"Le Zheng's family is in the Southern Territory, and their best friend is the Wenjian Sect. Even the family's children only join the Wenjian Sect, and are not closely connected with the Hanyun Sect in the Northern Territory."

Saying that, Shi Bai glanced at Le Zhengyan: "Except for the junior brother's mother, Liu Yingxue, who gave up her position as elder and married the current head of the Le Zheng family, Le Zhengtong."

"Senior brother, let me figure it out." Lu Xingyan pressed his eyebrows: "Although we have to make bold assumptions and be careful to verify, you are too bold."

"But Hanyun Sect and Lezheng Family do have weird things. Let's first look for what else is underground." Lu Xingyan suggested.

[Host, you really don’t blame me. What Qi Bai said, what you know is all the information I know. What you don’t know, I don’t know either.]

[There are no evil ghosts in the original text, even Ye Zhiwei has not traveled through time, and there is no evil cultivator in the mortal world thousands of years ago. On the day when Cong Le Zhengyan was reborn and worshiped the Xuanling Sect, perhaps the plot had already started to get messy, or even earlier. , it was in chaos thousands of years ago]

Lu Xingyan also felt dizzy.

She summoned Taibai, held her hands tightly, looked at Le Zhengyan who was still thinking and confused, and stretched out her hand to pull him closer: "Let's find some time to figure out the matter between you and the Hanyun Sect."

"Okay, thank you, senior sister." Le Zhengyan had this intention.

Just like what he heard from Lu Xingyan's heartfelt conversation with Lao Liu, everything that happened in this life was something he hadn't seen in the last twenty-five years.

Perhaps this world really started to change as Lu Xingyan said, ever since he was inexplicably struck to death by a lightning and reborn.

Or maybe, the previous life was false, but this life is true?

As soon as this idea came up, Le Zhengyan smiled bitterly.

He must have been influenced by Qi Bai's imaginative brain circuit.

Following the pace of Fantong, as we go deeper into the tunnel, it feels as if we have fallen into the extremely cold ice.

Rice Tong's broad figure blocked the view ahead.

But from his excited tone, he could also confirm what was happening ahead.

He drooled: "Master, there are so many ghosts, can I eat them all? Can I swallow them all in one bite?" "Get out of the way first, let me take a look." Lu Xingyan pulled his erratic ghost aura, like It took some time to pull the reluctant rice bucket back like a marshmallow.

Without the Nascent Soul Evil Ghost like Rice Bucket to block the aura of a living person, the Golden Core Evil Ghost wandering aimlessly in a circular Bagua area, with red and cold eyes, all turned their heads to stare at Lu Xingyan.

They had greedy eyes and no sense of consciousness. They only followed instinct and licked the blood, turning into ghost energy and attacking.

When Le Zhengyan and Qi Bai were drawing their swords and the other making seals, and were about to defend themselves against the enemy, Lu Xingyan pulled out the rice bucket with his backhand and blocked it in front of the three of them.

The powerful and rich ghost energy once again covered up the auras of the three people.

When he realized that there was a Nascent Soul evil ghost in front of him, the evil ghosts that were originally rushing to attack the hungry ghosts pulled their bodies and turned around and retreated one by one.

"Don't fight yet, this time the main purpose is to check for information." Lu Xingyan said his thoughts.

"Yu Huai, help me catch a ghost." Lu Xing said.

"Want the fattest one?" Fan Tong raised his ghost claw and pointed his finger, accurately targeting the one among the hundreds of evil ghosts, the only one with a cultivation level that reached the peak of the Golden Core.

"Yes, I want it." Lu Xingyan nodded.

The rice bucket accepted the order and did not move his position. He stretched out his claws and pulled out the golden elixir peak evil ghost like a chicken.

As the distance got closer, I felt the breath of a living person again.

This evil ghost ignored its instinctive fear and opened its bloody mouth, ready to swallow the nearest white head.

The sluggish ghost slapped it on the head hard with its claws, knocking both of the evil ghost's eyes to the ground, and even twisted the evil ghost like a towel.

Qi Bai was still a little surprised: "Junior sister, the ghost you raised still knows how to protect his own people." (End of Chapter)

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