Tongtian was stunned for a moment, smiled sheepishly, and then ended the crane's life without blinking.

"I haven't done it for a long time, so I feel a little rusty."

Hongyun looked away, not looking at the bloody scene.

Tongtian was working, and he was unhappy when he saw Hongyun's disgusted look: "You'd better hide so far away when we eat!"

"If you could create such a bloody scene, I would hide even further." Hongyun rolled his eyes and took another step back.

"Then you bake!" Tongtian gestured to throw down the things in his hands.

Hongyun quickly coaxed: "No, no, no, I'm only a little better at baking than you, but when it comes to resisting beatings, I'm far inferior to you!"

Tongtian was speechless, thinking of what his second brother had just said and the three treasures that moved. Hongyun, who was looking at and gloating about his misfortune, suddenly didn't want to be beaten!
"What are you afraid of? It's just a crane. I just set up a barrier and my second brother doesn't know about it. Let's eat quickly and leave as soon as we finish!"

Hongyun: "Where are you going?"

He has just left Wuzhuang Temple and he doesn’t want to go back yet!

Tongtian raised his eyebrows: "Go to the thirty-third heaven!"

Hongyun pursed her lips to hold back her smile: "I just happened to roast two more cranes and bring them to Master to try! They haven't left Zixiao Palace, so they probably haven't eaten for a long time!"

Tongtian couldn't help but laugh after looking at Hongyun for a while: "Yes, yes, these cranes have absorbed the spiritual energy of Kunlun Mountain for many years. It is also their blessing to be able to enter the master's belly."

Hongyun rolled her eyes at him, wondering why she couldn't think of this. Xianhe had to ask him if he wanted this blessing?
"The most important thing is that you gave it to Master. Fellow Taoist Yuanshi can't blame you. How can he still blame a disciple who wholeheartedly respects Master?" Hong Yun even laughed after saying this. It was so wicked.

'Ding! Three thousand points of bad virtue have been received'

Tongtian also laughed, this idea is very good, very, very good. He directly put the crane with no internal organs into Hongyun's hand: "You roast it, and I'll catch a few more."

Hongyun couldn't avoid it, so he had to take it, clean it and light the fire himself. Fortunately, he had magic power, and this series of operations only required two magic tricks.

After a while, Tongtian came back as if he had done something bad, but he was empty-handed.

Hongyun was stunned for a moment, staring at Tongtian's sleeves swaying in the wind: "How many have you killed?"

Can't hold it with hands anymore?
Tongtian Shen stretched out a finger mysteriously

Hongyun was stunned for a moment. It definitely couldn't be that one was killed, it could only be that there was not one left.

"Tell me, is there only one left, or is there no one left?" Hongyun stopped guessing and asked directly.

Tongtian: "There is only one left, but there is none left."

Now Hongyun was confused: "What's going on?"

"There is a crane that has spiritual intelligence. My second brother plans to take him as a servant boy, but before he can transform, he occasionally gives some advice. I just caught him, but I didn't dare to kill him or let him go." Tongtian said, feeling a little aggrieved.

This is indeed an embarrassing matter. If he is killed, Yuan Shi will definitely be very angry. If he is let go, Yuan Shi will know about it.

Hongyun: "Then what are you going to do?"

Tongtian chuckled: "I plan to accept him as a disciple. First, take him to Zixiao Palace to meet the master, and then come back after my second brother calms down!"

He looks like he is seeking death!
"Then can you come back? Your second brother is not allowed to beat you to death, and the eldest brother will not stop you." Hong Yun sighed, suppressed the excitement in her heart, and gave her final advice.

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