Prehistoric: When a good old man awakens to the evil system

Chapter 184 Chapter 184, connecting to great ambitions

"Screaming at them won't stop me from killing you two!" Of course Hongyun knew that Heaven would not allow Jie Yin to be killed by him, so he didn't do anything cruel, he just lifted them up in the air, humiliated and hit them.

"You two despicable and shameless people are worthy of listening to the sermon with us in Zixiao Palace. If it weren't for you two, Zhen Yuanzi would have become a saint!" Hongyun slapped him in the air every time he said a word. After just four strokes, Jie Yin Zhunti was already as red and swollen as a pig's head.

Jie Yin hated Hong Yun deeply, but was unable to escape from this predicament, and was filled with grief in his heart. Suddenly a voice came from his heart, and his eyes gradually became more and more discerning, as if he had found his own way.

'Ding! One hundred thousand anger points have been received! ’

'Ding! Three hundred thousand anger points have been received! ’

"The way of heaven is above. I, together with my junior brother Zhunti, established the Western Sect today. We want to educate the world and revitalize the West as our own responsibility. We use the Seven Treasures Tree to suppress luck. Heaven and earth will learn from this!"

Hongyun burst out laughing. The Seven Treasures Tree suppresses luck, how poor it is to guide it! He roped in Zhunti, a man who could not possibly become a saint, to start the Western religion together. Is it because he did not have something to suppress luck?

The merits all over the sky turned into blossoming golden lotuses and descended on Lingshan Mountain, and immediately flew into the bodies of Jieyin and Zhunti. At the moment when the merit entered the body, the merit merged with the Hongmeng Purple Qi, and the two people's aura began to rise steadily, reaching the quasi-sage peak in almost a moment.

Hongyun did not compete with Tiandao, but directly withdrew his magic power and let the two of them receive the merit.

Jie Yin and Zhunti both showed joy on their faces. They had been waiting for this day for too long.

Jie Yin looked at his body in shock: "What's going on?"

Just when he was about to achieve enlightenment, the vision suddenly disappeared, and his cultivation level that was about to break through also stopped skyrocketing, and finally stayed at the quasi-sage peak.

It is natural for Zhunti to stop at the pinnacle of quasi-sage, because the merits bestowed by heaven made him stop there. However, there is still Hongmeng Purple Qi in Zhunti's body, but there is no sign of helping him break through and become a saint. "How could this happen?" Zhunti and Jie Yin's faces turned pale, especially Jie Yin, who could hardly stand still.

It was clear that we were only half a step away from the realm of saints. It could even be said that we had already stepped in, but we still failed in the end. The truth is half proven, if this spreads out, wouldn’t it make people laugh out loud? Not to mention revitalizing the West, the two of them felt almost extremely heavy at the thought of this.

"You and I jointly created a religion, but our merits can't support one of our senior brothers to become a saint?" Zhunti looked frustrated.

After a moment, Jie Yin suddenly seemed to understand something, and he raised his right palm:

"The way of heaven is above, I will lead you to make a great wish today!"

"If I attain supreme Bodhi and become fully enlightened, the Buddha land I live in will be endowed with immeasurable and inconceivable merits and splendor. There will be no hell, hungry ghosts, beasts, flying insects, and the like. All sentient beings, as well as the Flame Mara Realm, will be three In the evil realm, if you are reborn in my land, you will be transformed by my Dharma, and you will achieve Anuttarasamyaksambodhi. You will never fall into the evil realm again. If you achieve this wish, you will become a Buddha. If you do not achieve this wish, you will not achieve the supreme enlightenment."

"When I become a Buddha, all sentient beings in the worlds of the ten directions will be born in my land. They all have purple-ground true golden bodies, thirty-two types, and have the appearance of a man. They are upright and clean, and they are all of the same type. If the appearance is different, there is good and ugly. Those who do not achieve enlightenment.

When I become a Buddha, everything in the land, from the earth to the sky, palaces, towers, ponds, flowers and trees, are composed of immeasurable precious incense. Its fragrance permeates the world in all directions. All sentient beings who hear this should practice Buddhahood. If you do not do this, you will not achieve enlightenment.

When I became a Buddha, there were Buddha lands in the ten directions. All Bodhisattvas, upon hearing my name, will all attain purity, liberation, universal samadhi, and all the profound samadhis, and abide in samadhi until they become Buddhas. In concentration, always make offerings to all Buddhas that are immeasurable and boundless, without losing concentration. If you do not do this, you will not achieve enlightenment.

When I become a Buddha, those Bodhisattvas in other worlds who hear my name, practice Bodhisattva conduct, possess the basic virtues, and do not acquire the one, two, and three forbearances at the right time, who are unable to realize the Buddha's Dharma without regressing, and who do not achieve perfect enlightenment. . "


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