Chapter 316

What can Weng Li do?
She was overjoyed that Song Zhi could relent and let her go.

She readily agreed to Song Zhi's conditions without any hesitation.

"Fellow Daoist Song, don't worry."

"I, Weng Li, am not a very good person, but I stick to the principles of cultivation."

"I swear to Heaven to ensure that the formation stones and the formation eyes are real and effective."

"If Fellow Daoist Song has no objections, then I will take the first step!"

Weng Li's tone rose, and an undisguised look of joy appeared in the fox's eyes.

It is as straightforward as a blank sheet of paper, with every emotion revealed on the surface.

Weng Li feels like those science and engineering women who focused on scientific research during Song Zhi's first life.

The feud between her and her former master should finally come to an end.

At this time, there were colorful fallen flowers and pink peach petals flying all over the sky in the evil formation.

Two lives.

Entering the arena to compete for the ten promotion spots does mean a life of bloodshed and narrow escape.

The resentment in it is like the tens of thousands of wronged souls in the endless purgatory, if you can't personally kill each other.

Song Zhi is not the Holy Mother.

But this matter does not necessarily require killing them all.

It was unreasonable for others to slap her in the face, but she still smiled and waved her hands and said it didn't matter, right?

Previously, she killed the evil master Qian Jue and let Axue devour the monk Yuanyi. It was mainly because these two people were detrimental to her first.

The resentment and anger in her heart was destined to be difficult to calm down.

Watching "himself" knowing that his young disciple Su Zhi was not the reincarnation of his dead senior sister Qin Shuang, he still allowed himself to indulge in his unholy love affair with Su Zhi.

It wasn't until Weng Li's fleeing figure could no longer be seen that Song Zhi put away his complicated emotions and rushed towards the Peach Blossom Evil Formation where Fu Boshan was.

At this time, the memories of being a vicious female supporting character in her previous life resurfaced in Song Zhi's mind, making her look cold. Whoever stood in her way would die.

Fu Boshan told himself desperately.

Sitting cross-legged in the crystal barrier, Fu Boshan is also experiencing an inexplicable trace of his origins.

What he sees and hears now are just the cultivation methods of the Wanxiang Sect female cultivators and cannot be taken as real.

This is not her style.

But after seeing "himself", he listened to the slanderous words of others, denied the explanation of his second disciple Song Zhi, and sentenced Song Zhi to a water prison to be tortured.

In the end, "he" even listened to Su Zhi's whispers and naively believed that the Qianhu cultivation world was banned by the Immortal Emperor. Only by letting Su Zhi collect the fragments of the Sky-Swallowing Pot and repair it could the body of the pot be restored. Show off your power and break the ban.

She paused for a moment, then finally took the formation object that Weng Li took out from the air, and waved her away.

In his previous life, he was treated as an abandoned son by Fu Boshan, and he was so easily handed over to that old thief He Jingzhang. The grudge for ruining the harvest will never be forgotten by Song Zhi.

Fu Boshan looked at "himself" in another world, making one mistake after another.

He is clearly the leader of the righteous path.

But "he" fell into the gentle wind, and in the flattery of Su Zhi and others, he consciously or unconsciously did things that evil spirits do in a crooked way.

Among them, for Song Zhi, the second apprentice.

"He" is particularly unfair.

Fu Boshan couldn't believe it even to death.

In that world that is exactly the same as Qianhu Cultivation World.

In the end, "he" even allowed the leader to imprison Song Zhi for the so-called great cause of ascension and the so-called rescue of the creatures of Qianhu Continent, and refined it into the exclusive cauldron of ancestor He Jingzhang...

"Master, Master, I was wrong!"

"Master, I beg you, no, don't let me make the furnace!"

"Master! Kill me, you kill me!"

"Fu Boshan, I hate you!"

"I curse you to live forever and not be able to advance, and I curse everyone in the Qianhu cultivation world not to be able to ascend!"

"Hahahaha, go to hell!"

"Hahahaha, hahahahaha, a teacher is not a master, and a disciple is not a disciple."

"The right path is lost, evil spirits take over, the tragedy of the orthodoxy!" "The tragedy of the orthodoxy!"



"I don't!"

"Xiao Zhi, I didn't..."

Under the layers of peach blossom trees, Fu Boshan suddenly opened his eyes.

A trace of dark red blood quietly crawled into his eyeballs.

The sparkling ice crystals are constantly melting and solidifying.

After seeing the situation clearly, Fu Boshan, who was still frightened and regretful, came back to his senses.

But he tightened his body and didn't dare to relax even a little bit.

Because, right in front of him, a female cultivator who made his Taoist heart shake was suddenly appearing.

Fu Boshan immediately narrowed his eyes, with a chilling look on his face.

"What happened just now, were you the one who did it?!"

"Created out of nothing, fabricated out of thin air."

"Song Zhi, what are your intentions and what do you want?!"

"Also, this weird formation is clearly owned by Weng Li of the Wanxiang Sect. How could it fall into your hands in such an instant?"

"Could it be that you joined forces with Weng Li early in the morning?"

At this time, Fu Boshan was calm and self-possessed, so powerful that he seemed to have no weaknesses.

Looking at the old master's white-haired and handsome face, he deliberately manipulated Fu Boshan to let Fu Boshan experience scenes from his previous life. Song Zhi, who regretted and blamed himself, was not as happy as he imagined.

Fu Boshan regretted it and cried bitterly, cut off his hands and feet, and then changed his ways and treated her twice as much.

But how can it be done?
What can be changed?

In the past life, the physical and mental torture, grief and anger were, after all, facts that had already happened.

Even if Fu Boshan tried to make amends, it was already too late.

"Fabricated out of thin air?"

"How does Lord Shuanghan know that the scene just now is not an established fact that really happened and exists?"

"Master, why don't you use your brain to think about what I have done since the day I ran away, and the root cause of the enmity between you and Gu Zichen and Su Zhi?"

"Don't you notice anything strange at all?"

"Don't you realize that as long as you face me, you, Gu Zichen, Su Zhi, and even the rest of your Han Yuan Sect will all be in trouble?"

"You've never thought that the reason might be because of me?"

"My dear master."

"I, whom you regard as a traitor, am a reborn person who crawled back from hell..."

Song Zhi took one step at a time and appeared in front of Fu Boshan in the blink of an eye.

She gently leaned closer to Fu Boshan's ear, whispering like a devil in his ear, revealing to him the biggest secret in her life.

Fu Boshan didn't believe it at first, but when Song Zhi whispered to him several taboos and secrets deep in his heart, he finally believed it.

It was only then that Fu Boshan finally understood many things that he had never been able to figure out before.

"Xiao Zhi..."

"My lord, I..."


"Xiao Zhi, I'm sorry, it's all my teacher's fault!"

"You are a teacher who is ignorant and arrogant!"

"My teacher has harmed you and the entire Qianhu community!"

"Xiao Zhi."

"just kill me."

"I am willing to use my life to repay you for the persecution and grievances you suffered in those years."

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