Prehistoric: When a good old man awakens to the evil system

Chapter 193 Chapter 193, Zhen Yuanzi’s evil corpse

Hongyun looked at Zhen Yuanzi with confusion: "Female she a female cultivator?"

For the first time, Zhen Yuanzi felt that someone could say something as if he had not said it.

I had to ask again: "How is it different from a friar?"

"Genders are different, body structures are different, no more." Hongyun thought carefully. In the ancient times, giving preferential treatment to female cultivators might be humiliating them. After all, they are all magic powers obtained through cultivation, and strength has nothing to do with men and women, so it is still Treat everyone equally.

"No more?" Zhen Yuanzi breathed a sigh of relief.

Hongyun thought carefully for a moment, and then solemnly said: "Father God Pangu created the world and transformed all living beings in the prehistoric times. The difference between men and women is just a matter of a thought. Talent has nothing to do with men and women, and cultivation only depends on diligence. So what is the difference between men and women? ?”

"Perhaps the only difference is that a woman's body gives birth to offspring, which will affect her cultivation, while a man's body is not damaged. From this point of view, women should be more respected. They give the most to produce offspring from the beginning to the end. "

This is Hongyun's thought of later generations. If Zhen Yuanzi is still not satisfied with this answer, Hongyun really can't answer it.

Zhen Yuanzi's heart tightened. He thought of Hongyun becoming a Taoist couple and breeding offspring in the future, and asked again: "Then do you think male cultivators should breed with female cultivators?"

Hongyun shook her head repeatedly: "No, no, no, no~"

"Male cultivators and female cultivators can breed offspring together, but it does not mean that they will definitely be able to breed offspring. They must breed offspring. Like our congenital beings, we almost have the same lifespan as heaven. Unless we meet someone we really like and want to become a Taoist couple. , why should people who have walked together for hundreds of millions of years have a child?"

"Children are indispensable to the innate beings. There are a few who are as ambitious as Emperor Jun, marrying Taoists and having children for the sake of being the overlord of the ancient world!"

Just like him, he never expected to have children to support his old age in future generations, nor did he plan to get married just to have children, let alone now that he would live the same life as heaven. Hongyun couldn't think of any other reasons for having children besides her own liking.

Zhen Yuanzi lowered his eyes and nodded. At least he knew that Hongyun did not discriminate against female cultivators, nor did he want to find a couple to reproduce like Di Jun. After a while, Zhen Yuanzi finally spoke: "My evil corpse is a female cultivator."

As Zhen Yuanzi finished speaking, a pretty girl appeared in front of Hongyun.

Hongyun was too shocked by Zhen Yuanzi's words. Before she could recover, she saw a female cultivator in front of her who had no resemblance to Zhen Yuanzi in appearance, body and temperament. She felt baffled.

Zhen Yuanzi definitely has no habit of dressing up as a woman, and Hongyun can guarantee this with her holy status. So how could a normal male cultivator kill the evil corpse of a female cultivator who had nothing to do with him?

After some thought, Hongyun looked at Zhen Yuanzi with increasingly weird eyes.

Zhen Yuanzi looked calm and majestic, but how come the three corpses he killed were more outrageous than the last? The evil corpse was a female cultivator and had nothing to do with the original deity.

Why on earth did he condense such self-obsessed corpses and evil corpses?

"Take her back!" Hongyun sighed, really not wanting to see this evil corpse.

Zhen Yuanzi did not hesitate and directly took back the evil corpse.

He asked slightly cautiously: "What do you think?"

Hongyun twitched the corners of her stiff lips: "I don't understand, but I respect it."

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