"Brother Xiaozhuang, this family of three is lax."

"It's going to be bad."

"For our prison escape plan, it would be better for you to kill them."

In the inner pit of the Yanlithium Mine, next to a stone wall far away from the manager's sight.

Su Zhi pointed at the two women and one man kneeling on the ground and said lightly.

Upon hearing this, Zhuang Xianming, who was prepared to show mercy for the sake of the male cultivator, immediately became ruthless and killed the three of them on the spot with a stone-cutting hammer.

Looking at the dead-looking little deer-eared half-demon, Su Zhi's eyes flashed coldly, and her heart sank.

What a coincidence!

Her good senior sister was actually in this sinkhole.

She said, when she fell into the crack before.

Why does that ice whip that snatches the Mother Stone treasure box look so familiar?

Ha ha ha.

It turns out that it belongs to that bitch Song Zhi! !

The Heaven-Tunning Pot Artifact Spirit once said.

Song Zhi is a man of great fortune.

If she could kill Song Zhi.

In the entire world of cultivation, Su Zhi is the only one with the most luck, so the law of heaven will naturally favor her.

Both emotionally and rationally, she should find a way to get rid of Song Zhi.

Tiantianhu wants to treat Song Zhi as a provider of luck and slowly suck her dry, but Su Zhi wants to get rid of her once and for all!


She noticed this family of three last night.

No one else knew who the name Zhao Muyang was, but she knew it.

Sure enough, after capturing the Shenlu family today and questioning them, she determined Song Zhi's location.

This is really God helping me!

Outside, she might not be able to beat Song Zhi.

In this sinkhole, everyone is equal, has lost his cultivation, and will be treated harshly by the managers.

But she has the convenience of cutting Song Zhi with her hands!

Thinking of this, Su Zhi's eyes flickered and she looked up at the tall and thin young man beside her.

The young man has a delicate appearance and fair skin, although his clothes are shabby and simple.

The nobility throughout his body is completely natural.

This man's name is Zhuang Xianming, one of the jail leaders of the Jia Lao people's livestock shed.

Before he fell into decline, he was once a direct descendant of the Zhuang family, the number one weapon refining family in the Desert Continent.

Only because they were harmed by traitors, one of their members was unfortunately caught and sent to the dark pit of the Yanli Mine.

It is worth mentioning whether Zhuang Xianming is in good health.

In the tiankeng, I actually met my great-uncle who had been away from home for a hundred years.

His great-uncle was a member of Tiankeng's elite and held real power.

Relying on the protection of his uncle, Zhuang Xianming was able to get along well in the jail and enjoy a life of superiority to others.

But Zhuang Xianming was unwilling to give in.

He, as well as his great-uncle who was the Great Perfection of the Golden Elixir, all wanted to leave the sinkhole alive.

And now, they see hope in her.

Therefore, she has a certain right to speak.

The deer-eared half-demon said that as soon as Song Zhi and her senior brother arrived at the Yilao stable, they were noticed by the prison chief there, and several people got into a fight.

Although Song Zhi won by luck, he suffered a lot.

And as soon as she arrived at the Jialao people's stable, she met Zhuang Xianming, who was kind to her. This was really her greatest luck after being in trouble.

"Brother Xiaozhuang."

"I am willing to cooperate with you to escape from the sinkhole."

"But before that, you have to get rid of Song Zhi for me."


Song Zhi didn't know yet that Su Zhi was looking for someone to deal with her.

After successfully forming a team with the red-haired Banjiao, she and Feng Ye started chipping away at the stone with hammers.

When work ended in the evening, Song Zhi not only exceeded the mining task, she also relied on coercion and inducement to collect a large number of Yan crystals from a group of Banjiao people.

"You've done a good job. I'll allow you and your senior brother and sister to have a day off tomorrow."

"The day after tomorrow, just hand over three times the Yan Jing." When lining up to return to the dungeon, Song Zhi received another message from You Weili.

This time, You Weili didn't wait for Song Zhi to take out the Yan Jing, and he used magic to take away all the Yan Jing.

Listening to You Weili's gentle instructions, Song Zhi lowered his eyelashes to cover up the coldness in his eyes, and nodded in agreement very obediently.

She would like to see it.

Until tomorrow, will he, Yu Weili, die?

Or is the fire poison elixir refined by Zhao Muyang better?

The cassock she was wearing was one of the gifts Xiao Jianyue of Qingfeng Escort Bureau brought to her before Feng Ye.

Probably because he was born in the mortal world, Feng Ye has always had the attributes of a cunning rabbit with three holes.

Just like he used earthly cloth bags to carry spiritual stones and gold beads.

The cassock he gave to Song Zhi was also sewn with multiple hidden pockets for storing external items.

What a coincidence. In addition to hiding a Yang-Zhanying Sword in her robe, Song Zhi had also hidden two Yin-Yang Fire Poison Pills specially refined by Zhao Muyang.

The flaming crystal stones handed over to Youweili this time were all covered with yin and yang fire poison elixir powder.

Song Zhi has roughly figured out Yan Jing's usefulness to managers.

As long as You Weili uses this Yan Crystal, he will definitely suffer a big loss.

Once You Weili, Zhou Papi, dies, Song Zhi can take advantage of the situation and go to the other manager of the dungeon, Yan Yan.

There is one more Yin Yang Fire Poison Pill.

Song Zhi specially reserved this one for Li Yan.


"Junior sister, I didn't find Lulu."

As soon as Song Zhi and Sang Yu finished speaking, Feng Ye came over to her with a frown and whispered to her.

Song Zhi was stunned for a moment, then looked around the dungeon and found that there was indeed no figure of the deer-eared half-demon.

The heart in her chest suddenly beat violently.

A faint sense of ominousness came to mind.

"Perhaps she followed her parents into the prison."

"When work starts tomorrow, we'll go to the inner pit and ask."

"Senior brother, I have told Sang Yu the general plan. He said he would act by ear and cooperate with us."

The little half-demon didn't go back to prison, it was just a sideshow.

Song Zhi and Feng Ye were more focused on how to escape from the Yan Li Mine sinkhole.

"Junior sister, don't worry."

"Monks like us compete with heaven and man, but we can always turn disaster into good fortune, or we can achieve great success!"

"Let's wait and see how things develop."

"Let's take some time to rest first."

Feng Ye comforted him softly and tidied up a clean corner.

He took off his robe and spread it on the ground, using his eyes to signal Song Zhi to lie down and take a nap.

Song Zhi didn't refuse, and obediently stepped forward and lay down.

Feng Ye sat cross-legged next to her, his back as tall and steady as a mountain, giving people a sense of security.

Song Zhi curled his lips slightly and closed his eyes peacefully.

When she was sleeping sweetly, Song Zhi suddenly felt that her body was roughly picked up.

She immediately opened her eyes alertly.

What caught his eye were two young male cultivators wearing white robes.


"Senior Brother Shen, Senior Brother Wu."

"She is Zhao Ye, the newly promoted cell leader in my prison cell's stable."

"She has only been here not long ago and is still a newcomer."

"Two senior brothers, are you sure that the elite person and animal that the hall master wants is her?"

A familiar voice came from behind the two male figures in white, with a touch of flattery and doubt.

Song Zhi looked up and realized that the manager You Weili, who was familiar with her, was also present.

Facing You Weili's complicated and strange look, Song Zhi's heart felt high.

Oops, something unexpected happened!

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