Prehistoric: When a good old man awakens to the evil system

Chapter 177 Chapter 178, leaving the human race

Not everyone belongs to Nuwa. If we hope to create a new race and become holy, we might as well hope that Taiyi will have an epiphany one day.

Taiyi breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there was a Styx ancestor who gave his elder brother a heavy blow. Otherwise, he would have been afraid that his elder brother would really ask him to study how to create a new race.

But he didn't listen to Di Jun's words and go back to Sun Star to practice. Instead, he went down to Heaven and went straight to Kunlun Mountain. He wanted to go and play with Hongyun!

Rather than Nuwa's method, it is better to ask Hongyun for advice. What method did he use to become a saint quietly? It seemed simpler and easier than the Three Purities?

Not to mention his slightly rebellious brother Taiyi, as soon as Di Jun ordered Bai Ze to do something, Kunpeng hurriedly entered the Sun Palace.

"Come back so soon?" Di Jun knew what Kunpeng had done and sent someone to assist him.

He was a little surprised to see them come back so early. He thought Kunpeng would definitely fight to the death with Jie Yingzhunti!

Now that Kunpeng is back, is Jie Yin already dead?

"We led Zhunti to escape into the Wu Clan. I led my men to pursue them but were blocked by the Wu Clan. The Wu Clan had a large number of people, and there were twelve ancestral witches, but they escaped in the end!" Kunpeng gritted his teeth.

Di Jun sighed. The number of powerful men in the ancient world was gradually increasing, but Taiyi had not yet become a saint. His mortal enemy kept looking for trouble. He was really upset.

If Nuwa was still in the prehistoric times, even if she didn't take action, the Demon Clan would still have the confidence to have a saint sitting in charge.

Sanqing is indeed the most beloved by Hongjun and Tiandao, otherwise why would Nuwa have to go to the thirty-third heaven, while the three brothers can still wander around in the wilderness.

After some thought, Di Jun stood up suddenly: "Let's strike while the iron is hot and go to Mount Sumeru in the west."

Emperor Jun would not give Jie Yin time to recover. What if Jie Yin gained some insights from the Three Pure Saints and became a saint before he could?

They already have a blood feud with Jieyin Zhunti, but they cannot allow Jieyin Zhunti to become a saint smoothly. If Jieyin Zhunti unites with the Wu clan, they will be passive.

It is better to seize the time and kill him while he is sick. As for Daozu... let's do it first and then talk about it!

No one knew that the mighty Demon Emperor had already taken advantage of the situation with his men, including the Demon Emperor’s beloved brother Donghuang Taiyi.

Donghuang Taiyi only wanted to go out to play, but before he could walk out of the Nantian Gate, his brother captured him again, and the group headed to Mount Sumeru in the west.

Donghuang Taiyi muttered that he wanted to find Hongyun all the way. Hongyun, who was already a saint, noticed it. After calculating with his fingers, he and Zhen Yuanzi returned to Wuzhuangguan.

The human race now does not need Hongyun and Zhen Yuanzi to protect them in the same way as before, so Hongyun simply retreats to practice and leaves the human race with a reasonable excuse.

The Three Purities have established their religion in the human race and will not ignore the human race in a short period of time. Therefore, Hongyun has great trust in the safety of the human race and leaves without any burden.

Soon after Hongyun left, the human race began to get busy. They found a huge rock in the mountains, then cleaned and polished it bit by bit, carefully carved it, and finally made a stone statue of Hongyun.

Their gratitude to Hongyun is also engraved on the back of the stone statue. They respect Hongyun as the Holy Master of the human race and ask future generations to often bow to him.

This is the treatment that only Nuwa can receive in the human race, and now she is also treated.

After Hongyun learned about it, her heart was surging, and she had to arrange for someone to start recording human history from now on. It was only when those students in later generations saw his deeds that he changed his life trajectory.

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