Natalie's magical growth record

Chapter 1632: Cardilia talks with Heverspel

Chapter 1632: Cardilia talks with Heverspel (Part )

After greetings and greetings that were no different from the previous ones, Cardilia immediately explained her purpose of visit in more detail.

The 'Explorer' member also listened quietly without interrupting.

After about three minutes of description, Cardilia ended her story, describing what they had encountered, what she could think of, and what she had not been able to completely clarify after previous investigations, and there were still gaps or questions. All that part was selectively told to the other party.

Although she did not explain the matter in detail to the other party, she tried her best to restore the progress of her own investigation.

Heverspel listened quietly without interrupting.

It wasn't until the other person finished speaking that he slowly came back to his senses from listening to other people's stories.

"If I remember correctly, your incident this time should not have reached the point where you need to take action, right?"

Without rushing to give his thoughts, Hefripel asked with some curiosity.

"Indeed, but it's not a situation where we can sit back and watch too much."

Cardilia responded calmly, cautiously and without revealing her true thoughts.

"So is this your insurance to prevent things from getting worse?"

Heverspel continued to ask.


"So that's it." After a deliberate pause, Heverspel immediately matched his behavior, glanced at the important members of the 'Mediator' in front of him with some irony, and asked a more pointed question, "Then , Miss Yurel, what do you mean by what you said to me before? If you just want to remain a bystander, you don't need to tell me in detail, or even talk to me about it. , and for what reason did you mention that to me?"

At the end of his words, Heverspel quietly deepened the emotions contained in his eyes, staring straight at Cadelia, waiting for the other party's answer.

"I must maintain the necessary caution. Regarding this, I believe you will probably make the same choice when it comes to certain important projects."

But it was obvious that Cardilia was not deterred by the other party's attitude and still gave her answer very decisively.

"Ha, that's a good excuse, but as far as I'm concerned, I don't care what you think." Seeing that Cardilia neither confirmed nor denied, Heverspel did not continue to expose the other party's lies. , Zi Guzi continued, "So, do you still agree with the goals to be achieved through this cooperation?"

As he spoke, Heverspel immediately glanced at the core 'Mediator' members on the opposite side, strengthening his own confidence. "Of course, you don't need to worry about this. You should know very well that I have always kept my word."

Cardilia was not surprised by Heverspel's reaction and made her promise very calmly.

"Very good, then I will tell you what I know. However, there is one thing I must make clear to you in advance," the 'Explorer' said seriously without giving the other party a chance to refute or interrupt. , "I can only tell you what you will hear next. If you want to know more, I am not responsible for providing you with information. You can negotiate with Lord Jilan yourself."

After receiving the affirmative result from the 'Mediator' member in front of him, Heverspel immediately opened the document bag that was quietly placed beside him, and started his own story along with the documents he had prepared in advance.

First, there is the part that Cardilia already knows. This includes things that happened in the Southern District of Earth in the past related to those special evil spirits, as well as the impact that those special evil spirits she knew had on the surrounding environment.

Although she was surprised that Heverspel knew so much about special evil spirits, she did not ask further questions and continued to listen to the other party's story.

The previous content was basically the same as what she had learned from other places. The core part was telling her about the dangers contained in those ruins and what kind of accidents had happened in the past.

She was not surprised by this.

The only place that concerned her was Merritt.

This is a place that no one else has mentioned before, and 'sky scholars' have not classified it as a place that needs to be focused on investigation.

At first, she thought that this might be a location added without authorization by Heverspel, a member of the 'Explorers', hoping that they, the 'Mediator' members, could help him complete the investigation that the other party expected.

But she immediately dismissed the idea.

Not to mention that the other party could make some demands in exchange for providing information through communication with her. Just saying that their 'mediator' really found something on Merritt's side, it would be difficult to conceal the other party's intentions. She didn't believe that this not-stupid member of the 'Explorers' could not see clearly the magnitude of the benefits involved. So, what she can think of now is that there may really be a big problem in Merritt, but the problems involved probably have nothing to do with what the Sky Scholars and the others want to accomplish. In this way, it can also explain why the 'Sky Scholars' did not pay attention to this place.

After thinking about this clearly, she no longer felt incomprehensible. Of course, this did not stop her from doing some more research on Merritt before deciding to go there. After all, she couldn't completely trust the 'Explorer' member in front of her. In this case, necessary caution and vigilance are also necessary.

Next, Heverspel talked about some of the hidden histories of the ruins she had circled, some of which she already knew, and some of which she had never heard of before. She was not surprised by this, and continued to take necessary notes while cooperating with the other party's narration to raise questions that she already had or that had just arisen during the listening process.

Just when the other party mentioned the last ruins within her target range and made her feel that the intelligence collection was almost complete, the other party unexpectedly asked her a question in turn: "I forgot to mention that in order to introduce you to the history. What do you think is the difference between Castro and Merritt? They are both places with problems left by the saboteurs of the Second Age. Why are they listed as places that need to be investigated?"

Regarding this question, it is not surprising that the other party mentioned Merritt.

But for Castro, she didn't understand why he deliberately mentioned this place...

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