Suddenly, an old and powerful voice called "stop" came from the horizon.

But Song Zhi turned a deaf ear.

A sharp light flashed in her eyes, and Wu Ziye, who thought he had escaped, screamed and collapsed to the ground suddenly.

Everyone hurried to take a look, and then they discovered in horror.

The moment they turned to look at the movement on the horizon, the bright-looking and highly skilled female swordsman actually manipulated the blue-purple spiritual fire to destroy all Wu Ziye's spiritual roots.

Not only that, she also directly shattered the Qi orifice in Wu Ziye's body in an instant with the strength of the golden elixir.

In this way, Wu Ziye became a useless person whose spiritual roots were destroyed and his cultivation base wasted.

"You, you junior!"

"Are you deceiving me that there is no one in Jishi Dan Sect?!"

Song Zhi had just recovered his newborn spiritual fire.

Before anyone else arrived, the two old men who arrived first happened to lower their bodies.

One of them was old and had a kind face.

The other person's eyebrows were furrowed and his lips were droopy, making him look very inaccessible.

Seeing that this person's face was very similar to Wu Ziye's, Song Zhi had already guessed the other person's identity.

This person is presumably the ancestor of Wu Ziye's mother.

He is also one of his backers in Danzong.

But so what?
She, who has perfected the golden elixir, is not afraid of a Nascent Soul elixir cultivator now.

"As soon as the senior showed up, he accused the junior inexplicably..."

"Are you deceiving me that there is no one in the Lingxian Sect?"

Song Zhi would not be used to being obedient to people who relied on their elders and showed no respect for them.

She smiled slightly and asked back in a similar manner, causing Wu Jinyun to choke up.

"Shuzi is rude!"

"Today I will teach you a lesson on behalf of the elders in your family!"

Wu Jinyun glanced at Wu Ziye, who was lying limply on the ground, and saw that the situation was over.

He decisively changed the direction of the attack and vented his anger on Song Zhi.

Song Zhi was not afraid of him, and immediately summoned the pair of mandarin duck swords, staring at him with venomous eyes.

The scene became tense for a time.

This was something that everyone present did not expect.

Seeing this, Zhenjun Chifu, who knew the ins and outs of the matter, couldn't help but sigh, and flicked out a finger of pill fire to block Wu Jinyun's reckless move.

"Junior brother, don't create any complications."

"We are here today at the invitation of Chief Qin."

"Whether Ziye, Zhao Chenghui and others have committed an unforgivable sin will be decided by Chief Qin."

"Let's go to the Chief's Mansion first."

"As for that junior..."

"I'm just willing to admit defeat."

If the fact of killing Huo Linggen cultivator is true.

It would not be an exaggeration to think that Wu Ziye would die thousands of times.

Although he is Wu Ziye's master, Chi Fuzhenjun still makes a clear distinction between public and private matters.

Facing his cold eyes, all Wu Jinyun's resentment and anger were suppressed.

Zhenjun Chi Fuzhen is not only his direct senior brother, he is also the head of the Alchemy Sect.

He had to obey the leader's orders.


"help me!"

"I am gifted, I am the destined ninth-grade alchemist!"

"I can refine many high-grade elixirs for you!"

"I don't want to be a loser, I'm not a loser!"

"Zhao Muyang, I didn't lose! You cheated, you won disgracefully, hahaha, I don't accept it."

"You will never be able to defeat me in your life..."

Wu Ziye, who suffered a heavy blow, seemed unable to accept the reality and suddenly became crazy.

He was dragged away from the place by the law enforcement disciples, while he kept shouting at Zhao Muyang.

Seeing his desolate side with no image at all and being as humble as dust, Zhao Muyang felt so happy.

He didn't listen to his provocative words at all and stood beside Song Zhi and smiled like a fool.

It feels so good to have my junior sister protecting me!

Compared with Zhao Muyang's silly joy, Song Zhi, who successfully avoided a fierce fight, seemed a little disappointed.

She felt a strong breath of strange fire from the old man with hanging eyebrows. If her guess is correct.

Zhao Muyang's grandfather's contracted fire was probably sacrificed to this man by his scumbag father, Zhao Chenghui.

But today is not a good time to use force. They will have a long time to come.

This scene is not over yet.

Thinking of this, Song Zhi couldn't help but squint and laugh, his face full of joy and cunning.

Zhao Muyang looked over with confusion, and Song Zhi didn't explain. He just dragged a chair and sat down calmly.

She also took out a cup of hot tea in a leisurely manner, and just watched Wu Ziye and his group leave leisurely.

"Junior sister, are you leaving any backup plans?"

"Why do I feel that you are smiling so badly right now?"

Zhao Muyang scanned the surroundings vigilantly and sent a message to Song Zhizhihai.

Song Zhi's mouth twitched slightly, and while sighing at Zhao Muyang's untimely acumen, he deliberately kept it secret.

"Buddha said, don't say it."

"Brother, just wait."

"The biggest show today is about to take place..."

Song Zhi held the spiritual tea, raised his chin towards the sky, and smiled meaningfully.

Zhao Muyang looked for his voice and was about to continue asking, when a sharp shout rang in his ears.


"Come and die!"

"If I don't kill you today to seek justice for my nephew, I, Mu Yushui, will never be a human again!"

The person teleported from the horizon and stood in front of the person.

As soon as he stood still, a pair of sharp claws struck Wu Ziye hard.

Fortunately, the law enforcement disciples in charge of the office were very powerful and quickly threw out life-saving magic weapons.

The magic weapon popped up a layer of protective barrier, barely dodging the incoming attack.

At this time, Zhenjun Chifu and Wu Jinyun, who had not gone far, both recognized this person's identity.

Everyone who didn't know what was going on heard Wu Jinyun scream, revealing the identity of the person coming.

"Mu Yushui?!"

"What's wrong with you?"

"What does the death of your nephew have to do with my Ziye?"

"Midnight has already explained it."

"Mu Hai's death was purely an accident."

"The bad monk who killed Mu Hai has long since confessed his crime."

"Why are you lingering on Wu Zi all night long?"

"Don't think that just because you have advanced to Nascent Soul, you can do whatever you want!"

Wu Jinyun was already troubled by Wu Ziye's defeat.

At this time, Mu Yushui, the new Nascent Soul Lord of Danzong, suddenly invaded.

Wu Jinyun immediately found an outlet.

He teleported to Wu Ziye and spoke forcefully to the menacing Mu Yushui.

Zhenjun Chi Fuzhen was a step slower, but still followed his heart and stood in front of Wu Ziye.

"Junior Brother Mu."

"What happened?"

"You just successfully advanced, why did you escape from the sect and yell at Wu Ziye to kill him?"

When you have just advanced to Nascent Soul, you need to be calm and focused to be serious.

Please note that as you have just advanced, your realm is unstable.

The inner demons and evil spirits are the easiest to take advantage of.

Chi Fuzhenjun was worried.

Mu Yushui sneered and shouted in a sad tone: "Master, please make the decision for my nephew who died in vain!"

"As soon as I successfully advanced, I received an anonymous messenger."

"There is a shadow stone in the talisman. The image of the shadow stone is clearly the evidence that he, Wu Ziye, murdered my nephew and silenced him!"

"What a shame that my nephew trusts Wu Ziye wholeheartedly."

"Wu Ziye killed a fellow sect member for the sake of the treasure of my Mu family legacy."

"Today, if I don't kill Wu Ziye, my Taoist heart will be damaged, inner demons will breed, and my cultivation will plummet..."

"It depends on the leader whether he wants to protect me, the True Lord of Nascent Soul, or a despicable villain like Wu Ziye!" (End of Chapter)

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