Prehistoric: When a good old man awakens to the evil system

Chapter 162 Chapter 163, The Road to the Development of Human Race

Hongyun saw the growth of human beings in the book and knew how powerful the human race was. They were not a race that could be defined. Therefore, Hongyun is not willing to encourage others. In many cases, Hongyun will only give them a hint, or verbally remind them when they make a mistake.

Hongyun only provided some protection to the human race, and left the rest to the human race themselves. However, the human race is really suitable for barbaric growth. Everything is unknown to them, so they dare to try anything.

For example, this new human race rushed towards Leiden. Hongyun rescued him again. He sighed tiredly. They were really fighting to eat well-cooked meat.

In order to prevent similar things from happening, Hongyun taught them how to make fire. However, Hongyun only knew how to drill wood to make fire, but had never done it himself. In the end, it was the human race who learned Hongyun's movements and ignited the fire.

As the flames grew bigger and bigger, Hongyun stopped trying to get into the fire to keep warm, and took the new human's belt and sent it back to his parents.

Then he rescued a new human who was eating poisonous weeds. Hongyun was even more tired and dared to eat anything. When Nuwa saw this, she thought he had raised all these humans to be fools!

Before Hongyun's patience ran out, Zhen Yuanzi brought back a few rabbits that had not yet developed their intelligence and taught them to give the rabbits food they didn't know whether they could eat. As a result, humans discovered that animals can be raised by themselves, allowing one of them to become two, and two to become four.

It's just that they were quite reckless, thinking that rabbits had little meat, so they went straight to the tigers.

Hongyun didn't notice, and several of them died...

They don't need to be taught except for reproduction, everything else is learned!

"I've met three fellow Taoists." By the time Hongyun sighed, Zhen Yuanzi had already greeted Sanqing.

Hongyun also turned around: "I have met three fellow Taoists." Tongtian came close to Hongyun and looked at the woman who was making shoes from wooden boards not far away, wondering: "What is she doing?"

Hongyun glanced at it and said calmly: "I don't know what to do when making something, and I don't know whether it can be made."

Human beings are like this. The success of every thing comes from countless failures.

"Hongyun, is this the habitat of the human race?" Yuan Shi briefly looked at this place and frowned slightly. How could the human race survive in such a place with so little spiritual energy?

Hong Yun nodded: "The physique of the human race is not as good as that of the creatures born on earth. Too much spiritual energy will squeeze their bodies. If they are not careful, they may explode and die."

Except for the first batch of human races, the remaining new human races are all ordinary people with no cultivation. There are very few people who have the qualifications to practice, let alone those who are unable to practice. If they have been living in a place where the spiritual energy is overwhelming, there will only be A dead end.

This was also discovered by Hongyun. After nearly a hundred human beings exploded and died inexplicably, they found this place and set up a barrier to give the human race a stable habitat.

I thought thoughtfully and said: "I see, I wonder if you can take us to the human territory to have a look?"

As soon as I came to the human race, I felt that this place was vaguely consistent with my Tao, but I only had a vague understanding of it, not very clear, so I thought that maybe I could gain more by contacting the human race.

Hongyun naturally agreed, and immediately took Sanqing into the center of the human race.

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