Just when the gate of Zixiao Palace was about to close, Jie Yin Zhunti squeezed in in embarrassment.

Hongjun stared at them with dissatisfaction for a while, but said nothing.

Instead, he took the lead and cried directly to Hongyun to kill them and not let them enter Zixiao Palace.

"Please ask Dao Ancestor to make the decision for us. That guy Hongyun deliberately intercepted us and beat us like this!"

Zhunti also slipped next to him: "We are all creatures from the primitive world, why is he superior to others? Even the Taoist ancestors have never disliked our poverty in the West, why is he not allowing us to come in!"

Hongyun sneered: "We are both from the primitive world, why do you two have to have a place to sit when you are licking your face? There are so many fellow Taoists sitting on the ground, and you can't sit down. How come the monks from the West are superior to others and find a good seat?"

Zhen Yuanzi pushed Hongyun behind him to make Hongyun calm down.

But Hong Yun had already finished speaking, and the eyes of the monks behind him were directly fixed on Jie Yin Zhunti. No one wanted to sit in that seat, but no one was that shameless. How could they be so shameless? They got it.

What happened to those from the West? Are those from the West superior to others? They didn't bully anyone, yet they let people bully them in the East?

Duke Dong stood up directly and said, "Taoist, the gate of Zixiao Palace has been closed just now. These two people came a step late, so they probably have no chance to listen to the Tao."

Jieyin Zhunti couldn't sit still immediately. They felt the anger and hatred from many people behind them, and they cursed Hongyun in their hearts. It was Hongyun who put them in such a situation.

'Ding! One hundred thousand anger points have been received! ’

'Ding! Three hundred thousand points of bad virtue have been received! ’

Hongyun ignored the occasion and opened her mouth instantly, but was pushed back by Zhen Yuanzi. It has to be Master. A small idea is to get 300,000 points of bad virtue. This is the most ever recorded in one account.

"The two of them are destined to listen to the Tao. You don't need to say more." Hongjun heard Tiandao's message and spoke to interrupt the noise in the hall.

After helping the Heavenly Dao, Hongjun talked about Luo Hu again: "Luo Hu, the ancestor of the Demonic Dao, was promoted through many tribulations for the monks of the ancient world, and turned evil corpses into inner demons. After that, the creatures of the ancient world made breakthroughs in spiritual practice and will overcome the tribulation of inner demons.

Only by facing your inner demons head-on can you defeat them, release your obsessions, and become more diligent in your cultivation. But if you cannot overcome the inner demon tribulation, it means that your mind is paranoid and there are many obstacles on the road. "

This is something that has been decided a long time ago, but the time has been moved forward.

Luo Hu asked Hongyun to intercept and pick up Zhunti in advance, and verbally insulted and belittled him, just to make them angry and hate Hongyun deeply, thus affecting their state of mind during cultivation.

Jieyin Zhunti was the person chosen by Heaven. Killing them would be against Heaven. Although Luo Hu was not afraid, he also knew that Hongyun didn't have the courage, so he changed a way to let Heaven know that it was him who did it, but there was nothing he could do about it. .

Who let the people chosen by Heaven have evil thoughts and embarrass themselves?

Hongjun didn't look down on the two shameless people who were picked up by Zhunti, but he and Luo Hu broke most of the spiritual veins of the West and owed some karma to the West, which should be given to a saint from the West. As for who this saint is and how great his fortune is, he doesn't care.

"Silence!" Hongjun glanced at the people whispering below and began to preach.

During this sermon, the main hall was much more spacious. When the first sermon was given, there were three thousand mortal visitors in Zixiao Palace. Those who had died in the past three thousand years did not understand and simply did not come. Now the hall is full of dozens of people, less than two thousand people.

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