Chapter 115, take mine and spit it out

Song Zhi scolded lightly.

While the snake demon has not completely collapsed to the ground.

She turned around, raised her leg, and kicked the snake demon in the lower abdomen.

As a result, the snake demon rose into the air and flew towards the undead half-demon.

Sang Yu was surprised that Song Zhi actually knew his name.

Seeing the body of the snake demon flying straight towards him, Sang Yu's eyes suddenly lit up.

In this deceptive human barn, snake blood is also a source of water, which can also quench thirst and replenish physical strength.

He immediately stopped thinking about it, raised his head and sucked hard, and the flying snake body was automatically brought to his mouth.

Snake blood gurgled out from the hole in the snake demon's back neck, nourishing Sang Yu's thirsty body bit by bit.


Over there, Sang Yu drank so happily that his happy eyes narrowed.

At this end, the battle between Feng Ye and Demon Eater is coming to an end.

Although Feng Ye was not as tall and powerful as the Demon Eater, he was better at being nimble in his movements and able to dodge in time.

He always goes around behind the Devourer and fires cold arrows to make sneak attacks.

After teasing him back and forth many times, the Demon Devourer finally became upset and angry.

While Demon Devourer was anxious and angry, Feng Ye stretched out his hand and pulled a demon female cultivator with sharp horns on her head.

He pressed the goat demon's horns and stabbed it hard, and the neck of the Devourer was stabbed right through.

When the black demon blood spurted out wildly.

The Demon Eater, who had dominated the dungeon for hundreds of years, died like this.

As the Devourer fell to the ground, dying, the battle in the dungeon was finally settled.

"Junior sister, are you okay?"

Feng Ye raised his hand and wiped the bleeding corners of his mouth fiercely. He bared his teeth, dragged his injured legs and feet, and limped towards Song Zhi.

Facing Feng Ye's concerned eyes, Song Zhi shook his head lightly, indicating that he was fine.

She glanced at Feng Ye's slightly trembling right leg, frowned subconsciously, and relaxed it the next moment.

With half of the ninth-grade marrow-cleansing pill that he had taken in the corpse cave, Feng Ye's injuries should be able to heal on their own.

He shouldn't hold her back.

With this in mind, Song Zhi raised his eyes and looked around sharply.

After seeing all the humans, demons and half-demon who looked at her, they all avoided her eyes, as if they were shrinking or surrendering, Song Zhi felt relieved.

This all-out demon-slaying operation finally achieved the shocking effect she wanted.


"My senior brother dropped the spiritual stone and gold beads on the ground before."

"Who picked them all up?"

"I'll give you three breaths to return the things."

"I'm going to say something ugly first. If I find out that you have paid back a penny less..."

"Then use your lives to block it."

Song Zhi is definitely not a murderous devil.

But in this situation, she and Feng Ye had to act strong and ruthless if they wanted to protect themselves.

Otherwise, they would be afraid that no bones would be left.

Feng Ye didn't expect that Song Zhi would deal with the matter of being robbed of spiritual stones and gold beads.

However, he wisely kept his words and did not talk too much, nor did he stop him.

The fact that the little junior sister can block two with one and not fall behind at all is enough to show how powerful she is.

Although he is a senior brother, he must abide by the rule that the strong are respected.

In the human and animal shed, he should be subordinate to Song Zhi and listen to her orders.

Watching Song Zhi hold the snake demon's spine, gently slide it on the ground like a whip, and slowly beat it.

Everyone who witnessed her cruelty was shocked.

There was no one who was trying to grab the spiritual stone or gold beads. In Song Zhi's cold and ruthless eyes, he took a few steps back consciously.

Those who had snatched things came forward tremblingly, knelt on their knees, held a few small spiritual stone gold beads in their hands, and offered them to Song Zhi obediently with an expression of worship.

Faced with this scene, Song Zhi didn't need to say anything, Feng Ye took out the cloth bag and put away the lost spiritual stone and gold beads.     “Wait a minute!”

When the last person handed over a handful of spiritual stones and stood up to leave, Song Zhi stretched out his hand to block the person's retreat.

That person was a fully transformed demon with long boring red hair on top of his head.

Seeing Song Zhi reaching out to stop him, his expression froze, his pupils shrank into tiny holes, and he turned around to stare at Song Zhi as if facing a formidable enemy.

"I, I returned the things!"

The red-haired demon clan pointed at the spirit stone that Feng Ye received in the bag and emphasized with a trembling voice.

He is half a dragon.

As soon as he transformed, he was caught by a bad beastmaster and sold here.

He usually doesn't fight, grab, or bully others casually, and he protects himself very well.

I was just following others to take advantage of the situation, but I didn't know that this human female cultivator turned out to be a tough one.

Not only did she strangle the ape-wolf demon to death in two or three strokes, she also brutally pulled out the snake's spine.

As a member of the soft-bodied demon clan, Banjiao felt scared just thinking about that scene.

He is such a miserable dragon!

Song Zhi didn't know that the Banjiao in front of him was full of inner drama. When he saw him looking up in a miserable state, his eyes were full of water, as if he would burst into tears in the next second.

Song Zhi felt baffled.

"I know who took how much."

"You paid too many spiritual stones. You can take back the extra ones yourself."

"I don't want more from you, but don't think about missing mine!"



"Is this, like this?"

"Okay, female boss! I know, I will take the extra spirit stones back now, hehe."

Banjiao never expected that the female devil who was shouting and killing the snake demon and wolf demon would spare him a favor and behave in such a gentle and kind manner, she was simply the embodiment of justice.


Banjiao was deeply moved as he quickly took the spirit stone handed over by Feng Ye and trotted away quickly.

Scared to death!

I thought that the female devil was going to leave him with cramps and peel off his skin, and then give him to the immortal half-demon as a preliminary ration.


"Junior sister, all the spiritual stones and golden beads are missing."

Feng Ye took the time to glance at the full bag, half of his face with a light beard, and couldn't help but feel happy.

However, although.

It's sad to say.

This bag of spiritual stones and gold beads was his only money.

If it is damaged, he will really become a pauper!

"It's really a happy event to find something lost. Senior brother, feel free to laugh if you want."

"But before that, we have to meet with the dungeon manager."

Song Zhi curled his lips slightly, and his tone was light and crisp.

She said it calmly, but the underlying meaning made Feng Ye tense up.

Yes, he got carried away.

In this human barn, the ones who have the real say are not the wolf demon, snake demon and the demon-eater.

But a monk manager with spiritual power!

They had previously fought with two demons and one demon, causing such a big commotion.

It's impossible for the dungeon manager not to notice.

The other party was just watching a show, so he didn't interrupt rashly.

"That's what junior sister said."

"We should find the managers and pay our respects first."

Feng Ye followed Song Zhi's gaze and turned around.

Outside the huge iron fence, a middle-aged male cultivator wearing a black brocade robe was sitting leaning on a wooden chair, with a look of scorn on his face as if he was watching an ant fight.

(End of this chapter)

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