Tian Rui said bitterly, seeing that Xue Yue had been successfully connected to the flying boat by Wang Buyu and others.

She immediately ordered a retreat.

However, before leaving, Tian Rui still put on a full show and threw two powerful explosive charms at the gorgeous flying boat, intending to express her unwilling resentment.

However, the explosive talisman she threw did not even touch the corners of the flying boat, and was completely absorbed by the strong protective barrier.

Tian Rui rolled her eyes and decisively left the stage to Xue Yue.

At this time, on the deck of the flying boat, Xue Yue, who was successfully "rescued", looked at the people in front of him and looked relieved.

She slumped on the chair, her thin lips slightly opened, and it took her half a stick of incense to adjust her breath before her pale face regained a trace of vitality.

"My little daughter Wanxiang Zong Wenqi, thank you fellow Taoist Qianhua Zong for helping me!"

"If it weren't for the generosity of a few fellow Taoists, I would have followed in the footsteps of my senior sisters today..."

When he said this, Wen Qi immediately raised his sleeves to cover his eyes and started crying.

She cried so hard that she looked like she was overcome with sadness.

It looks really pitiful.

Even though Wang was wary, he couldn't help but feel pity.

At this time, I heard Wen Qi mention a fellow disciple who was suspected of having died.

Everyone present could not help but show compassion on their faces.

Of course, it is undeniable that everyone has also become untimely curious about Wen Qi's experience.

Wen Qi didn't hide anything, and quickly talked about being intercepted and killed by the demons with an angry face.

She said bitterly: "I and several senior sisters were ordered to travel to the mortal cities and countries under the sect to recruit qualified disciples with spiritual roots."

"We gained a lot this time, so we led the team back to the clan in advance."

"Unexpectedly, just as we were passing by Fang Xishan, five demons wearing black robes suddenly attacked our flying magic weapon."

"My senior sisters, in order to protect me and the disciples in the boat, went out to fight with the demons in an attempt to hold them back."

"And I took advantage of the chaos to escape with my disciples."

"But just after I hid the mortal disciples, the group of demons came after me."

"In order not to involve those disciples, I can only rush out of the hiding formation alone and lure the demons away."

"I wonder if those mortal disciples are dead or alive now?"

"I hope they don't get captured by those demons..."

Wen Qi explained the whole story while wiping his tearful eyes.

Seeing her frowning, she looked very worried.

Wang Buyu and others looked at each other, and they all saw in each other's eyes a sense of justice in killing evil spirits and saving the weak.

In this way, without further words, the five people reached an agreement.

"Fellow Literary Daoist, don't worry."

"You adjust your breath first and restore your spiritual power as soon as possible."

"I have changed the direction of the flying boat."

"No matter what, we have to find those new disciples first."

Supporting justice and hoeing the strong and supporting the weak have always been the principles of the Qianhua Sect.

As disciples of the Qianhua Sect, Wang Buyu and the other five would never ignore death.

Seeing the high spirits of the five young male cultivators, Song Zhi, who was watching the whole process, couldn't help but frown.

However, although.

Fellow Daoist Wen Qi, how did she conclude that those monks in black robes were demons?

As far as she knew.

More than 800 years ago, the demon clan still maintained normal exchanges and contact with the world of cultivation.

At that time, the Demonic Abyss was just a crack in the void.

The devil built a bridge across the devil's abyss so that people from the two worlds could communicate normally.

Moreover, the demons have always been straightforward. Even if they do bad things, the demons do it openly.

If they are really demons, they want to rob mortals with spiritual roots, so they can just rob them. There is no need to wear a black robe that hides the body.

This is superfluous.

Either someone else is chasing Wen Qi.

Or, Wen Qi's perception was wrong.

Either that or she is lying!
When this speculation came to mind, Song Zhi's eyes met Wen Qi's.

At that moment, Song Zhi felt like she was in a warm pool.

The evening breeze blew, and the maid's soft, boneless hands gently kneaded her shoulders.

That kind of deep comfort made Song Zhi completely smitten.

And Song Zhi is not the only one who has such thoughts and feelings.

Except for "Wen Qi" who was smiling, everyone on the Qian Huazong flying boat looked drowsy and intoxicated with great enjoyment.

"Senior Sister, I have succeeded. Come and pick me up!"

The pseudonym Wen Qi, whose real name is Xue Yue, said with a chuckle.

She swung a spiritual rope at Song Zhi, and Song Zhi was successfully tied up by Wu Hua Da.

As Xue Yue waved a spiritual wind, Song Zhi, who had lost his mind, drifted without the wind and followed Xue Yue obediently.

As soon as the two people stepped out of the flying boat, a mid-level flying boat appeared immediately.

"Senior Sister, fortunately you have lived up to your destiny!"

"My little sister has brought back the genius with the single best water spirit root!"

As soon as Xue Yue got on the boat, he asked Tian Rui for help.

Tian Rui and others still didn't understand, but Xue Yue held Song Zhi's chin and said with a smile to the five senior sisters: "So that the senior sisters and junior sisters will know."

"This mortal girl named Song Zhi is indeed a genius."

"From the time I found out about her to now, it only took half a day in the mortal world."

"But in just half a day, Song Zhi completed the process of drawing Qi into his body and successfully entered the world of cultivation."

"That's not what surprises me the most. What matters most to me is Song Zhi's extraordinary talent that made him reach the second level of Qi Refining!!"

Just like the senior sister said.

With Song Zhi in hand, who knows if they can't defeat Shen Honglian's bunch of scoundrels? ?
After being pointed out by Xue Yue, Tian Rui and others immediately couldn't help being happy.

They gathered around Song Zhi, looking up and down like they were looking at a rare object.

"Junior Sister Xue, I will report this matter to Master truthfully and let Master record your great merits."

"Now, without further ado, let's increase our power and hurry back to the sect."

"That Qianye Huo, I'm afraid I won't be able to control it for long."

"If Wang Buyu and the others catch up after they wake up, we alone may not be able to withstand them!"

They will never give Song Zhi back.

But their lives are also important.

Therefore, the only way to quickly escape back to the base camp is to solve the problem you are worried about!


When Song Zhi opened her eyes and woke up, she had been sleeping soundly for four days in a wing of a certain main peak of the Xuannv Sect.

As soon as she sat up, a very friendly female cultivator in a gauze skirt came over with a smile on her face.

"My dear disciple, you've finally woken up!"

"If you don't wake up, I will cut Qiu Lengyue's nasty hoof into two pieces to avenge you!"

Song Zhi heard the other party's familiar words, blinked and looked around, feeling at a loss in his heart.

Is this the territory of Qianhua Sect?

How, why is it different from what she imagined? ?

Well, let’s talk about Shuiyuefeng where she settled.

Don't you just like this kind of red and pink, slightly tacky decoration style? ? (End of chapter)

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