Prehistoric: When a good old man awakens to the evil system

Chapter 190 Chapter 190, Tai 1 goes to the devil world

But he still told him that although Hongyun had never been there, he still knew the location and general situation. Taiyi returned to normal at this moment. After all, he was the Demon King of Heaven and one of the three-legged Golden Crows. The things on the scene were still hard to fault. .

"I have seen fellow Taoist Zhen Yuanzi, and I hope you can forgive me for coming here rashly. This is what my brother got when he traveled through the wilderness in the past. Please don't be polite, fellow Taoist Zhen Yuanzi."

Zhen Yuanzi refuted: "If you have to bring some gifts when you are a guest for several days, I really shouldn't welcome Tai Taoist friends."

Taiyi responded quickly: "This is not compensation for the disturbance these days. This is a gift I gave to the first disciple of fellow Taoist Zhen Yuanzi. We also listened to the Taoist teachings in Zixiao Palace together and have the same friendship. As a teacher My uncle gave a magical weapon to a junior disciple, and you want to refuse it?"

Zhen Yuanzi laughed and led Taiyi inside.

Hongyun was speechless at the door. Why didn’t Zhen Yuanzi usually say a few words? Alas~

When Zhen Yuanzi entertained Taiyi, Hongyun found a place to call Kong Xuan over to greet Taiyi, and then went back to the room to hide.

Fortunately, Hongchen came quickly and Zhen Yuanzi was not shocked by Taiyi for a long time.

Things in the demon world restrained Hongchen's mind, so that Hongchen didn't even have time to talk to Hongyun. In Zhen Yuanzi's eyes, Hongchen took Taiyi to the demon world.

Zhen Yuanzi went to Hongyun Xingshi and asked, "Why did you bring Taiyi here?"

Hongyun could feel Zhen Yuanzi's resentment and explained with a smile: "I only found out about his nonsense after I said I would bring him here, so I can't go back on my word halfway. It would be too detrimental to the face of a saint like me!"

"Then why don't you come out?" Zhen Yuanzi glared at him. Did he still know Hongyun's little thoughts?

Hongyun chuckled: "I've been annoyed by him all the time, please leave me alone!" After all, Zhen Yuanzi didn't get into trouble with Hongyun. He just glared at Hongyun for a few times, sat down to drink tea, and then told Hongyun some good news: " I have killed three corpses."

Hongyun was overjoyed: "All three corpses were killed?"

"Back when you were in Zixiao Palace, you should have earned some money. Maybe you could get a Hongmeng Purple Qi!"

"Beheading three corpses to become a saint is the most powerful type among saints. That's why I am able to defeat and lead Zhunti."

Zhen Yuanzi smiled lightly and said, "My way is not here."

Zhen Yuanzi seemed to have sensed his own way, flicked the dust in his hand, and took out the earth book. With a loud shout of "open", a portal opened in the void, revealing a familiar starry sky. Zhen Yuanzi flashed and got in. There was only a loud bang as the void completely closed.

Hongyun knew that Zhen Yuanzi was going to become the ancestor of the Earth Immortal.

Make another pot of tea and drink together when Zhen Yuanzi comes out, just in time to restore Zhen Yuanzi's spiritual power.

In the gap, mountains collapsed and the ground cracked, and the waves were violent. The seawater surged wildly, huge waves covered the sky and the earth, the mountains stretching thousands of miles shook violently, and all the birds and animals jumped up in fright, covering the sky and the sun. It was a spectacular scene.

The white mist that blocked the earth's evil energy was all dispersed along with the landslide and the ground cracking. Black smoke rolled up. Large swaths of seabirds were washed away by the black energy and fell like raindrops. Their whole bodies festered and turned into jet black in an instant. The bloody water dyed tens of thousands of miles of sea into pitch black, and some fish, shrimps, sharks and whales could not escape the fate of turning into blood.

After Zhen Yuanzi pondered for a moment, his eyes were full of determination. He wanted to open up a new world.

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