Song Zhi had a little doubt in his heart.

However, her attention quickly shifted to other places.

Because Zhao Muyang actually found a personal token belonging to Feng Ye in this cave full of broken swords.

"Junior sister, there is no doubt that Fifth Senior Brother is nearby!"

"This jade button is a relic of the fifth senior brother's mother."

"Even at the most critical moment, he never lost it."

"Senior brother once told me that if one day I see this jade button outside his neck, it means that senior brother is in a very dangerous situation."

"He had to take off the jade buckle to keep it intact!"

The more Zhao Muyang talked, the more anxious he became.

He squeezed the emerald green jade buckle necklace, and a glimmer of water appeared in his eyes.

He turned to look at Song Zhi, as if he regarded Song Zhi as his backbone.

Song Zhi frowned slightly and instantly realized the urgency of the matter.

"Senior brother, please don't panic."

"Let me try to see if I can sense where my senior brother is."

As he spoke, Song Zhi tried the summoning system in his mind.

Unexpectedly, this time, the system jumped out and responded to her positively.

[I am the host. 】

【What can I do for you? 】

The female supporting system asked sternly, thinking that she was an artificial intelligence product.

Song Zhi was overjoyed and quickly activated the command to use the object scanning function and the [Safe Channel].

【Good host. 】

[The object recognition scanning function has been turned on, and the time limit is 30 minutes from the earth. 】

[Safe passage props have been opened. 】

[I wish the host a happy experience~]

Song Zhi was too lazy to think deeply about the obviously anthropomorphic tone of the female supporting system.

When the system finished speaking, a conspicuous green arrow immediately appeared in front of her eyes.

Wherever Song Zhi glanced, the object scanning function quickly revealed the corresponding information about the object.

[The location of the host was scanned, which is the ancient battlefield, Qianhua Sect, and Jianchi ruins. 】

[Please note that if you turn left ahead and walk 500 meters, the host will encounter a small secret realm hidden in the sword pool. 】

[This secret realm is a mustard space, a world of its own, where warriors are respected. 】

[It has been detected that in this secret realm, there is the same golden red thread as the host. 】

Song Zhi manually glanced away at the irrelevant scan results. She only looked at the information that was useful to her and relevant to the current situation.

When he saw the scan results showing that there were golden red threads in the mustard seed space hidden in the sword pool, Song Zhi immediately knew that Feng Ye had fallen into the secret realm of mustard seeds.

Song Zhi immediately turned around and told Zhao Muyang the scan results.

The first is to appease Zhao Muyang, and the second is that Song Zhi needs Zhao Muyang to stay calm and work with her to find a way to rescue Feng Ye.

Because he knew that five hundred meters away was where the small interface was.

Song Zhi and Zhao Muyang no longer hesitated, and they immediately took up the Escape Light and flew over.

[It is detected that the mustard seed secret realm is hidden in the landscape painting. 】

【This scroll is allowed in and out. 】

[The host can try to find the artifact spirit in the picture scroll space, and let it lift the seal of the Mustard Seed Secret Realm. 】

With the timely reminder from the scanning function, the green arrow at Song Zhi's feet pointed at the portrait painting next to the landscape painting with great accuracy.

What I saw on the long scroll was a middle-aged male swordsman dressed in coarse cloth and dressed like a frail scholar.

There is a line of small words printed on the scroll.

It is suspected that the identity information of the person in the portrait was revealed.

"It seems to be written with the three characters Gu Canglan..."

Zhao Muyang narrowed his eyes slightly and said with some uncertainty.

In order to figure out the secret of this painting, Zhao Muyang couldn't help but take a few steps forward. He almost subconsciously approached the painting, preparing to see clearly the tiny characters on the painting.

But at this moment, a strong and malicious suction suddenly came from the scroll.

Zhao Muyang was shocked and subconsciously wanted to retreat and escape.

But his body couldn't help but keep moving forward, with his face facing the scroll.

In a panic, Zhao Muyang clearly saw a green ghost head slowly protruding from the scroll.

Junior sister, junior sister, help me!

Zhao Muyang's face turned pale with fright, but his body sank into the painting bit by bit, completely uncontrollably.

Seeing that half of Zhao Muyang's face was about to be pulled into the painting, Song Zhi, who had been watching for a long time, finally launched an attack.

"The contracted weapon spirit of the majestic Ascended Immortal Lord."

"Even if you are abandoned by your master, you should not act recklessly, do many evil things, and ruin your master's eternal wisdom!"

"Hua Ling, I advise you to let my senior brother go as soon as possible, otherwise, I will become the upgraded version of the first-born spirit fire of heaven and earth."

"But it's overheated!"

Song Zhi held a cluster of blue-purple spiritual fire that swayed from side to side.

She shouted sternly while staring at the ordinary picture.

In front of Song Zhi's eyes, the scanning function had already displayed relevant information about the scroll.

This portrait is actually the self-portrait that Venerable Canglan left in Qianhu Cultivation World.

That green ghost head is not the portrait of True Lord Canglan that has come alive to cause chaos.

But the mustard weapon spirit responsible for controlling the small world of space is causing chaos.

This weapon has the body shape of a big white radish, but its head is a terrifying green ghost head.

I don’t know if this image of the weapon spirit was generated by himself, or if Venerable Canglan made it like this on purpose out of bad taste.

In short, I saw it hiding in the scroll, sticking out its butt, grunting and trying to pull Zhao Muyang in completely.

Song Zhi couldn't help but want to laugh.

The weapon spirits in the Mustard Seed Space were instantly startled when they saw the spiritual fire dancing on Song Zhi's fingertips.

He threw Zhao Muyang away and ran towards the landscape painting with a scream.

Unfortunately, it underestimated Song Zhi's shamelessness and boldness.

When it crashed headlong into the landscape scroll that was the carrier of the Mustard Seed Space, what greeted it was only a large golden net filled with spiritual fire.


"Damn human race, damn it!"

"Let me go back, otherwise, I will make you never see Feng Ye and Gu Zichen again!"

When the familiar names came out of the Mustard Seed Ware Spirit's mouth, Song Zhi and Zhao Muyang, who had escaped, were instantly shocked.

"Senior, you already know the purpose of our visit."

"Please have mercy and release our senior brother Feng Ye."

"If senior can be of any use to us, we won't dare to disobey him!"

Song Zhi rolled his eyes, his tense posture was immediately lowered.

She said with awe, a smile on her pretty face.

Even Zhao Muyang on the side was amazed by this face-changing skill.

The Mustard Seed Weapon Spirit, who had not yet been born into the human world and did not know the dangers of people's hearts, was even more confused and lamented that the human female cultivator spoke nicely.

But, do you want him to release Feng Ye...

This matter seems inappropriate.

"Feng Ye and Gu Zichen, each of them carries the heart of the sword, and they are the favorites of Xia Jian Yi Tu."

"The other person is born with a sword bone. No teacher can master any sword intention. He can capture it easily. He is born for the sword."

"They all meet the conditions for being worthy of being treasured by His Holiness."

"At this time, they are fighting in the mustard space."

"I think the one with the heart of the sword has a good chance of winning."

"Little girl, do you really want me to let your senior brother out now?" (End of Chapter)

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