One wolf and one snake, two big monsters.

Plus a powerful demon with a face full of magic marks.

The three of them spent several years in the dungeon. A three-legged confrontation has long been formed.

There is no precedent for any human or animal targeted by them to escape.

At this time, seeing Song Zhi and Feng Ye being targeted by the three bosses, the crowd immediately started cheering.

"Promise, Boss Wolf!"

"The wolf boss loves women the most..."

"Little girl, you should stay with the Snake Gang Leader. At least you can survive and give you brothers and sisters a bite to eat!"

"Oh haha, that big man is being targeted by the Demon Devourer. I'm afraid he will eat all his bones."

"These two strangers must be newcomers who have just arrived. It's pitiful that they were targeted by a few powerful people just after they came in."

"Just watch, they will definitely be unable to break away today, and they will die on the spot. Come, come, come, don't miss it as you pass by, bets are open!"


The dungeon is huge.

When Song Zhi and Feng Ye were forced into a corner to create trouble.

The humans and animals in other parts of the dungeon have already started a lively gambling game regarding the life and death of the two of them.

Almost everyone forced Song Zhi and Feng Ye to surrender and die.

Only a half-demon with goat's horns took out half a steamed bun and slowly pressed it to Song Zhi and Feng Ye.

He has a mysterious intuition.

He felt that the female cultivator, who had a bright appearance and a calm and cool temperament, could fight back and break the rules of the human-animal shed.


"Three bosses, we brothers and sisters are new here and don't understand the rules. I'll give you some advice first."

"I still have some spirit stones and gold beads that I took away here. I would like to give them to the three bosses as a meeting gift, and ask them to let us brothers and sisters go."

Faced with the persecution of two demons and one demon, Feng Ye avoided the important and took the easy.

He took out the cloth bag in his arms, poured out a small pile of spiritual stones and gold beads, held them in his palms, smiled slightly flatteringly, and walked towards the three of them.

Song Zhi lowered his face, hiding the coldness in his eyes, stretched out his hand to tug on Feng Ye's clothes, and followed him step by step.

Seeing this scene, the two big demons looked at each other, with the same ease and disdain in their eyes.

Yes, he is another weakling who sees nothing but no use.

That pretty girl is theirs!




"You want to buy off the lives of your brother and sister with just a few spiritual stones and gold beads?"

"Boy, are you sending the beggar away?"

"Old dog and stinking snake, the woman is yours, but I want the man."

"That's it, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense!"

As soon as Feng Ye got closer, the powerful demon devourer, who was more than two meters tall, spat out a mouthful of phlegm, stretched out his big palm like a cattail leaf fan, and swatted away the spiritual stone and gold beads in Feng Ye's palm.

The beads and spirit stones fell to the ground.

The people and animals gathered around to watch the excitement immediately swarmed up and snatched away all the spiritual stones and golden beads.

Seeing Feng Ye's increasingly ugly face, Demon Eater let out a malicious and arrogant laugh.

He gave the order, and the other two big demons who were watching the excitement immediately responded.

The three of them rushed towards Song Zhi and Feng Ye.


"Senior brother, the old devil belongs to you, and the two demons belong to me!"

At the same moment, Song Zhi suddenly raised his head.

She stretched out her hand to separate the wolf demon's grasping hand, shouted to Feng Ye, and then moved forward instead of retreating, rushing towards the two demons.

Other newcomers who have lost their cultivation spiritual power may be helpless and unable to resist.

Song Zhi is definitely not like this.

Not to mention that she had taken half of the ninth-grade Qingxin Pill and the Marrow Cleansing Pill in the corpse cave, which eliminated the stagnation in the body, and the marrow cleansing strengthened the spiritual body.

After she took up swordsmanship, she practiced martial arts every day and practiced hand-to-hand combat with fellow men to strengthen her sword skills. Faced with two demon clans that had lost their demonic power and could only rely on their strong bodies to bully the weak and seize territory, Song Zhi thought that he was no worse than them.

"You're so brave, little girl!"

"I'm tired of being submissive, I just like a tough guy like you!!"

"Old dog, be gentle, don't break the little beauty, hahahahaha!"

Song Zhi's counterattack aroused the vigilance and preparedness of the two demons.

On the other hand, it also aroused their desire to conquer.

The wolf demon stretched out its sharp claws, jumped up, and pounced towards Song Zhi.

He raised his claws and scratched hard, successfully leaving three deep scratches on Song Zhi's shoulder.

The snake demon was holding the battle on the other side. Seeing Song Zhi's face turn pale and his beautiful eyebrows furrowed, he immediately laughed and joked.

But the next moment, his laughter was stuck in his throat.

Song Zhi, who was scratched by the wolf demon, was obviously in great pain, but when the wolf demon landed on the ground, he decisively raised his legs and bent his knees, pressing hard three inches into the wolf demon's abdomen.

The wolf demon's eyes were torn apart, he screamed in pain, and his body subconsciously shrank back.

Song Zhi, with an indifferent look on his face, took hold of his grabbing paw and pulled him back directly.

Then, as if possessed by Hercules, she dragged the wolf demon's arched body and smashed it to the ground again and again.

She looked thin and frail, but with one hand, she lifted up and dropped the wolf demon's huge body, which was nearly two meters tall and weighed two hundred kilograms.

The wolf demon struggled to fight back at first, but could not break away from Song Zhi's fingers.

Seeing that Song Zhi kept hitting him on the ground like a dead object, his head was bruised and his body was in severe pain.

The wolf demon immediately felt a chill in his heart, knowing that he was in trouble.

He was decisive.

At the moment when Song Zhi continued to smash him down, he hooked his claws, and a little half-demon around him who couldn't get up was caught in his hand.

He threw the half-demon hard at Song Zhi.

When Song Zhi used his free hand to knock away the half-demon, the wolf demon seized the opportunity, opened his mouth, exposed his fangs, and bit Song Zhi's wrist.

His teeth were poisonous, and his teeth were sharp and long.

Relying on the unique poisonous fangs of the wolf tribe, he was invincible in the dungeon.

Forcing the snake demon and the demon devourer to dare not compete with him.

This is the wolf demon's trump card.

He thought that if Song Zhi was bitten, he would subconsciously let go of him.

In fact, she will be poisoned and die immediately.

But when he hunched his back and bit Song Zhi's wrist with all his strength.

The human who grabbed his arm with her right hand, not only did not let go, but she squeezed him tighter.

She didn't have poisonous hair either, but looked down with a sneer on her face, and her other hand reached towards his neck.

The wolf demon only heard a click sound, and his vision turned from blurry to permanent darkness.


he died.

The wolf demon who had dominated the human livestock shed for decades died so easily in the hands of a woman.

It's so cowardly!

"Ape Wolf!"

"Well, you stinky woman, I didn't expect you to have some tricks up your sleeve."

"Don't be complacent. Ape Wolf died because he underestimated his enemy. I, Diamond Snake, will not underestimate you."

"Bitch, watch your move!"

The death of the wolf demon severely stimulated the snake demon.

The snake demon's pupils stood up, and the snake scales on his face moved slightly.

He rushed towards Song Zhi, a long and thick snake tail slipped out from under his robe, and threw it towards Song Zhi.

Song Zhi raised his hand to resist, but was still knocked away by the snake's tail that was quickly thrown away.

"Junior sister!"

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