Prehistoric: When a good old man awakens to the evil system

Chapter 165 Chapter 166, Apprenticeship in Xuandu

Xuandu heard Hongyun's voice. After helping Laozi stand firm, he quickly came over: "Teacher!"

"He called you teacher?" Tongtian thought Xuandu was Hongyun's disciple

Hongyun quickly explained: "I gave the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil that Nuwa used when she created humans, and I gave the name of the human race. After Nuwa became a saint, she went to the 33rd Heaven, and I also protected the human race. They were originally He called me father, but I changed him to a teacher, and he did not accept a disciple."

"Only the human race created by Nuwa calls me teacher, and the human race that reproduces later calls me Holy Master."

Tongtian nodded and looked at Xuandu with a more satisfied look, because I was already walking toward them with a staggering but not slow pace.

Hongyun smiled and said: "Xuandu, you are the first human race in the ancient world, with top-grade qualifications and mind. I originally wanted to accept you as my disciple, but you and I have no relationship between master and disciple, so I have to find a teacher for you. "

My face turned dark visibly, and Tongtian was very satisfied:

"I am the Supreme Pure One and reach the sky. I want to take you as my disciple. Are you willing?"

Xuandu hesitated for a moment. He had naturally heard of the name Sanqing. It was his destiny to be accepted as a disciple by Shangqing. But at this moment, he suddenly felt that something was not right. He was somewhat reluctant to worship Tongtian as his teacher.

"You don't want to?" Tongtian frowned, and the pressure instantly dissipated.

Xuandu knelt directly on the ground, sweat dripping from his forehead, but he still hesitated, unable to tell whether he was willing or not.

Deep down in his heart, he was reluctant to become a disciple, but he was reluctant to give up if he refused. He became more and more frightened under Tongtian's pressure.

Hongyun quickly cast a spell to protect him. Xuan Du was a good boy. If he really didn't want to, it was better not to make things difficult for him.

"Don't be impatient first, let the kid think for himself." Hongyun persuaded Tongtian in a low voice, then turned to look at Xuandu: "You stand up first, don't be afraid, he is just straightforward and doesn't usually get angry. !”

Xuandu stood up under Hongyun's comfort, but still lowered his head and did not dare to look at Tongtian.

Hongyun continued: "Tao Ancestor only has three direct disciples, and Tongtian is one of them. Even I am not as good as me. If you want to be a famous teacher, there will be no one with higher status and stronger strength than Tongtian."

Added another sentence: "There are three direct disciples of Taozu. The other two are Tongtian's elder brothers. They love and care for Tongtian very much. If you take Tongtian as your teacher, several big figures in the ancient world will be your teachers..."

Xuandu finally made a choice, and he knelt down and wanted to call Master, but when the words came to his lips, he suddenly couldn't say them.

"It will be the same if you take me as your master." I finally lost my temper and walked over to my original appearance, giving Tongtian a fierce look.

He had seen Tongtian forcing Xuandu to become a disciple just now. Seeing that Xuandu could persist for so long in the face of such great temptation and Tongtian's persecution, he felt even more satisfied with Xuandu.

With such a background, such qualifications, and such a temperament, he should be of the Taiqing lineage. That stupid boy Tongtian has already accepted a bunch of disciples. He will definitely not pay too much attention to Xuandu, and he will definitely miss Xuandu's cultivation.

"I have no choice but to be too clear. Are you willing to accept me as your teacher?" I smiled kindly and lowered my head to ask.

Xuandu's depression disappeared: "Disciple Xuandu, pay homage to Master!"

Tongtian's face instantly turned black. He was reluctant to accept Xuandu as his disciple. As soon as his eldest brother told him, he became a disciple happily, as if he had received such a great opportunity. Why, he is not as far away as his eldest brother?

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