"From now on, we will preach in the temple once every three months, for one month at a time. Within seven days after the sermon, you can come and ask for advice if you have any questions. The rest of the time, you can practice on your own."

"There are countless caves and open spaces on Wanshou Mountain. You can go find a place to live by yourself!"

Wuzhuang Temple is so big, and Hongyun is not willing to suddenly have so many people wandering around in front of her.

Kong Xuan finally left the mountain, and Shuang Pin followed him. There were only three children and a few attendants in Wuzhuang Temple, all of whom were capable of working and not looking for trouble.

If suddenly there were a few disciples with little magic power and little knowledge, who would have to ask about everything in detail, then the days of purity would be gone.

Zhen Yuanzi glanced at Hongyun and said nothing. This was something he did not expect. Although I knew Hongyun was not very responsible before, I didn't expect Hongyun to be so irresponsible.

The newly-accepted disciples were released and allowed to fend for themselves in the mountains. Even if the animals and fairies in the mountains knew that they were disciples of Wuzhuang Temple and did not dare to offend them, people still needed to eat.

Throw them into the mountains and ask them what to eat and where to live? They don’t have the magic power yet!
"The first sermon will start one month later. You can go out and find a place to live!" Hong Yun waved his hand and asked them to leave before his patience ran out.

Several people looked at each other, bowed and left together.

Although they had not expected that they would not have a place to live after they became apprentices, it did not matter. The human race relied on their hands to solve everything. Now they were just preparing from scratch, which was not difficult.

Zhen Yuanzi finally couldn't bear it anymore, and after everyone retreated, he said, "Did you forget something?"

"Forgot something?" Hongyun thought about it for a moment, but she really couldn't remember it.

Zhen Yuanzi: "They are human beings and have not started practicing yet. What should they eat?"

If you hunt, you will inevitably disturb the wild beasts in the mountains. Beasts without spiritual intelligence don't know what kind of saint disciples they are, and Wuzhuang Temple's aura is rich, so even beasts without spiritual intelligence are extremely strong. They don't want to become the prey of wild beasts when hunting. Hongyun smiled and did not answer. It's not that he didn't expect this, but he had other plans.

Nowadays, the main food of the human race is hunting and wild fruits, and they have not yet found a way to grow them. Hongyun asked them to live in the mountains. In addition to not wanting to cause trouble, he also wanted to guide them to discover methods of planting.

Hongyun called to the system in her heart: "System, how did the human race enter the farming era, or what kind of easy-to-grow food does the system have that can be passed on to the human race?" '

'Ding! There are various food seeds and planting methods in the system mall. The host can buy them by himself and then pass them on to the human race. It's just that some things appear too bizarre and will definitely attract the attention of Heaven. I hope the host can master them by himself. '

'If you are targeted by Heaven, will you be exposed? '

'Ding! The system has been integrated into the host's mind, similar to the situation of Hongmeng Ziqi, and will not be noticed by Heaven. '

That's good, that's enough. Even if Tiandao senses something is wrong, he has no evidence. He can still know about so many types of flowers, plants and trees in the ancient world.

'Exchange... exchange all the grain seeds! '

Hongyun hesitated and gave up rice and corn.

'Ding! The anger value in the host's account is only enough to redeem three kinds of items! '

"Then exchange for three kinds!"

Hongyun hadn't paid attention to the evil points and anger points in her account for a long time since she became a saint. She only remembered to save them all the time, so that she could buy whatever she wanted. She didn't even ask about the price just now.

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