Chapter 243, Advancing into Guyong City
After Song Zhi had eaten and drank, Niu Dahua pulled her out and said he was taking her to the kitchen to meet her mother Niu Wen.

Because Niu Dahua was fair, fat and good-looking, Song Zhi took the first impression.

I thought Mrs. Niu also had this careless appearance.

Unexpectedly, when the woman chopping vegetables turned around to look at her, she turned out to be graceful and elegant.

She is not as big and thick as Niu Dahua. Instead, she is thin and frail. She does not look like a mother at all.

"Xiaodao, my little girl Song Zhi, thank you madam for saving your life!"

Song Zhi quickly accepted the reality.

She broke away from Niu Dahua's support and bowed willingly to the woman who was walking towards her.

The gratitude is beyond words.

Seeing this scene, Niu Wenshi, who was just a country peasant woman, immediately blushed in panic.

"Girl, please wake up quickly!"

"It's just a little effort, how can a poor woman deserve your gift?"

"I wonder if the girl is full?"

"If not, I also prepared some wheat noodles with pickled vegetables, which is also a good filling."

Niu Wenshi asked earnestly, with a soft voice that made people feel good.

Song Zhi was on guard inside, but on his face he shook his head in embarrassment and declined Niu Wen's kindness.

Eating steamed buns before was really because she was caught off guard by the current situation.

That’s why I lost my usual vigilance.

Now that she was full, she had regained a small amount of spiritual power.

Song Zhi's sensitivity and suspicion returned to normal again.

Before he figured out where this place was, Song Zhi couldn't sincerely trust others.

Niu Dahua and Niu Wen didn't know that the beautiful woman in front of them was a golden elixir monk who was beyond their reach.

Seeing that Song Zhi really didn't want to eat anymore, Niu Wenshi greeted Niu Dahua to eat.

While Niu Dahua was eating sweet potato porridge, he asked curiously about Song Zhi's origins.

Because I had learned about the so-called Immortal Fate Ceremony in Guyong City from Niu Dahua.

Song Zhi deliberately moved himself closer to the top.

"Aunt Wen, Sister Dahua, don't worry."

"I'm not a bad person."

"I come from a martial arts family. I have been fond of wielding swords and guns since I was a child. I have always wanted to be a heroine who travels around the world and does justice."

"So, a month ago, I carried my parents on my back and sneaked out."

"Who would have known that I was first defrauded of all my money and then trafficked here."

"Fortunately, I was smart and found a chance to escape."

"By chance, I heard the tea guests talking about the Immortal Destiny Ceremony that happens every thirty years."

"That's when I realized that the most powerful person in this world is not the knight errant, but the immortal in the spiritual world."

"I was yearning for it, so I asked all the way to find it."

"But I am so useless. I am just a little bit away from entering the city to participate in the Immortal Fate Ceremony."

"But I refused to give up and passed out on the roadside."

"I hate it so much..."

Song Zhi said emotionally, with a look of regret on his face.

She blinked rapidly, trying to hide the tears that welled up in her eyes.

But this scene was watched clearly by Niu Wenshi and Niu Dahua, mother and daughter.

Niu Wenshi sighed, took out a soap-scented handkerchief and handed it to Song Zhi, with a face full of pity.

Niu Dahua on the side looked complacent and laughed heartlessly: "Mom, I guessed it right!"

"Just Miss Song's appearance, temperament, and the thick calluses on her palms."

"I just said that she is a chivalrous girl who plays swordsman. She came to Guyong City just for the Immortal Fate Ceremony."

"Hey, you still don't believe me. I must say that Miss Song is a lady who escaped from marriage..."

"Haha, are you slapped in the face by me now?"

Niu Wenshi has always known that her daughter is a weak-minded person.

But she had never experienced it as deeply as she did today.

When the word "escape from marriage" came to Song Zhi's ears, Song Zhi was stunned. So what, this, that...

Hey, I would have known that Niu Wenshi had guessed her identity like this.

She should have gone down the slope and made up nonsense about a fiancé who was capable of eating, drinking, prostitution, gambling and all kinds of evil.

Then give yourself a scumbag father who dotes on concubines and destroys his wife.

This wave of sympathy points is guaranteed to be full.


She is still too moral.

Song Zhi thought to himself silently while showing a timely smile.

At this time, Niu Wenshi finally calmed down.

She gave Niu Dahua a hard look, and after thinking about it for a moment, she said what Song Zhi wanted to hear most.

"Miss Song, don't be sad, and don't be discouraged."

"There is still a turning point in the matter of the Immortal Fate Ceremony!"

"To tell you the truth, I have some friendship with the chief steward of Guyong City Lord's family."

"If I take you to the City Lord's Mansion, ask those immortal monarchs to help you test your spiritual root qualifications."

"I guess it won't be a big problem."

"If Miss Song is willing, we can leave for the City Lord's Mansion immediately."

Adhering to the idea of ​​​​sending Buddha to the West, Niu Wenshi, who is weak in appearance and decisive in heart, quickly made a decision.

Song Zhi was overjoyed at that time, stood up and bowed to Niu Wenshi sincerely.

"In that case, I would like to thank Aunt Wen first!"

"No matter success or failure, I, Song Zhi, will always keep the affection between Aunt Wen and Sister Dahua deeply in my heart, and I will be grateful!"

Niu Wenshi looks soft and gentle, but in fact he has a fiery personality that does what he says.

Before Niu Dahua finished eating the sweet potatoes in her bowl, Niu Wenshi took her into the house to wash up.

She also wanted to invite Song Zhi to join her, but Song Zhi quickly declined politely.

When a stick of incense was not available, the mother and daughter came out carrying a small bundle.

Looking at the newly dressed mother and daughter, Song Zhi couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

Unexpectedly, Niu Wen, who looked good, would be as good as those girls from well-known families after getting dressed properly.

"Aunt Wen, you are so beautiful!"

Song Zhi praised him sincerely, making Niu Wen's face flush with shame.

Niu Dahua, who was always loud-mouthed, smiled and said nothing and did not join in the conversation.

Song Zhi glanced at her curiously, feeling a little surprised.

In this way, a group of three people rushed to the city when the sun was shining at noon, with banana leaves on their heads to protect themselves from the sun.

It wasn't until after walking two miles that Song Zhi discovered that the place where she was unconscious was still so far away from Guyong City.

Fortunately, Niu Wen and his daughter didn't pay attention to details and didn't ask to get to the bottom of things.

Otherwise, she is not familiar with the place and her secret will be revealed.

"Little sister Song, here, have you seen that big sign?"

"That's the gate of Guyong City!"

When a towering and majestic building complex suddenly appeared not far away, Niu Dahua, who stuck out his tongue and panted, let out a small cheer.

She was unusually excited.

Song Zhi didn't think much about it.

Hearing this, she immediately stood on tiptoe to look at the city.

Although his cultivation is gone, Song Zhi's five senses are much better and sharper than ordinary people.

She squinted her eyes slightly to focus, and the gray buildings not far away came into view bit by bit.

"Guyong City..."


Why does the name of this mortal city seem familiar to her?
Song Zhi frowned slightly, with deep confusion in his eyes.

At this time, Niu Dahua had already run forward excitedly, putting a long distance away from her and Niu Wenshi.


"Old Wen Tou, your dear granddaughter Da Huahua, I'm back to kill you again!!"

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