It is well known that Heaven is narrow-minded, and those with strong luck have fallen one by one. Will even Sanqing be targeted now?

"Master, then I..." Hong Yun was a little frightened. When it came to luck, he was not as good as Sanqing. When it came to rebellion, he was better than Tongtian.

Luo Hou rolled his eyes at Hongyun with disdain: "What are you afraid of it doing? Is there anything else he can do to you?"

"Even Sanqing can only make calculations. Whether it succeeds or not is not up to him!"

Luo Hou was still as usual, dismissive of the way of heaven. But this time, why does it seem like there is new news?

It doesn’t matter, who has the final say?

"Who has the final say?" Hongyun leaned over with a flattering look on his face and grabbed Luo Hou's arm to massage him.

Luo Hou had a look of enjoyment on his face. He was not at all helpless as Hongjun was when he was caught by Tongtian. He even moved to ask Hongyun to change his position and said, "Who else could it be? The one in the main hall!"

"Daozu can still..." Hongyun shut up decisively and did not say the next words.

Luo Hu cursed: "Look at your courage. You are still a saint. It is embarrassing to say that you are my disciple."

"Tiandao is bent on replenishing itself, so that there is no one or power in the world who can resist him. It and Hongjun are each other's guard of honor, so naturally they cannot move the Zixiao Palace, so the target is placed on Sanqing. In the future, it will probably be you. .

I asked Hongjun if he wanted to be a coward, and Hongjun said he wanted to be a coward. "

Hongyun carefully absorbed the meaning of Luo Hou's words. Hongjun no longer needed to join the way, but he still joined the way. Naturally, he will not let Tiandao be superior, so he plans to replace Tiandao, or completely suppress Tiandao.

"Master, if there is something that the disciple can do, the disciple will do his best." After Hongyun figured it out, he immediately expressed his loyalty and was willing to contribute his modest power to Hongjun's battle against Tiandao. Luo Hou snorted coldly: "Why didn't your master see you so active when he was fighting Hongjun?"

Hongyun was speechless: "What kind of cultivation did I have at that time? How could I have the ability to join in the fight between you two!"

Luo Hou rolled his eyes at him: He didn't interfere, but he might as well have, otherwise how could he be imprisoned here due to Hongjun's plot!

"Now that the disciple is a saint, he has some ability to help. If there is anything that the disciple can do, just give me your instructions!" Hongyun continued to massage Luo Hou in a flattering manner.

"I don't need your courtesy, just go and curry favor with Hongjun!" Luo Hou pushed Hongyun away and waved his hand in disgust.

That means Hongyun is needed and asked to ask Hongjun. Hongyun understood it and couldn't just leave like this yet.

He came back together again: "Master, Master! I have only one master like you, so of course I will listen to you. I will do whatever you ask me to do. I will go if you tell me to go. If you don't let me go, I don't care. who!"

Hongyun was also brave enough to learn Tongtian's obsessive virtue just now, and he became even better than his predecessor.

Even Luo Hou was a little uncomfortable with Hong Yun's glib manner.

After a moment, Luo Hou sneered: "Then my master will give you a task, please come here."

Hongyun obediently moved closer and heard Luo Hu say: "A fight between Hongjun and Tiandao will inevitably lead to losses for both sides. You go over and attack Hongjun while they are fighting. Then you will reap the benefits for your master. This prehistoric period is our master and disciple." It’s final!”

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