Xie Linglong said in a low tone, her bright and charming face showing a sense of powerlessness and helplessness that was not in line with her cultivation.

Have you ever thought about how powerful and dangerous things must be that even the True God Transformation Master cannot stop or change?

Seeing this scene, Zhao Muyang, who came from later generations, vaguely understood something.

But Feng Qing, who was completely kept in the dark, raised his eyebrows slightly, feeling that Xie Linglong was a bit crazy with his blabbering.

But thinking about the scene just now and the special origin of Danxiu Zhao Muyang.

Feng Qing's brows slowly relaxed again.

After all, the soldiers will block it, and the water will cover it.

Is it possible that in this huge world, they can't compete with the legacy of a divine beast and a true god-turned-god?

"Xie Linglong, why are you crying and sad?"

"Tsk, it's so ugly."

"If it doesn't work out, you can go to the demon world and ask the Holy Lord to marry me."

"No matter what, I will sacrifice myself again so that you can succeed in killing your husband and attain enlightenment, and help you advance to the Mahayana~"

Feng Qing sat up from the couch.

He slowly adjusted his loose collar, and his long-knuckled hands slid across the jade-colored neck seemingly unintentionally.

A vague and vague atmosphere spread silently in the huge living room.

Zhao Muyang, who was a full-time writer for Fengyue Huaben, suddenly felt his ears feel a little hot.

He felt that he seemed to understand Fengjun's hint to his ancestor.

cough cough.

He wants to get out!

This is not what a young young man like him should see!

Xie Linglong was a spiritual immortal in his previous life and lived for hundreds of thousands of years.

Feng Qing's romantic methods were not enough in her eyes.

But at this time, she fell in love with this stupid bird's arrogance and teasing.

"No need to marry."

"Others, we can talk about it in detail."

Xie Linglong chuckled.

She put away the long sword she had summoned, and as her clothes fluttered, her bright and sassy face had eyes that were full of charm.

Feng Qing fainted instantly and walked towards her with light steps.

At this time, how could he still remember the so-called hatred of being killed by Xie Linglong with a sword during his reincarnation and training?
Now, he just wants to "renew their relationship" with Xie Linglong!
I saw two big guys holding hands and about to fly to the source of honey.

Zhao Muyang, who originally came to Xie Linglong to help find his senior brothers and sisters, suddenly stopped working.

do not!

Grandmaster Zu hasn’t agreed to help him find his senior brothers and sisters! !

He didn't believe that when the time came, Junior Sister would come out with such nonsense.

He just wants to see his junior sister in person as soon as possible!

Thinking of this, the daring Zhao Muyang immediately stood in front of Xie Linglong.

He did not dare to look at Feng Qing's dissatisfied and angry eyes, but stared at Xie Linglong, insisting on asking the specific whereabouts of Song Zhi and Feng Ye.

His senior brothers and sisters.

He is like the underworld, but he still wants to see people in life and corpses in death!
Because I saw Xiao Danxiu’s persistence.

After Xie Linglong thought about it again and again, he finally relaxed.

"Your good junior sister is very safe."

"Don't worry."

"She is currently cultivating in the Xuannv Sect in Yuewu Mountain in Tongzhou."

"You can go find her yourself."

"As for your senior brother..."

"He's not here."

"Tsk, logically speaking, you shouldn't be here."

"I think it's because the red thread of love tied to your wrist has a joint effect."

"I forgot to ask you just now, are you and Song Zhi a Taoist couple witnessed by heaven and earth?"

"From what I see, you are clearly still a Yuanyang body~"

"With Song Zhi's temperament, she won't let go of the delicious food in her mouth..."

This is not that man's style. Xie Linglong said thoughtfully, a cold light quickly flashed in his eyes.

She suddenly mentioned the red line of love, and Zhao Muyang's heart, which he had originally put back in his stomach, was hung up again.

His fair and delicate face was flushed, and he shook his head in denial almost in a panic.

"This is not the case, Patriarch, you have misunderstood!!"

"You really misunderstood my relationship with Zhizhi!"

"Zhizhi and I have a pure relationship as brothers and sisters."

"This red thread of love is no longer a unique sacred object that represents pure love in our future generations."

"We all use the red thread of love as a spiritual rope to practice outside and prevent our partners from getting lost..."

"Zhizhi and I still have hundreds of red threads in our hands. Our senior brothers and sisters have dozens of red threads, cough cough."

"Master Ancestor, Lord Feng, do you want a red thread?"

"If you want, I can give it to you evenly."

Half price, uh, no, it can be free!
I thought of buying it at a low price, but now there are several boxes of red thread gathering dust in my storage bag.

Zhao Muyang's business skills suddenly improved.

Fortunately, he woke up in time and remembered that where he was and the man and woman in front of him were existences he could not afford to offend.

Only then did he swallow his inappropriate words in time.

Xie Linglong raised an eyebrow slightly, with a half-smile on his face.

The handsome Huo Feng pretended to be disdainful while winking crazily at Zhao Muyang, and his begging intention was self-evident.

Zhao Muyang was silent, and finally obediently presented two golden red threads exuding Buddha's light.

This red line is not easy to come by.

It was given to him by his junior sister.

It is said that before setting off to the ancient battlefield, Buddha's son Jialan, who was far away from Wanfomen, specially sent someone to deliver it to Song Zhi.

According to the monk who calls himself Jie Bei, this golden red thread has been refined by Buddha with pure Buddhist power and can play a huge role in resisting evil spirits and evil spirits.

And with the blessing of Buddha's power, to a certain extent, it can weaken the impact of some secret dangers on both wearers.

It is not only a holy item for travel experience, but also a highly recommended item for young lovers to witness their love.

Of course, there is no need for Zhao Muyang to elaborate on these details.

Seeing Feng Qing stretch out her noble hand to take the golden red thread, Zhao Muyang immediately offered to resign with a wink.

But when he saw the misty figure of Xie Linglong pulling Feng Qing out of the palace door, Zhao Muyang somehow couldn't help but catch up and asked: "Grandmaster!"

"Is this really the Qianhu cultivation world 874 years ago?"

"Can Zhizhi and I return to the next life?"

The young male cultivator's voice was clear and clear.

Like a Buddhist sound, Xie Linglong was shaken to the sea of ​​consciousness.

Xie Linglong paused, and the smile gradually disappeared from his face.

She turned her head and looked at Zhao Muyang quietly, her throat suddenly congealed.

She didn't want to say anything more.

But look at Xiao Danxiu’s clear peach blossom eyes.

Xie Linglong finally softened his heart for a moment.

"You and Song Zhi will definitely be able to go back."

"But Feng Qing and I can only stay here forever."

"As far as you are concerned, everything here, including me, is fake and is in the past tense."

"But for me, Yu Fengqing, this is the real world."

"Go to Xuannv Sect to find Song Zhi."

"The situation has changed and she has to leave the quarantine early."

"If you go there now, you might be able to leave in time."

Xie Linglong asked quietly.

By the time Zhao Muyang recovered from her words, Xie Linglong and Feng Qing had already disappeared in the huge reception room.

But that kind of eternal regret and unwillingness filled this world.

Xie Linglong was unwilling to do so.

Just like her original body Wei Han.

As the enemy of Hao Po, Wei Han was unwilling to do so. (End of chapter)

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