Prehistoric: When a good old man awakens to the evil system

Chapter 160 Chapter 161, Nuwa became a saint through meritorious deeds

The little man started to move. He looked up at Nuwa, stunned, but suddenly said: "Mother."

Nuwa smiled slightly and looked at the other little people around her, breathing life into them as well.

Thousands of little people surrounded Nuwa, calling in a clear and tender voice: "Mother! Mother!"

A drop of hot tears flowed from Nuwa's eyes, then she looked up to the sky, and her voice echoed across the vast land:

"I am Nuwa, and I have gained enlightenment to the holy way. Now I am creating a human race, and we will all learn from the way of heaven!"

"The way of heaven is above. Today, I, Nuwa, obey the destiny of heaven, create a human race, attain the way and become a saint. From now on, I will never die or be destroyed, and I will not be affected by cause and effect!"

As Nuwa's voice fell, thousands of auspicious auras filled the sky, and golden lotuses rose from the ground. Five layers of the merits in the sky fell on Nuwa to help her become a saint; two layers fell on Hongyun to thank Hongyun for giving the Nine Heavens Breeding Earth; one layer fell on the innate gourd vine and directly went up to the innate gourd vine to become a saint. The remaining layer of the treasure of merit was given to the first batch of human beings to help them break through and become immortals.

Although Hongyun did not directly become a saint or behead my corpse, the abundant merit and spiritual power in his body convinced Hongyun that he was only one step away from becoming a saint.

The pressure of the saint swept across the ancient world, and another saint who was immortal and unaffected by cause and effect was born. Every living creature in the ancient world could not help but worship in the direction of Mount Buzhou.

After a while, the pressure dissipated, and all living beings had various other thoughts.

The Three Pure Ones in Kunlun Mountain were all hit. They devoted themselves to cultivation, always thinking that they would be the second saint in the world, but unexpectedly, Nuwa quietly took the lead.

In the main hall of the witch clan, eleven of the twelve ancestral witches were extremely angry. They only regretted that they had no soul and could not get this opportunity.

The demon clan fell into ecstasy, after all, the newly born saint was the demon clan Wa Huang. With a saint sitting in charge, the Wu clan will definitely be in trouble!

Just when everyone was smiling happily, Fuxi suddenly said: "If my sister becomes a saint, she will live in the thirty-third heaven. I will never see her again!"

Di Jun: "..." Taiyi: "Hmm..." It's possible

Fuxi and Nuwa have the same mind. As soon as Nuwa here became a saint, she sensed a Wa Palace rising above the thirty-third heaven. Heaven was urging her to go to the Wa Palace. Unless necessary, she was not allowed to interfere with the prehistoric times. things above.

In desperation, Nuwa could only look at Hongyun: "Fellow Daoist Hongyun, I need to go to the thirty-third heaven. I ask you to take care of these children for me first."

Hongyun waved her hands happily: "I'm here, don't worry!"

Nuwa looked at her children with a look of reluctance. Now that she has become a saint, she knows how much God loves the human race she created with her own hands. She also knows what kind of suffering this love will bring to the human race. , but she couldn't explain it, and she couldn't protect the human race.

We can only place our hope on Hongyun. It was Hongyun who got the person's name, and Hongyun also got the merit of creating a human being. There is some cause and effect there. I hope Hongyun can take care of the human race to some extent.

This holy position was very good before we got it, but after we got it, we realized that it was also a constraint.

Taking one last look at the people on the ground still calling her mother, Nuwa turned around and went straight to the thirty-third heaven.

Hongyun looked at the group of naked children: "Okay, you all stop looking, you can't look anymore!"

"I'll teach you how to make clothes first. It's really annoying!"

"Father! Father!" The children looked at Hongyun for a while and then suddenly shouted

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