Prehistoric: When a good old man awakens to the evil system

Chapter 229 Chapter 229, the end of the calamity

Taiyi held the Donghuang Bell, which had the strongest defense in the world. He was hit by Zhu Jiuyin's self-destruction. Although he was alive and well, he vomited blood.

Liang Qiang witnessed Zhu Jiuyin's self-destruction and roared in anger as he rushed towards Tai Yi. But Taiyi reacted faster and immediately killed him with the Donghuang Bell.

"Kill the ancestral witch and avenge the demon queen." On the lich battlefield, Di Jun spoke to his men and then rushed forward to kill them.

"Then let's die together!" Di Jiang knew that he had no chance of winning and planned to risk his life.

As Di Jiang's voice fell, the ancestral witches and great witches all chose to self-destruct, dragging the demon generals with them to die.

Di Jun looked at Taiyi in front of him, who was pale and forced to use the Donghuang Bell to protect him. He suddenly reached out and grabbed Taiyi, changed positions with Taiyi, and pushed hard again.

He knew that Taiyi would not escape alone, so he warned again: "I leave the children to you!"

Di Jun was caught by Di Jiang and turned into blood mist together. Kunpeng saw that something was wrong, and quickly pushed out a demon commander next to him, letting him block in front of Jumang, and then quickly picked up Di Jun's Heluo Book and Picture Taozhiyaoyao.

"Brother!" Taiyi couldn't maintain his figure and fell from the air.

Apart from Taiyi, who was seriously injured and pushed away by Di Jun, and Kunpeng, who turned around and escaped, only Bai Ze was left among the top leaders of the demon clan. The witch clan suffered heavy casualties. All the ancestral witches who participated in the battle self-destructed, and the great witch had only one son of a newly promoted human witch left.

At this moment, Houtu appeared.

The surviving members of the witch clan knelt down one after another: "Greetings to Hou Tu Zu Wu."

They were in a panic at this time. All the Wu clan had died in the battle and the Wu clan was almost destroyed. They didn't know what to do. So Hou Tu who appeared at this time was their backbone, and they were waiting to obey Hou Tu's orders. "Under the calamity, countless creatures in the primitive world were killed and injured. The underworld lacked people to serve, so the surviving witch clan son followed me to the underworld to run the reincarnation of life forever to atone for his sins." Hou Tu waved his hand gently, and the witch clan survived The people were taken to the underworld by her.

The physical constitution of the sons of human witches is different from that of pure witches. Their lifespan is shorter and they still have souls. Therefore, they cannot be brought to the underworld, so they can only stay in the wilderness and let them survive and develop on their own in the human race.

After Hou Tu took away the Wu clan, he also left. The little demons fled in all directions, wishing they had never participated in this battle.

Fuxi, who was in the thirty-third heaven, beat himself up hard after knowing the outcome of the battle. Emperor Juntai treated him with such courtesy. He also enjoyed the luck of the demon clan before he could break through to this point. Now, both his best friend and his master have risked their lives for the demon clan, and he is the only one hiding in the Wa Palace and betraying his past promise.

Seeing this, Nuwa picked up the two little Golden Crows and asked, "What are your names?"

The little Golden Crows knew Nuwa's identity, so they naturally did not dare to be disrespectful: "My name is Xiaoliu, and his name is Xiaoba!"

Nuwa smiled and said: "Xiaoliu and Xiaoba are teeth, not names!"

"Brother, they don't have names yet. Now Emperor Jun also... let's give them a name!" Nuwa wanted to use the little golden crow to distract Fu Xi.

Fuxi valued friendship the most. Dijun knew that a great disaster was coming and entrusted his children to him, so he would take good care of the two children no matter what. Nuwa knew his temperament, and now only these two children could dispel the guilt in his heart.

As expected, Fuxi turned around, touched the heads of the two little Golden Crows and sighed: "Taiyi and these children are the only ones left in the Three-legged Golden Crow clan. Let Taiyi name them!"

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