Natalie's magical growth record

Chapter 399 The Difficult Lesson 1

Chapter 399 A Difficult First Lesson

"10 meters, is it enough?"

After carefully checking her surroundings and finding no one else approaching, Qiaocelin immediately used magic to mark an open space in front of the two of them, and turned her head to ask the young man next to her.


After quickly comparing the distance between him and Alina that they had practiced before, Avis nodded slightly and gave a positive answer.

"Then if you stand here, are the corresponding barriers ready?"

After giving the instructions concisely and clearly, Qiaocelin quickly took out a black bracelet of the same size from the pockets on both sides of her long skirt, which looked like a depressing atmosphere, and put it on her wrist.

"Are you ready? When you are ready, you can attack directly."

After doing all this and quietly casting [Calm Water] on herself to calm down her emotions, Qiaocelin looked at the Water Begonia next to her again and started to confirm again.

"no problem."

Recalling the experience of fighting in Cason Prison that Alina briefly mentioned to him before, Avis, who wanted to directly think about the attack method, silently lowered his hand and used the original [Water Asylum] defensive magic that was equivalent to a high-level magic. On top, two [Water Shields] equivalent to intermediate magic have been added.

"You take the first move."

After taking a look at Water Begonia, which had only two intermediate defensive magics superimposed on it, Qiaocelin did not remind the other party of still underestimating her level. She quickly ran to the place where she had marked it before and looked at the distance. The young man nodded.

"it is good."

Elvis hesitated subconsciously at first, but finally followed the instructions without hesitation, and began to think about magic that didn't take too long to prepare and could hit the opponent in the afternoon.

Directly use advanced magic?

No, although the power of [Water Wave] is very impressive, when there is no need to resist attacks, the time it takes to prepare a high-level magic can allow him to release two to three more intermediate magics.

But is the power of intermediate magic really capable of directly achieving a crushing effect?

Recalling the attacks that Alina had given him a strong sense of intimidation at the beginning of training during this period, Avis's determination, which had just become firmer, began to waver.

[If that was a real battle just now, the time you had to think would have allowed your enemy to launch a surprise attack. If you can prepare in advance, battle strategies need to be planned at the beginning of the battle. It is not a good habit to think about strategies while fighting. 】

Just when he was about to think about a plan to improve the latter, he suddenly heard the voice of Alina Christo, the Bell Lily.

"Senior Suzuran, why are you here?"

He subconsciously blurted out, but found that his barrier did not change in any way. He stopped his subsequent words in confusion and looked forward again.

"Do you remember the communication gem? I am using this to give you some necessary guidance." She noticed that the young man's mouth unconsciously loosened his fist. Outside the barrier, Alina was sitting leisurely and watching the two people's movements. He couldn't help but pick up the communication gem again, chuckled and poured cold water on it, "Of course, after you officially start to release the first magic, I won't give you any more prompts. So, why don't you take advantage of this opportunity now?" Ask me a question? After all, I have plenty of experience in helping you overcome difficulties."

"Suzuland, if you don't want to waste any more time in the afternoon, please be a competent spectator!"

Holding back the anger of being poked at the painful spot, Qiaocelin couldn't help but look at the leader of the Sage Assistants who was sitting leisurely outside the barrier, and whispered a warning through the communication gem unceremoniously. "Okay, okay, Ives, I wish you good luck. Remember to use a few more defensive magics before you start."

After saying that, Alina didn't delay anymore, took the initiative to put away the communication gem, and returned to the original audience state.

"I'll give you 5 seconds. If you don't plan to attack, then I'll treat it as if you gave up the opportunity."

After cautiously confirming the status of the communication gem, and seeing that the assistant of the Orchid of the Wind of the Bell sage had indeed cut off contact, Qiaocelin could safely use the communication gem to convey her words.


Caught off guard by the opponent's time limit, Avis was shocked at first, and then without daring to think about anything, he quickly started to condense the magic circle according to the previous idea, compressing the emerging water flow into a blade shape, and regrouped some before the countdown ended. With the magic element at hand, he used the strength of his temporarily strengthened right hand to swing out the newly formed [Water Jet].

However, before such an attack could get close to Qiaocelin, a blue barrier that also had a blue halo but was lighter in color than the [Water Jet] easily blocked it halfway.

With no time to be shocked or to regroup a new round of attack magic, Ives immediately dodged to the side by relying on the images that flashed through his mind.

However, the expected coherent attack did not appear, and even the possible tentative attack did not come.

what happened?

Doesn't Miss Lifford intend to take advantage of the victory?

But why did she intercept my magic midway? Wouldn't it be better to let me mistakenly think that the attack was successful and then counterattack unexpectedly?

A series of doubts began to emerge in Ives' mind, causing him to uncontrollably rack his brains and think about the reasons for the strange phenomena...

"Maxwell, didn't Suzuran teach you not to lose your mind during battle?"

Just as Avis was trying to analyze the cause and think of a solution, the blue water ball that suddenly collapsed in front of him and the dissatisfied voice coming from the communication gem suddenly drew his attention back.

"Feel sorry."

After a brief apology, Avis hurriedly gathered his thoughts and began to gather magic elements to disperse the magical debris of the water ball that might be approaching him.

However, just as he had condensed a magic circle, several more water balls that were no less powerful than the attack just now were quickly approaching him.

With no time to think about anything else, Ives hurriedly put away the magic circle and carefully retreated erratically, while setting up a temporary defensive magic circle to resist.

bang bang bang-

As the two completely different states collided with each other, cracks gradually appeared in the defensive magic array that was still somewhat comfortable.

Realizing that he seemed to have underestimated the power of those water balls, Ives hurriedly began to gather magic elements and tried to strengthen the magic circle. However, the progress of his collection of magic elements had not yet had time to inject into the magic circle that had begun to crack in front of him. A water bomb that was bigger and bluer than the previous water balloons followed closely...

(End of this chapter)

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