears, and he looked at Gu Deyin with a gnawing look.

"Why are you so vicious? Stop cursing my sister Rong. She is a decent person, so keep your mouth clean..."

"That's all I've said. Believe it or not, don't say I didn't tell you in advance."

Uncle Gu, who had rushed to confront Gu Deyin, no longer cared about the matter and turned away angrily. He hurried back to question his wife.

Gu Deyin looked at his leaving back coldly. When she looked back, she saw the disapproval in her father's eyes, but she said.

"Dad, extraordinary things must be done. We have to lower the bait before we can catch a big fish. What's more, the real culprit behind the scenes this time is the Queen Mother, so we must be more careful."

Gu Jianghuai sighed, "It's too risky for you to do this. Why don't you talk to the prince first?"

With Xiao Mingzhang coming forward, there is no need to be so complicated to convince the enemy. After all, Xiao Mingzhang's status is here, and even the Qi family has to buy it.

Gu Deyin shook his head, "I don't want to rely on him for everything. This goes against my original intention. I have to learn to walk independently so that no matter what the wind and rain are in the future, I will not be caught in the wind and rain."

Gu Jianghuai sighed lightly and did not mention Xiao Mingzhang again. After all, his daughter was right, it is better to rely on yourself than to rely on others.

With Gu Jianghuai behind his back, many problems arose in the Gu family business, and everyone was extremely busy for a while.

Gu Deyin naturally had to do her best. In order to solve her business problems, she met many business partners non-stop.

Some of these people even met her once or twice for Gu Jianghuai's sake, but when they saw her appearing in public as a woman, their words became less respectful and more frivolous.

For example, I met a Jiangnan cloth merchant today. This company has cooperated with Gujia Trading Company for more than ten years. The relationship between the two companies has always been good. But now that I saw Gujia Trading Company in crisis, and saw Gu Deyin stepping forward to solve the problem alone, my eyes suddenly filled with tears. It's all contempt.

"Niece of the Gu family, don't say that I, as your uncle, don't take care of you. How about you drink this glass of wine and let's continue talking about it?"

A glass of wine was placed in front of Gu Deyin.

When the others saw this, they burst into laughter.

They had all heard Uncle Gu mention Gu Deyin. Of course, most of the one-sided words were slanderous, but they had no choice but to be biased, so they naturally believed Uncle Gu's slanderous words.

Gu Deyin glanced at the full wine glass, raised it up and drank without changing his expression, and drank it all in one gulp.

She showed the wine glass to everyone.

Everyone who was laughing in the room suddenly stopped laughing when they saw her acting like this. Unexpectedly, she didn't have stage fright?

I thought this delicate girl would leave in tears, but I didn't expect that she actually drank the wine in one gulp.

Gu Deyin grabbed the wine bottle, found an empty glass, poured a glass of wine directly, pushed it to the cloth merchant who was in trouble before, and said with a smile.

"Uncle, since you take such good care of my niece in this life, and you don't do anything inappropriate in return, please do me a favor and have a drink, please?"

The Jiangnan cloth merchant suddenly looked ugly.

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