Prehistoric: When a good old man awakens to the evil system

Chapter 188 Chapter 188, Meeting Tai 1 on the way

Hongjun paused and sighed secretly: "Go back, your master doesn't want to see you."

It was because the inner demon knew about Zhen Yuanzi's situation and informed Luo Hou that Luo Hou avoided Hongyun just to watch the show and see if and what kind of relationship his apprentice had.

There is such a no-nonsense master in Hongyun stall, and the master who is watching the fun as an apprentice is also suffering. After all, Hongyun had his own reasons for becoming a disciple in the first place, so he couldn't turn a blind eye.

Forget it, just treat it as your own junior!

"Feel it with your heart and face the difference between Zhen Yuanzi and others. What Zhiwoshi likes to do most is Zhen Yuanzi's obsession." Hongjun gave Hongyun a hint and waved his hand, sending Hongyun away from Zixiao. palace.

Hongyun's inquiries were fruitless, so he had to return to Wuzhuang Temple.

A three-legged golden crow flew down from the heaven, and after catching up with the red cloud, it transformed into an innate Taoist body. It was none other than Donghuang Taiyi.

"Fellow Taoist Hongyun, please stay!" Taiyi called out to Hongyun.

Only then did Hongyun remember that out of the seven futons and six holy places, only Taiyi was left with the Hongmeng Purple Qi and had no chance of becoming a holy place. It was well known to everyone that Shengsheng had such a big posture before, but Taiyi never made any move, so he was really stable.

"Fellow Tai Taoist," Hongyun nodded in response, not showing a condescending attitude just because he became a saint.

"Fellow Daoist Hongyun, do you know where the demon world is?" Taiyi asked.

Hongyun was stunned for a moment, and Taiyi asked what the demon world was doing. Now the demon world was empty except for the mortal world. It was completely different from the human race created by Nuwa. What effect could it have on him?

"The demon world is in the far west. It is desolate, lacks spiritual energy, and is raging with evil spirits, even worse than Mount Sumeru." But he was still told that although Hongyun had never been there, he still knew the location and general situation.

"I feel something in my heart, as if the devil world is attracting me, and it seems that my destination is there." Taiyi also said with some uncertainty.

Hongyun was stunned for a moment, this was so different from the novel!

"Fellow Taoist Tai, do you want to go over and take a look?"

Taiyi smiled bitterly: "In the past, I was listening to Taoism in Zixiao Palace. My Taoist friend Hongyun and I sat on a futon together, and we received the Hongmeng Purple Qi at the same time. Now, except for me, several Taoist friends have attained enlightenment. My eldest brother is very sad. , urging me to practice every day. But the more I practice, the more depressed I feel. There is no chance of becoming a saint anyway, so I might as well just go with my heart, maybe I can have a chance."

Hongyun nodded, understanding Taiyi's distress very well. Just like those students in later generations who are still forced to review after the college entrance examination, the results have already been decided, so what is the use of hard work except hard work.

But Di Jun was right in thinking. They had been chasing Jie Yin Zhunti for so many years, and even forced them to go to Zixiao Palace for help. Now that Jie Yin has become a saint, how could they let go of the monster with their despicable, shameless and vengeful habits? clan. Now he is holding Taiyi in seclusion to practice. Firstly, he can protect Taiyi. Secondly, he also hopes that the strength of Heavenly Court will be improved.

Although their demon clan also has a saint, they can only stay in the thirty-third heaven and ignore the affairs of the past. Apart from saying it to sound nice, it is actually of no use at all.

"But if you go to the far west, you will most likely pass by Mount Sumeru. If you are led to Zhunti and see it..." That is a sheep entering a tiger's mouth, and it will be too late to call for help.

Taiyi smiled openly: "It's useless to hide. If they want to kill me, there are many opportunities. Do I have to hide all the time?"

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