Prehistoric: When a good old man awakens to the evil system

Chapter 101 Chapter 101, Calabash Vine is born

Zhen Yuanzi felt the strength of the strong man and could not escape from seclusion. He finally broke through after a thousand years and became the late Da Luo.

And Hongyun once again felt the call from the direction of Buzhou Mountain, as if something of his own was left behind. It happened that Zhen Yuanzi came out of seclusion, so he took Zhen Yuanzi with him.

On Buzhou Mountain, in a restricted area, a colorful gourd vine is taking root here. Accompanied by the glow of various colors, the gourd vine breathes out a faint aura of chaos.

A long gourd vine bears seven gourds of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. Each of them is wrapped in rich spiritual energy. At first glance, it is not an ordinary magic weapon.

"It's not completely mature yet. We came a little early." Zhen Yuanzi looked at the seven gourds and was very satisfied. It was worth his while to come all the way.

"I had sensed something calling me here before, but I didn't expect that after so many years, it hadn't matured yet." Hong Yun recalled the first time he came to Buzhou Mountain and saw the ferocious beasts fighting.

Zhen Yuanzi: "Perhaps, this magic weapon sensed that it was not mature at that time and hid it again. Many people are not sure."

Hongyun nodded and simply waited here for the gourd to mature.

Several years later, someone interrupted Hongyun and Zhen Yuanzi's meditation.

"Hongyun, fellow Taoist Zhen Yuanzi!"

It was a voice that reached the sky, still as lively as ever.

Hongyun and Zhen Yuanzi looked back and saw that it was Sanqing coming side by side. Seeing that Hongyun and Zhen Yuanzi were also there, Tongtian wanted to step forward quickly, but he glanced at his brother next to him with concern and slowed down again.

Zhen Yuanzi glanced sideways at Hong Yun. If it were Hong Yun, he would not care whether he was happy or not and would just rush forward.

"I'm in Zhen Yuanzi, and I've met fellow Taoist Laozi, fellow Taoist Yuanshi, and fellow Taoist Tongtian." Zhen Yuanzi bowed his hands and saluted.

When Hongyun heard Zhen Yuanzi's words, he quickly saluted: "I am Hongyun, I have met three Taoist friends." I also laughed and said: "Fellow Taoist Zhen Yuanzi is polite."

Tongtian approached happily and said, "Why are you being so polite!"

Hongyun: "You three are also here for the Lingbao?"

"That's right." Yuanshi looked at the friends with the same interests mentioned by Tongtian and felt that Tongtian was exaggerating. How could such a congenital being with thorough etiquette, handsome appearance, and the blood of Father God Pangu have the same interests as Tongtian, a crazy person who has no intention of practicing?

If Tongtian was not his younger brother, he would not want to have anything to do with Tongtian. After going out and having fun for many years, when I came back... I actually kissed him and plausibly expressed my love for him. I really don't know if Tongtian has lost his mind!

Yuanshi knew Tongtian's temper so well that he completely forgot that Tongtian was a direct descendant of Pangu who was well-mannered and handsome to outsiders.

"It seems that my three brothers are late!" I came a step late because I didn't want to compete with Tongtian's friends.

Zhen Yuanzi: "It's not that I came late, but that I came just in time. There are seven gourds on this gourd vine, and each one has extraordinary power. Anyone who is destined to come here can take one of them."

While we were talking, someone else came.

A man and a woman with human heads and snake bodies, and two brothers who took the form of golden crows with three legs. They met in the other direction and were already quarreling over Lingbao.

But when they saw the five people chatting happily near the gourd vine, they all looked at them calmly. Although he saw the number of Lingbao, he was worried that Hongyun and the others would take advantage of the large number of people to rob them.

After looking around, Fuxi was the first to speak: "I have seen a few Taoist friends. My name is Fuxi. I was passing through here with my sister Nuwa. I sensed that a spiritual treasure was born, so I came here to check it out. I didn't want these Taoist friends to come first, but fortunately There are a lot of spiritual treasures, so we won’t all return empty-handed.”

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