Chapter 233: Encountering an old friend by chance

Zhou Yingyi, the head of the law enforcement hall of the Miaochun Sect, murmured in a sweet voice, with a slightly puzzled look on her face.

However, a group of them didn't hesitate. When they saw that no one was there, they went back home.

Even if a little bug accidentally overhears the secret of the settlement plan, they are not afraid.

Anyway, there is no precedent for the people they targeted to escape.


Song Zhi and the three of them patiently hid in the Zhenyuan Tower for half a day.

After confirming that no one was guarding outside the tower, Song Zhi showed up with his two senior brothers.

However, after seeing clearly the direction of the [safe passage], Song Zhi couldn't help but feel numb.

"Fifth Senior Brother, Sixth Senior Brother, I have good news and bad news here."

"Which one do you want to hear first?"

Song Zhi stood there, scanning the completely destroyed land, and spoke without any clue.

Feng Ye was keenly aware of Song Zhi's helplessness.

"Junior sister, something bad happened?"

Feng Ye asked immediately.

Zhao Muyang also watched eagerly from the side.

Hearing this, Song Zhi immediately smiled bitterly and pointed out the safe route pointed to by [Safe Passage] to the two of them.

"So that the two senior brothers will know."

"That group of people has already left."

"But within a radius of ten miles, a dragnet has been laid."

"That's the bad news I'm talking about. The good news is, there's a route out of here that can get us out of here."

"Here, it's the deep hole that was blown up by that red-nosed old man."

Song Zhi smiled, pointed at the huge man-made crater, and lightly shrugged at Zhao Muyang and Feng Ye.

As soon as they entered the core site of the ancient battlefield, the three of them encountered an unwarranted attack.

This luck is simply unlucky.

"It doesn't matter."

"After all, there must be a road for cars to reach the mountains and for boats to reach the bridge."

"Since you come here to seek opportunities, it is destined to not be smooth sailing."

"Junior sister, let's go into the trap!"

Feng Ye was very open-minded.

He laughed, and with Song Zhi's permission, he turned around and jumped into the pit first.

Song Zhi and Zhao Muyang followed closely behind.

This pit is extremely deep.

After the three of them landed successfully, Song Zhi and Zhao Muyang consciously summoned the strange fire in their bodies, firstly for self-defense, and secondly for lighting.

The three people looked around, all with surprise on their faces.

"There are actually several complete tunnels here!"

Feng Ye exclaimed.

"It looks like it was excavated by humans."

Zhao Muyang carefully observed the traces of the tunnel and then added.

Song Zhi hummed softly and drove the purple-blue newborn spirit fire forward, while following the green arrow of the [Safe Passage] deeper into the tunnel.

This tunnel looks unremarkable, but it extends into the valley.

The three of them, Song Zhi, tensed up their nerves and moved forward vigilantly, turning and turning without any surprises.

But the three of them dare not take it lightly.

"Hiss! Junior sister, this is a human body!"

When the three of them followed the guidance of the green arrow and reached the end of the tunnel, an extraordinary thing was finally exposed in front of them.

At the end of the tunnel, the body sitting against the wall was the mummified corpse of a monk wearing cassocks.

Feng Ye took out a pair of isolation gloves and put them on, and then carefully lowered himself to look at the body. This mummy was completely preserved, but its spiritual power was leaked, so that the spirit body was not preserved.

I could only recognize his human form, but I couldn't reconstruct his appearance.

Fortunately, the deceased monk seemed to know this, and actually used a high-grade jade slip to leave his last words.

——"I am Han Dan, a disciple of Dongzhou Hanyuan Sect's Jushui Peak."

——"The master of Jushui Peak, True Lord Yuhua, is my biological grandfather."

——"I was ordered to come to the ancient battlefield to look for opportunities to advance, but during the training process, I repeatedly encountered unknown attacks."

——"By chance, I discovered a terrifying secret called the settlement plan!"

——"This settlement plan is jointly formulated and maintained by the Hidden World Family and the former great clan."

——"Under the guise of maintaining the abundance and balance of spiritual energy in the Qianhu Cultivation World, they massacred the Jindan monks who entered the core site of the ancient battlefield once in a century."

——"Anyone who is targeted by them will die!"

——"In order to complete the plan, those sanctimonious righteous sects and even the crazy evil demons joined in."

——"If anyone who is destined to see my last words, please quickly report it to your familiar Taoist friends, so that everyone can leave the secret place of the ancient battlefield as soon as possible."

——"Also, I would like to ask those who are destined to take my storage bag and remains out for my serious reminder and give them to my wife, children and grandfather on Jushui Peak."

——"My last words can also be shown to my grandfather by fellow Taoists. My grandfather is pure and strong, and he will definitely reward you."

——"A certain Han Dan, thank you fellow Taoist!"

After reading the last words on the jade slip, Song Zhi and the other three looked at each other. At this moment, they all felt the same heavy mood.

Song Zhi and the others haven't found time to talk about the settlement plan they discovered by accident.

Now, the ready-made victims are delivered to them first.

Now, Song Zhi and the others couldn't help but pay attention.

"Sixth Senior Brother, please give Fellow Daoist Han a ride."

Song Zhi took a deep look at Han Dan's weak spiritual thoughts in the jade slip.

She carefully picked up the jade slips and signaled softly to Zhao Muyang.

This move directly aroused the shock and confusion of the two senior brothers.

"Junior sister!"

"Didn't Fellow Daoist Han tell us to return his remains to his wife, children, and grandfather in Hanyuan Sect?"

"Why do you want me to burn him..."

Could it be that junior sister didn't want to cause trouble and just wanted to take Han Dan's storage bag and leave?

Zhao Muyang scratched his head and expressed confusion.

There was a hint of uncertainty in his eyes, which made Song Zhi speechless.

Song Zhi rolled his eyes at him, summoned the newborn spirit fire, and set Han Dan's body on fire.

"Junior sister! What are you..."

Feng Ye couldn't stop him and only had time to scream.

Facing the disapproving looks on his two senior brothers' faces, Song Zhi sighed softly and slowly explained the reason for doing what he did.

"So that the two senior brothers know that this generation's Master of Jushui Peak is no longer Han Dan's grandfather."

"Han Dan's wife, daughter, and grandfather all died five years ago."

"And the cause of the matter is directly related to my former junior sister."

"At that time, Su Zhi had just been brought back to the sect by Fu Boshan. She had the Five Spiritual Root qualifications and her cultivation level was not high."

"Fu Boshan arranged for Su Zhi to go to Class A of Hanyuan Sect."

"Children in Class A have gained the qualifications to enter by relying on hard power and competing against each other."

"But Su Zhi, a useless person with five spiritual roots, parachuted into Class A before even introducing Qi into his body, which naturally caused the children to be furious."

"So, my former good junior sister was targeted."

"Han Dan's daughter's name is Han Suxian. She did not participate in this bullying."

"Instead, she spoke up for Su Zhi and protected her from harm."

"But Su Zhi has just entered the sect and may not be used to it yet."

"Then during a small group bullying, she probably got too panicked, so she pushed Han Suxian into an attacking sword formation, causing Han Suxian to die innocently."

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