Prehistoric: When a good old man awakens to the evil system

Chapter 119 Chapter 120, the eve of the sermon

Hongyun's eyes widened. Is there any time traveler who doesn't know what the Chaos Bead is? It contains a lot of heaven and earth, something comparable to the way of heaven.

Even if it is disintegrated like the Sky Axe and Good Fortune Green Lotus, it will definitely not be inferior to the magic weapon formed after the Sky Axe and Good Fortune Green Lotus are disintegrated. It may even be better, because the bead in his hand is the disintegration of two Chaos Beads. The subsequent fragments are combined together.

"If you dare to ask, Ancestor, do you know how many parts the Chaos Bead is divided into after disintegration? Can they all be combined? If all the fragments are collected, can the Chaos Bead regain its power?" Hong Yun couldn't hide his excitement.

Although Hongjun didn't know how many pieces the Chaos Orb was broken into and where it was scattered, he was certain that Heaven would never allow Chaos Treasures other than the Jade Disk of Creation to exist in the wild.

So now Hongyun must give up this idea, otherwise Luo Hu, the only disciple, may be targeted by Heaven.

Hongjun: "It is impossible for the Chaos Treasure to recover its original form after it disintegrated. Moreover, the object transformed by the Chaos Bead's disintegration has just come out, and I don't know its trace."

Hongyun knew how difficult this matter was, and did not make any ambitious plans about what to do. He just bowed to Hongjun and then sat down obediently.

After that, Hongjun didn't speak again and let a few people practice on their own in Zixiao Palace and feel the Tao charm of Zixiao Palace.

It was not until ten years before the sermon that Hongjun opened his eyes again: "You should go through the calamity of your heart and enter the Zixiao Palace by chance."

Hongyun was still thinking about the meaning of Hongjun's words, when she saw Zhen Yuanzi being sent out by Hongjun's spell. If you think about it carefully, you will know that Hongjun means that Zhen Yuanzi needs to find opportunities by himself to decide whether there is a place for him on this futon.

Tongtian glanced at the empty futon next to Hongyun worriedly, and signaled Hongyun not to act rashly. If Hongyun also followed out, it is very likely that the futon would also be taken by someone more destined.

Hongyun hesitated for a moment, but gave up the idea of ​​going out to find Zhen Yuanzi. Anyway, Zhen Yuanzi would come in based on his own opportunities and would not miss the opportunity to listen to the sermon. But Hongyun is now the designated futon seat. As long as she is honest, she will naturally not give up the futon to give up the holy position like in the novel, and she will be plotted to kill her because she received a ray of Hongmeng Purple Qi.

As for Zhen Yuanzi... Hongyun suddenly thought of a good idea.

Hongjun, who was on the high platform, left temporarily before the first person entered the main hall of Zixiao Palace.

Hongyun looked back and saw that it was Nuwa and Fuxi. An An rubbed the futon next to him in his arms, and moved his own futon a little closer to Tongtian, asking Tongtian to protect him.

Then he said: "My two fellow Taoists, you are well."

Nuwa and Fuxi were also very happy because they came in relatively early. In such a large palace, there were only a few futons at the front, which must represent an opportunity. Moreover, Sanqing is Pangu Yuanshen, the person with the highest background in the ancient world. With them, you will definitely not miss out on your blessings.

Fuxi returned the greeting: "Several Taoist friends are here well. It seems that it is not too late for my brother and sister to come."

Nuwa glanced at Hongyun, sat down on the futon one space away from Hongyun, and let Fuxi sit between her and Hongyun.

But Fuxi hesitated for a moment and did not sit down: "Sister, there will be more great powers coming here in a while. We, brother and sister, occupy two futons. It is inevitable that they will be robbed, and we may not be able to keep them. Why don't I sit on the futons? If anyone comes to fight for it, we can keep this one.”

I haven't been feeling well these past few days. I'm really in a bad state and updates are slow. I hope everyone can bear with me. Starting today, updates will resume as normal, with four chapters per day.

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