Song Zhi walked out of Longtan with the slightest doubt in his heart.

As soon as she appeared, Zhao Muyang, who was guarding outside Longtan, almost rushed over at a gallop.

Tears quickly filled the young man's eyes. The joy of seeing his family was clearly the legendary cry of joy.

"Junior sister!"

"I finally found you!"

"You're okay, but you scared me to death."

"I sent you hundreds of messengers, but you didn't reply to any of them. I thought, I thought something was wrong with you!"

Zhao Muyang pulled Song Zhi and looked up and down. After making sure that Song Zhi was intact, he felt relieved.

As soon as the tension was gone, his habit of gossiping returned.

Song Zhier listened to his murmurings and spontaneously recounted his various experiences after the separation.

When he heard Zhao Muyang say that he actually went to the Lingxian Sect where the founder of the sect was located, a crack appeared in the calm expression on Song Zhi's face.

"If I remember correctly, our founder of the sect is Zhenzun Linglong, right?"

“Senior brother, have you really met the True Lord Linglong??”

When the expected magical event appeared in front of him, Song Zhi became numb silently.

Speaking of which, she is really miserable.

He was clearly a closed disciple accepted by Liu Yuyin Zhenger.

But she has been in the Lingxian Sect for nearly five years.

But she has never even seen her master in person.

The only impression Liu Yuyin left on her was that divine thought.

She is like a wild disciple.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Muyang was already high-end enough to meet the founder of the sect.

I'm so, so envious...

Song Zhi turned his head and stared at Zhao Muyang eagerly.

Hearing him talk about Xie Linglong's heroic appearance, fluttering red clothes, and how he matched the noble and arrogant mythical beast Fire Phoenix, etc., Song Zhi only felt more and more sour.

"Okay, senior brother, let's stop chatting."

"You came just in time."

"I happen to have something to organize with you."

Under Zhao Muyang's confused gaze, Song Zhi didn't hide anything.

In a few words, she explained her experience of coming to the Xuannv Sect to capture horses, and then she told Zhao Muyang in a serious manner the final way for them to leave this place.

"Follow this golden feather?"

"Junior sister, are you sure this mediocre feather can lead us to find the treasure to leave this place??"

Zhao Muyang looked at the long golden feathers in Song Zhi's palm, with disbelief written all over his face.

Song Zhi smiled and did not answer directly.

How does she know if this feather will work?
This feather was given by Zhenzun Yueyan.

Regardless of whether they succeed or not, they are still in the Xuannv Sect, so naturally they can't slap their master in the face, right?

"We'll see if it works or not."

"This feather is moving, senior brother, please follow me closely."

"Hey, I didn't notice it before."

"Senior brother has actually advanced to the Golden Elixir Dzogchen. It's really amazing!"

This advancement speed is not bad compared to her top water spirit root.

Facing Song Zhi's surprised look when he turned his head, Zhao Muyang blushed and couldn't help but glance away.

He said with rare humility: "Junior sister, my cultivation is not something I got through practice."

"In order to leave the Lost Forest as soon as possible, the fire phoenix used its powerful demonic power to irrigate me."

"My golden elixir is still a little weak and cannot be replenished, and the water is burning."

Zhao Muyang drove the pale golden light, followed Song Zhi, and rushed outside the Xuannv Sect, muttering in a low voice.

It was obvious that he was getting an advantage and still behaved.

Song Zhi was too lazy to pay attention to him, and only focused on chasing Jin Yu forward.

Although Zhenzun Yueyan did not explicitly say what the treasure was, Song Zhi already had a vague guess.

Because the closer to the direction Jin Yu went, the Zhenyuan Tower artifact stored in her dantian became more active. *
When Song Zhi accepted the guidance and flew towards the Wild Mountain.

Su Zhi, who was in the Demon Palace, also came here under the leadership of Su Yuan.


"If we go there, can we really get the treasure that leaves this place?"

Su Zhi leaned on Su Yuan's arms and asked in a coquettish voice.

Ever since the Tianhu was forcibly stripped away by Hu Sui, Su Zhi had become completely alone and at a loss.

It was also at this time that the Blood Nightmare Demon Lord Suyuan, with whom she had always been loving and favored, suddenly revealed the true identity of her outsider.

Just when Su Zhi was panicking and scared, Su Yuan told her with a bad smile that he was not a person in this situation either.

It's just that the soul is trapped here and cannot find a way to leave, so it has been wasted so far.

But the arrival of Su Zhi gave him hope of escaping from the illusory realm.

Under Su Zhi's repeated questioning, Su Yuan finally relented and told her the past events related to Qin Shuang.

To this day, Su Zhi still remembers the affectionate look in the corners of Suyuan's eyes when he mentioned the word Qin Shuang.

From this, Su Zhi officially learned the relevant information about Master Bai Yueguang.

Qin Shuang...

A predecessor who looks exactly like her and has a similar personality.

If Qin Shuang is defined as the reincarnation of the evil fairy Hao Po.

Then she, who also successfully contracted the Heaven-Swallowing Pot artifact, wouldn't it be...

Isn't he also the reincarnation of Hao Po? ?

Su Zhi felt doubly confused and felt more fear than surprise.

But she didn't dare to ask this question, or even say more.

She was afraid of making things out of nothing, and things that didn't exist would become things because of her words.

Therefore, Su Zhi chose to remain silent on this topic.

In fact, her mood to leave this world was more urgent than Suyuan's.

"Don't worry Zhi'er."

"If things in this world go the same way as they did more than 800 years ago."

"Then, the only way for us to leave this world is at the Wild Mountain."

"It is said that Linglong Zhenzun of the Lingxian Sect has set up a desperate formation in the Wild Mountain."

"Hu Sui, the reincarnation of Evil Immortal Hao Po, was attacked there."

"She was first crushed by the contract artifact by Zhenzun Linglong, and then cruelly cut into pieces by Xie Linglong and suppressed everywhere."

"The Tongtian mark that can travel through the interface at will was rumored to be lost at that time."

"After we get the Babel Seal, we can leave here."

Babel mark.

This easy-to-understand, but extremely unfamiliar word also sounded in Hu Sui's mouth at this time.

The difference is that Hu Sui's audience is a round pot with two ears covered in red paint.


"This is a realm of illusion. To you, everything here is real."

"You can do it all over again."

"But to me, this is just a fragment of time intercepted by an artifact."

"You're fake."

"What you are trying to do is destined to fail."

"Master, please tell me where the lid is."

"After my pot body is perfected, I can search for your true soul and help you return to the world of cultivation eight hundred and seventy-four years later."

"This is the plan you made from the beginning, Master."

"Master, please don't be stubborn!"

"Then give the Heaven-Bearing Seal to my hand!"

(End of this chapter)

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