Prehistoric: When a good old man awakens to the evil system

Chapter 203 Chapter 203, Monster Clan Cannibals

"Wuzhuang Temple closed its doors to thank guests, and no one went up the mountain to become a disciple. Where did you meet someone who caught your eye?" Zhen Yuanzi controlled his mind, rolled his eyes at Hongyun, and stopped looking at him.

Hongyun spread his hands: "I don't establish a religion, so I can't be like Tongtian, who teaches without distinction and doesn't reject anyone who comes!"

"Besides, it's for your own good that I don't accept disciples. That's not all."

Zhen Yuanzi turned back again, waiting to hear Hongyun's next words.

Hongyun said with a smile: "If I accept a disciple, not only will I have to live in Wuzhuang Temple and enjoy the resources of Wuzhuang Temple, but I will also have to work hard for you to teach me. In order to prevent you from working too hard, I just won't accept him!"

Hongyun was not embarrassed at all, and looked like she was thinking about Zhen Yuanzi, almost urging Zhen Yuanzi to thank him.

Zhen Yuanzi was speechless. Is it better for him to agree with Hongyun and not accept any disciples? Don't regret confiscating the disciple one day and blame him again!

"Remember, never accept a disciple, otherwise you will have to take back what you say, which will damage the face of the majestic Saint Hongyun." Zhen Yuanzi snorted coldly and ignored Hongyun.

Talking about this conversation, he was so angry that he wanted to laugh. He was becoming more playful and noisy. He was already a saint, and he was no longer calm.

Hongyun went back to his room to mess around. The Heavenly Saint could no longer break through, and his cultivation was of little use. Zhen Yuanzi would handle everything, so Hongyun was completely free.

I only occasionally get interested and pay attention to the situation in the prehistoric times, or I am really bored and go to Mount Sumeru. If you meet Jieyin, fight him and beat him up. If you can't find Jieyin, smash the mountain and destroy the palace. When you're happy with the beating, go straight to the thirty-third heaven to find Hongjun to admit his mistake.

Hongjun made it clear that he favored him, and he always revealed it with a few mild reprimands. Even if the way of heaven was displeased, Hongjun would adjust it.

Hongyun was still very measured. He only destroyed dead things and only beat those who could not be killed. He did not commit too many crimes.

There were quite a few disciples who had been lured and tricked by Zhunti. Hongyun knew every one of them, and they weren't all just trying to scare them. After all, it was Jie Yin who injured Kong Xuan first. Even if Tian Dao was displeased, he couldn't tell Hong Yun what serious crime he committed.

The prehistoric events happened one after another, most of which were the same as Hongyun remembered.

Emperor Jun knew that his ten sons could not appear in the prehistoric era before controlling the true fire of the sun, so he set up a barrier in Tanggu to let the ten little golden crows live in Tanggu. The twelve daughters also returned to the Taiyin Star and were taught by their mother how to practice and how to use the power of Taiyin.

The human race still faced their catastrophe. Once when Hongyun went out, he saw with his own eyes that the demon race was eating the lone human race. Hong Yun felt uncomfortable for a long time. The scene was too bloody. The human race was obviously dead, but the screams and wailing still seemed to be heard in Hong Yun's ears.

Hongyun knew that this was a general trend and it was best not to intervene in changing it. But he really couldn't bear it, so after much hesitation, he still sent a message to Emperor Jun, reminding him that the race was created by the saint Nuwa and was not his demon clan's ration.

If you don’t want to be burdened with the overwhelming evil, and don’t want to have a quarrel with Nuwa Fuxi, then don’t let the demon clan feed on humans. Nuwa created humans and became saints, and the Three Pure Ones established religions and became saints in the human race, which shows the preference of heaven for the human race.

I don’t know if it’s because Hongyun’s persuasion is of no use, or because there are too many emperors in the demon clan who can’t control it. Hongyun's persuasion was not only useless, but also spread the rumor that eating human beings would enhance cultivation among the demon clan. Many big demons directly kept human beings in captivity, forced them to reproduce, and fed on human flesh and blood.

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