"Xiaoyang, don't be confused!"

"Listen to me, your good junior sister is blessed with great luck."

"There are many treasures in her body, including the pure fairy spirit..."

"It is a great supplement to all things!"

"As long as you help me eat Song Zhi, I can make up for my origin. By then, I can return to the spiritual world."

"I'm going back to the fairy world. As my master, you can go too."

"Zhao Muyang, be good, let's eat Song Zhi together!"

In Zhao Muyang's sea of ​​consciousness, the earth's flames swayed gently, and he followed Zhao Muyang's instructions.

His voice was exactly the same as Zhao Muyang's, with a sense of weirdness everywhere.

Hearing this, Zhao Muyang lowered his head and pondered, as if he was seriously considering Di Yanhuo's proposal.

But in fact, Zhao Muyang was calm and testing whether he could take control of his body.

After confirming that the sovereignty of the Consciousness Sea was in his own hands, Zhao Muyang suddenly felt confident.

"Xiaohuo, I can agree to your proposal, but you need to give me a guarantee first."

"I want to see your fire spirit body."

Zhao Muyang stared at the ground fire in front of him with burning eyes, acting strong and calm.

Di Yan Huomiao tilted his head, slightly surprised by Zhao Muyang's request.

It felt something was wrong, but due to its limited intelligence, it did not refuse.

"of course can."

"Xiaoyang and I will always be best friends."

As soon as the childish voice finished speaking, a little flaming man with a red body was revealed in front of Zhao Muyang.

The appearance of the little fire man is the same as that of the human race, except that the skin color is fiery red and the pupils are red flames.

It was only the size of a three-year-old child. Zhao Muyang looked at it in shock, as if he was at a loss what to do.

Huo Ling couldn't help but shook his head proudly.

It urged impatiently: "Xiaoyang, you have already seen me."

"Now, let's go eat Song Zhi together!"

"It's been a long time since I've smelled such pure and strong fairy spirit, hee hee!"

Di Yanhuo Ling rubbed his hands expectantly.

Zhao Muyang smiled and nodded in agreement. When Huo Ling turned his head, he immediately threw out a small pill furnace made of purple gauze.

"Ninth Grade First Furnace, sleepy!"

With Zhao Muyang's loud shout, the lid of the ninth-grade first furnace was opened, and with a strong suction, the confused Fire Spirit was sucked in.

"Zhao Muyang, you lied to me!"

The fire spirit let out a belated scream.

It has skyrocketed wildly and is bound to break out of the first round of troubles.

But Zhao Muyang had already sat down cross-legged, cooperating with the first furnace spirit to start the sacrifice.


"Xiaoyang, I was wrong!"

"You can keep me, I'm very useful."

"I am willing to sign a master-servant contract with you."

"You live and I live, you die and I die!"

"I no longer crave your junior sister's fairy spirit, Xiaoyang, give me a chance, please!"

As time went by, Di Yanhuo Ling, who could not escape, finally succumbed to Zhao Muyang.

But at this time, Zhao Muyang had completely given up on it.

"What I need is the earth's fire without the fire spirit."

"Little fire, farewell!"

go to hell!
Across the thick wall of the first furnace, Zhao Muyang mobilized his spiritual power to the extreme.

He closed his eyes gently, and in the midst of the fire spirit's shrill begging for mercy, he crushed its spirit body in the air without hesitation.

"Senior brother, please rest assured and replenish the fire. I will protect you."

In the Mustard Seed Space, after seeing the fire spirit being extinguished, Song Zhi decisively took back his consciousness.

She whispered, making Zhao Muyang feel at ease.

Hearing this, Zhao Muyang, who had lost a lot of his spiritual power, had no choice but to cheer up and mend the earth's fire seeds while taking pills to make up for the lost spiritual energy.

Time passes day by day.

A month later, Zhao Muyang's fire was completed and he re-contracted with Earth Yanhuo.

Two months later, Zhao Muyang's state of mind made a breakthrough and his cultivation level increased.

Because the spiritual energy in the Mustard Seed Space is rich and pure, Zhao Muyang's path to advancement is particularly smooth. By the fourth month, his cultivation level at the fifth level of foundation building had risen to the level of foundation building perfection.

"Junior sister, fortunately you have lived up to your fate!"

In the Lingquan pit, Zhao Muyang gently opened his eyes.

He reported the good news to Song Zhi immediately, but Song Zhi, who was protecting the law, had no reaction at all.

Zhao Muyang felt it briefly and realized that Song Zhi was practicing.

He couldn't be bothered in this situation, so he simply left the Mustard Seed Vase first.

If he remembered correctly, in two days' time, the Alchemy Alliance's assessment competition would be held.

This matter is quite important.

He couldn't be absent.


Song Zhi knew that Zhao Muyang had left seclusion.

It's just that she was at the critical moment of refining the base of the Zhenyuan Tower, so she didn't pay attention.

She originally only wanted to worship the Zhenyuan Pagoda, but during the process, she accidentally learned that the base and half of the Zhenyuan Pagoda were one body, but they were separate.

The six-pan tower base that has just been conquered has given birth to a weapon spirit unique to the base.

It was the golden light that used the illusion to confuse Song Zhi.

"Hehe, master, do you want to know who you are?"

"When we find Little Dingding, everything will be revealed~"

"Oh~ Xiaodingding is the treasure cover of Zhenyuan Tower. I just don't know if Xiaodingding's weapon spirit is still there~"

Golden light jumped up and down around Song Zhi.

It is like a naughty and immature child.

Crazy to get Song Zhi's attention, but unwilling to compromise easily.

In the Mustard Seed Space, Song Zhi opened his eyes quietly, although he was shocked by the information revealed by the Six Pan Tower.

But she was not panicked.

Identity is given by others.

A thousand people, there are a thousand definitions of identity.

As long as Song Zhi knows who she is, she will have this identity.

She was just shocked that the Zhenyuan Tower Immortal Artifact was split into three.

This point was not reflected in the tracing memory when the air bag was secretly located.

"Xiao Zhao!"

"Ah Zhong sent me to pick you up..."

"Huh? Isn't your junior sister here?"

"Why are you just a few little shrimps??"

The gate of Linxian City.

Zhao Muyang took Zhuang You, Ji Yu, and Baili Wei, three outer disciples. As soon as the four of them entered the city, Qin Weizhong's contracted Kunjing Beast appeared in front of Zhao Muyang with a smile on his face.

Hearing the disappointment in his words, Zhao Muyang scratched his head without knowing why.

"Thank you, Senior Xu, for your concern."

"It's just that my junior sister is still in seclusion, so I have to come and compete on my own."

"Besides, in Linxian City, don't we still have a great backer like Chief Qin~"

Zhao Muyang winked enthusiastically and stepped onto Qin Weizhong's pirate ship obediently.

He was so knowledgeable and knowledgeable that Xu Zhao immediately raised the corners of his lips with satisfaction.

"Not bad, Xiao Zhao, I haven't seen you in a few months."

"You have reached the Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment. It seems that your junior sister has been training you a lot lately."

"Well, Ah Zhong will definitely feel very relieved after seeing you."

"By the way, Xiao Zhao, how are your elixir skills?"

“Isn’t it true that you don’t advance but retreat?”

Xu Zhao asked with concern while inviting Zhao Muyang and the four of them to get in the car.

When he set out, Qin Weizhong specifically told him to take Zhao Muyang to visit the current Linxian City.

Just because at that time, Linxian City had been occupied by many alchemy cultivators or alchemy enthusiasts.

News related to it also spread like wildfire.

Qin Weizhong only bets, not a nanny.

Zhao Muyang had to find out the details of the Alchemy Alliance's assessment.

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