Prehistoric: When a good old man awakens to the evil system

Chapter 112 Chapter 113, the ecstasy of heaven

Sure enough, at the next moment, an indifferent, lofty, and majestic voice, seemingly without any emotion, directly representing the great avenue, sounded simultaneously in the ears of countless sentient beings in the ancient world.

"High lying on the nine clouds, the futon is true.

Beyond the dark and yellow world, I shall be the leader of the teachings. "

"I am Hongjun. Today I have achieved enlightenment and become a saint. I feel that the way of heaven is vast and difficult for all living beings to understand. I want to describe the way to the purple sky and spread the Dharma to the outer world.

Ten thousand years from now, I will explain the method of attaining enlightenment and becoming a saint in the thirty-third heaven, and all living beings with a predestined destiny can come. "

As soon as the words fell, the world boiled!

It turns out that the terrifying wave just now was Hongjun becoming a saint!

The ancient world has been born for endless years, and it has given birth to endless strong men. However, after these strong men reached their peak, they found that there was no way to go, and no one could make any progress.

Now, someone is actually blazing a new trail and finding a way to become a saint! He is also willing to teach the method of sanctification to many living beings in the ancient world. This is tantamount to clearing the blockage on the road that has reached the end and recreating the vast road.

Suddenly all these top powers became excited, and without any hesitation, they started to move towards the thirty-third heaven.

The Tongtian Belt on Kunlun Mountain blinked in confusion, reached out and patted the red cloud, and said in disbelief: "Who was the person who became a saint just now?"

Hongyun rolled his eyes: "Your master, your master, your master, please be happy!"

He was also forced to worship a master, and the master he worshiped became a saint. The master he worshiped was imprisoned, and it was difficult to live!

"I, I'm going to tell the eldest and second brothers!" Tongtian turned around and ran away, even the voice came from far away!

Hongyun sighed and followed him back. He had to go back and explain to Zhen Yuanzi why they were apprentices together. Only Tongtian's master became a saint, while his master became a prisoner. At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, when the red clouds became holy and the earth surged with golden lotuses, I got a breakthrough. Now I am discussing with Laozi in Taiji Palace about going to the thirty-third heaven to listen to the sermon, and Tongtian ran in rashly.

"Let me just say that I have worshiped a good master. My master has become a saint!" Tongtian smiled with a look of dismay on his face.

Hongyun followed behind, shaking his head helplessly. Tongtian doesn't have any mood swings and calls himself "I". When I'm happy, I'm just a child. I can't even pretend for a long time.

Zhen Yuanzi was speechless when he saw Hongyun helplessly shaking his head. He was very mature when looking at others, but when it came to him, his whole head was dizzy and his mind was abnormal!

"You said it?" Yuan Shi raised his eyebrows.

Tongtian was stunned for a moment. He couldn't tell anything about his master before, but now he can?

"Now that I can say it, it should mean that the teacher has become a saint, and no one can restrict me!"

Both Laozi and Yuanshi looked at Hongyun, wanting to verify the moisture in Tongtian's words.

What could Hong Yun do? He nodded reluctantly.

"So, you really have a great opportunity!" I stroked my beard.

Tongtian just can't resist praise, especially from his brother. This is great. Tongtian directly pulled Hongyun and vividly told me and Yuanshi about their experiences outside.

When talking about Hongjun and Luohu, Tongtian became extremely excited. Not only did he want to share the sermon Luo Hu taught him with his two brothers. He also wanted to show off the good things that Dao Zu promised Demon Zu to give him, but it was clear that those things had not yet reached him. He even talked endlessly about how much the two bosses valued and loved him, and they were eager to accept him as their disciple.

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