Prehistoric: When a good old man awakens to the evil system

Chapter 241 Chapter 341, Zhen Yuanzi’s guilty conscience

Zhen Yuanzi looked sideways at Hong Yun and said helplessly: "If you feel that having too many disciples will cause trouble, you can just say so. It doesn't matter if I teach you discipline. You don't have to act like this!"

Hong Yun looked shocked. He had no conscience. He really didn't have such an idea. After taking in the apprentice, he taught half of it and Zhen Yuanzi taught the other half. Zhen Yuanzi also took care of the other children. Why should he find it troublesome!

He really doesn't mind Zhen Yuanzi accepting him as his disciple, he really doesn't care, and he has nothing to do with Zhen Yuanzi.

Why don't you believe it?
"I don't have such thoughts. I don't know how much I like Yusheng Yuheng when she was chubby and chubby. I don't want to part with you except you!" Hongyun stared at her eyes and defended herself.

Zhen Yuanzi believed Hong Yun's words, because Hong Yun's image in him was already deeply ingrained. If it was true as he thought, Hong Yun could admit that he had done a lot of unreliable things, so there was no need to deny it outright.

"Then let them shout like that, and there is no need to change it. I have taught them a lot of skills, which can be regarded as a half-teacher relationship. I can afford to shout a few times." Zhen Yuanzi thought of Yu Heng's treatment to him just now. He felt guilty for no apparent reason and did not dare to look into Hongyun's eyes.

"Oh~" Just scream!
"Then let Yu Sheng and Yu Heng both call you that, a saint, a saint, it's too different. As you said, you and them can be regarded as half-teachers." Hongyun decided that they would treat Zhenyuan The title of son is really meaningless at all.

It's just that the master that Hong Yun thinks is not the same as the master they call him, and the life that Hong Yun thinks and the life that Zhen Yuanzi thinks are not the same.

Zhen Yuanzi pursed his lips and changed the subject: "Have you set a time for them to return to the mountain?"

Hongyun: "No, it's just that when they come back will also determine the skills they can learn in the future."

Everything has its own destiny, and Hongyun didn't make the decision for them. Those who return to the mountain first must not be attached to the mundane world. After completing their mission, they return to the mountain to practice, with their heart set on a higher realm.

The people who returned to the mountains must have longed for the homeland of the human race and wanted to better pass on the farming skills to the human race. What they wanted in their hearts was to protect and develop the human race.

If the person who finally returned to the mountain had not been delayed by some major event, it was most likely because he was greedy for his status in the human race and the feeling of being complimented by his former relatives and friends.

Hongyun will decide the next technique and direction of their practice based on their performance in the human race and the time they return to the mountain.

Zhen Yuanzi understood what Hongyun meant and nodded: "On the way to practice, heeling still plays a big factor. Huiyu has only been incarnate for more than a hundred years, and he has been burdened with the sins of ten days. Now his realm has reached the same level as The two are equal. If I didn't have that karma, I wouldn't have to make more concessions than Kong Xuan."

"They are different from Kong Xuan. Kong Xuan was conceived by Yuan Feng. He was sent to Wuzhuang Temple before he broke out of his shell. The Feng clan's karma has nothing to do with him. But Hui Yu made his own mistakes. If not for atonement The determination is firm, but the current progress may not be possible.”

"I don't even expect them to be very successful in the future. As long as they don't get bullied and oppressed, and don't bully and oppress others, that's all." Hong Yun smiled openly, not worried about these apprentices at all.

Anyway, no matter how hard they work or how successful they are, they will never surpass him as their master.

Below the saints, all are ants. How can the efforts of a group of ants be as good as the sky?

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