Hongyun stood up with a sigh of relief. Although he knew how to save face, he was embarrassed to let Tongtian know the reason. Otherwise, as a master, his image in front of his disciples would completely collapse.

Tongtian was even more curious: "Can you speak?"

"Yes" Hongyun opened his mouth
But when he wanted to say something unfair about Hongjun, he couldn't make a sound. Knowing Hongjun's terrifying strength, Hongyun stopped working in vain. He shook his head to Tongtian, indicating that he could not speak.

The two of them didn't dare to be so presumptuous anymore, they found a room and stayed there quietly.

Haotian Yaochi was ordered to go to the Heavenly Court to take charge as the Lord of the Heavenly Court, so he set out to take office while Hongyun and Tongtian were hiding.

This should have happened hundreds of years ago, but Hongjun suppressed it until now after Tiandao proposed it. Seeing that the calamity was about to begin, it was impossible to live without a master in heaven, so he ordered Haotian Yaochi to go with him.

Although there is no need to listen to the words of Heaven, the existence of Heaven can indeed better manage the three realms.

Nowadays, there is no one to control the creatures in the ancient world, and private fights and sieges are endless. If someone tries to become the overlord of the ancient world and provokes a war, tens of thousands of years of life will be ruined.

Hongyun and Tongtian lived in Zixiao Palace all the time. One battled wits and courage with his master, the other watched the fun and was occasionally implicated, and often sat together to discuss Taoism. Although I still get scolded and disliked more often, I have indeed benefited a lot and my mood is far better than before.

Finally, after hundreds of years, Tongtian finally remembered that there was still a crane in his sleeve that had been knocked unconscious, and he quickly released it.

The dying crane fell to the ground. Hongyun and Tongtian looked at each other and said, "Not dead yet."

"What should I do?" Tongtian was also at a loss.

The original plan was to release him when he arrived at Zixiao Palace and accept him as a disciple. He didn't have to worry about him snitching on him right away, and he could still make his second brother angry.

It's so good now, I almost died. "Aren't you going to accept a disciple? Just accept it!" Hongyun came up with an idea
Tongtian hesitated for a moment: "My second brother died for him, so there's no point in me accepting him as my disciple!"

Hongyun looked at him like a scumbag: "You made it like this and now you don't care?"

"Even if it returns to Kunlun Mountain, your second brother won't want it. It had a great future, but it was ruined by you, and you're not responsible?"

Tongtian was stunned for a moment. Although he didn't know where the something wrong in his heart came from, he really felt a trace of guilt.

"But if I accept him as my disciple... OK, OK, just accept him!" Tongtian hesitated for a moment. After all, he was not short of a disciple. He was also a treasure trove anyway.

Hongyun saw that Tongtian was not happy with the crane now, so he simply thought of another way: "Haotian Yaochi has gone to heaven, and there is no boy in Zixiao Palace. Why don't you accept it as a disciple, and he has the title of master and disciple?" , let him stay in Zixiao Palace to serve Dao Ancestor. Not only did he give him a good fortune, but he also fulfilled his filial piety for you."

"It works!" Tongtian nodded and cast a spell to enlighten the crane.

He also took out a pill refined by me and sent it into the mouth of the crane through the air.

The crane transformed into a young man, with a delicate appearance and a face as white as jade. There were also a few feathers in his hair, showing his original appearance.

"Meet the two saints." The young man knelt on the ground with a confused look on his face. Apparently he didn't know that he had been in Tongtian's sleeves for hundreds of years.

Tongtian shook his sleeves with one hand behind his back: "Are you willing to become my teacher and my disciple of the Supreme Purity?"

The young man hesitated for a moment: "But Saint Yuqing has already been ordered to let his disciples transform and serve him by his side!"

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