Prehistoric: When a good old man awakens to the evil system

Chapter 158 Chapter 159, The Beginning of the Lich War

"It's better not to let him out, he's a bit unsmart!" Hongyun sighed.

Zhen Yuanzi didn't say anything, but he said to Hongyun in his heart: Do you think you are smart?

However, the evil corpse that could make Hongyun act like this must be really not smart. Zhen Yuanzi had no curiosity at all, so when he saw Hongyun being so covert, he stopped asking.

After a moment of silence, Zhen Yuanzi finally spoke: "You like Hongchen very much?"

"It's not bad. Hongchen loves to laugh and has a good temper." Hongyun replied casually.

Zhen Yuanzi also smiled after hearing the answer, "Very good, you will never see him again."

In the Wuzhuang Temple, the two of them drank tea and discussed Taoism, chatting and laughing happily. Outside Wuzhuang Temple, the bloody storms are being stirred up one after another, and the turmoil behind the scenes gradually comes to light.

Under the leadership of the demon master Kunpeng, the demon clan created the demon text and gained great merit. Relying on the power of merit, he successfully broke through and reached the pinnacle of Daluo Jinxian. There was only one chance left to break through to the quasi-sage.

Jieyin, who has been cultivating his body in Mount Sumeru in the west, is naturally dissatisfied. He is still thinking about when he will avenge his deep hatred against the demon clan, but unexpectedly Kunpeng will gain merit and advance to a state that is almost the same as Zhunti. When can he take revenge?

So Jie Yin had a plan, and after discussing with Zhunti, he secretly took action.

Several little witches from the witch clan died at the hands of a group of little demons from the demon clan. Di Jiang, who was already dissatisfied with the demon clan's continuous great merits, found an opportunity to vent his anger and ordered the big witch to kill dozens of demon clan. They are all juniors of all races.

These demon clans who suffered calamities were unwilling to let it go, but because the Demon Emperor would not allow them to conflict with the Wu clan, they could only complain to the heaven and ask Emperor Jun to make the decision for them.

Of course, Emperor Jun would not tolerate what the Wu Clan did. He wanted to become the overlord of the ancient world. If he allowed his men to be killed, how could he face the demons? Taiyi personally went to the Wu Clan and asked Di Jiang to give an explanation to the Demon Clan. This matter was originally ordered by Di Jiang, so naturally he paid the magic weapon and passed it over vaguely.

When Xiang Taiyi was holding his breath and left the Witch Clan, he heard some young witches talking about the two brothers of the Demon Clan, the Three-Legged Golden Crow. Even if their subordinates were killed by their big witch, they would not dare to cause trouble to the Witch Clan. Transformed by the essence and blood of Pangu Father God.

In Taiyi's anger, he killed half of the life of the great witch who slaughtered the demon clan juniors, leaving only one breath to survive. He didn't kill him directly, but before leaving, he placed an apology beside the great witch, which also gave Di Jiang some face.

After Taiyi left, a flash of green light flashed, and the great witch died suddenly on the spot. Di Jiang and other ancestral witches were extremely angry about this.

Zhu Rong: "That three-legged golden crow is too deceptive! Just for a few little demons, they killed the great witch of our clan. Brother, we can't just let it go!"

Zhu Rong was the master of fire and had a violent temper. He wished he could go directly to heaven and have a life-or-death duel with Di Jun.

Gonggong: "That's right, we even sent an apology, but he was so despicable, taking advantage of us to kill the great witch of our clan!"

Gonggong is a water person, but he has a hot temper and never lets others down.

Although Di Jiang also wanted to fight directly against the Monster Clan, as the leader of the Witch Clan, he was still somewhat rational and knew that if he really went to war with the Monster Clan, it would be extremely bad for the people below.

"Zhu Rong, Gonggong, you two calm down first, this matter will have to be discussed again." Di Jiang tried to appease Zhu Rong and Gonggong.

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