Prehistoric: When a good old man awakens to the evil system

Chapter 154 Chapter 155, Tongtian’s evidence of guilt

Tongtian thought, and actually took action.

The monks coming and going in the Nine Heavens, the bolder ones all stayed here to watch the fun. After all, this was an internal fight between the three Qing Dynasties, and the scene of the third child fighting the second child was the first time in this life that I had seen it!

Yuan Shi's temper was such that he despised everyone equally except Hongjun and Sanqing. Because their family background is good enough, their cultivation level is high enough, and they have older brothers and younger brothers joining the group, most people don't even dare to hold grudges. Over time, they get used to it. But seeing this scene now, how could it not be fun? They couldn't beat them, but if someone could beat them, it would be a relief to see them!

Hongyun secretly held the photo stone, recording that Yuan Chen, who looked exactly like Yuan Shi, struggled to resist, but was ruthlessly suppressed by Tongtian. The Qingping sword hit Yuan Chen on the butt one after another, and Tongtian showed a proud and arrogant laugh.

The shocked expressions of the onlookers nearby were also recorded.

Just when Tongtian stopped, Hongyun also put away the shadow stone and summoned a little demon: "Send this to Kunlun Mountain and give it to Yuanshi."

The little demon was so frightened that he backed away and almost knelt down: "No, I, I am a demon clan, I can't go up to Kunlun Mountain!"

Hongyun was speechless. Yuanshi hated the demon clan, but he wasn't the one who killed them indiscriminately, right?

"You are here to deliver something, what are you afraid of!" Hongyun scolded impatiently.

But Hongyun's scolding was of no use. Not only did he not make the little demon obey, he also scared him so much that he ran away.

Hongyun pursed his lips. If this was Yuanshi's order, see if he dared to run away. Everyone knew that Hongyun had a good temper.

Hongchen stood up and said something fair: "Okay, don't embarrass him. Yuanshi will probably get angry at him after seeing what's in the photo stone!"

Hongyun looked at the photo stone in his hand and felt confused. How could he send this to fellow Taoist Yuanshi? He couldn't go in person, and he didn't want people to know that he had sent it to him. This was done so unethically that Tongtian would easily break up with him.

"We'll watch it later, don't be anxious." Hong Chen comforted Hong Yun, who was already a little agitated.

Although I knew before that invitations would be widely distributed on the grand day when the Demon King marries the Demon Queen, I didn’t expect that everyone with a name in the ancient world would be invited. Even the Twelve Ancestral Witches of the Witch Clan, who had a vague relationship with the Demon Clan, would be invited. Houtu came forward as a representative to watch the ceremony.

Jie Yin Zhunti also came, and he was eating and drinking in the corner with all his face, as if he came to eat his enemies and wanted to defeat the demon clan by eating. It wasn't just Emperor Jun who invited him, but he also came uninvited. In short, no one made him feel uncomfortable on this happy day.

No, it’s not that there’s no one, it’s that it hasn’t started yet. Hongyun happened to see Kunpeng walking over with a few of his men and saying something to Jieyin Zhunti. Then Jieyin's face turned livid, and Kunpeng laughed and sat next to Jieyin Zhunti.

"You go and buy some spiritual fruit fairy plants for the two Taoist friends from the West. Since the two Taoist friends like to eat them, the Nine Heavens will take care of them!" Kunpeng shouted to the servants very loudly, successfully attracting everyone's attention. They were all put on the table, and the mess looked out of place in the gorgeous and majestic heaven.

Hongyun couldn't help but find it funny. The demon clan has been chasing and killing Zhunti for so long. Now not only do they dare to come to Jiuchongtian, but they are so conspicuous. What do they want to do?

"Bring some to the two fellow Taoists before you leave. Poor people in the West may not have these things!" Another man with a long mouth took up Kunpeng's words.

Ancestor Styx who has been nestling in the Netherworld Blood Sea,

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